Sahara Desert Born Suddenly
Only 4,000 Years Ago
By Dr. David Whitehouse
BBC News Online Science Editor
Using a new computer simulation of the Earth's climate German scientists say that the Sahara underwent a brutal climate change about 4,000 years ago. Over three hundred years the climate altered severely.
Ten thousand years ago the Sahara, the largest desert in the world, was covered by grass and low shrubs.
But then summer temperatures increased and rainfall almost ceased. The change devastated many ancient cultures and caused those that did survive to migrate elsewhere.
According to the researchers another, less severe, change occurred between 6,700 and 5,000 years ago.
Scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research say that the desertification of the Sahara was one of the most dramatic changes in climate over the past 11,000 years.
The loss of agricultural land to the desert may have been one of the reasons why early civilisations developed along the valleys of the Nile, the Tigris and the Euphrates.
Slight climate alterations caused by subtle changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun were amplified by a climatic feedback mechanism.
Some 9,000 years ago the tilt of the Earth's axis was 24.14 degrees, today it is 23.45 degrees. Today the Earth is closest to the Sun in January. Nine thousand years ago the closest to the Sun occurred at the end of July.
The changes in the tilt of the Earth occur gradually however the interplay of atmosphere, ocean and landmass can react to these changes in abrupt and severe ways.
The climate model suggests that land use by man was not an important factor in the creation of the Sahara.