Chemtrails Over America
Report #2

(Note - We received the following chemtrail 'report' with a request that the author's name be kept aside. We cannot validate or verify the data and claims that follow. Comments are welcome. -ed)

We will talk about four active projects ongoing in the atmosphere across America now.

The first project is an effort to block the rays of the sun from hitting the earth including the ultra violet radiation that will come through without an adequate layer of ozone in the upper regions above the earth. This, it is hoped, will lower temperature on the surface of the earth and block ultra violet radiation from causing skin cancer in humans. The aerosol is probably aluminum oxide or a compound that would have similar properties.

The second and most secretive project is the United States Navy's, RFMP, Radio Frequency Mission Planner, military program. The RFMP is the system name given to a group of computer programs and one of the supporting, subprograms within the RFMP system is called the VTRPE computer program. VTRPE is an acronym that stands for Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation, It is a computer Radio Frequency propagation program that deals with radio waves and enables the RFMP system to visually see the battlefield terrain in 3 dimensions (3-D) on a television screen. The RFMP system also depends on satellites to feed their images of the battlefield into the RFMP system to be combined with the battlefield picture painted from the ground thus producing 3-D images.

By providing an extremely interactive and visual (television type radar screens) environment, the Radio Frequency Mission Planner, RFMP system allows the computer operator to develop familiarity with the "Radio Frequency" environment before a battlefield war mission occurs by playing a variety of "what-if" virtual warfare scenarios on his computer screen. Since all major modes of Radio Frequency propagation are modeled in his computer, (RFMP system), special, sometimes counter- intuitive, cases can be examined in detail and exploited during a warfare battle mission.

The VTRPE computer program only worked accurately over water and along coastal areas but not over land masses because the system's radar waves required an atmospheric condition known as "ducting", over land, to operate accurately.

The government and military solved the "ducting" problem by releasing an aerosol, a mixture of barium salts into the atmosphere over America. They made an atmospheric RF duct with a base of barium aerosol from aircraft. The chemical and electrical characterics of the mixture will cause water moisture to stay in clouds. Again, the aerosol sets up an electrical and chemical environment that supports RF ducting for the RFMP / VTRPE warfare system. Fibers with barium may support ducting. The mixture of barium salt aerosol when sprayed in a straight line will also provide a ducting path from point A to point B and will enable high frequency communications along that path, even over the curvature of the earth, in both directions. Enemy high frequency communications can be monitored easier with the straight line A to B ducting medium.

Barium salt chemtrails were used to support the Navy's Radio Frequency Mission Planner over Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

The third project also utilizes the mixture of barium salts in the atmosphere. Weather control is a project of the U.S. Air Force and utilizes Nikola Tesla concepts of radio frequency radiation (HAARP) against the ionosphere above the earth and control the jet stream. Fragile life support systems in our environment are being manipulated, tested and altered by government for military advantage. Air Force documents implied, "the risks are high but the rewards are worth it." The mixture of barium salts, supporting moisture, is encouraged along the weather fronts and manipulated in a control fashion. It is believed microwave energy is also utilized in the weather control program. Weather data is also a required input to the VTRPE program of the RFMP system.

In the broadest sense, weather- control can be divided into two major categories: suppression and intensification of weather patterns. In extreme cases, it might involve the creation of completely new weather patterns, attenuation or control of severe storms, or even alteration of global climate on a far-reaching and/or long-lasting scale. In the mildest and least controversial cases it may consist of inducing or suppressing precipitation, clouds, or fog for short times over a region. Other low-intensity applications might include the alteration and/or use of near space as a medium to enhance communications, disrupt active or passive sensing, or other purposes. The primary areas include generation and dissipation of precipitation, clouds, and fog; modification of localized storm systems; and the use of the ionosphere and near space for space control and communications domnance.

Perfected weather control technology will enable a military to withhold rain, cause floods, cause drought, cause storms, withhold sunshine, damage food crops, and bring any country to its knees without firing a shot.

The fourth project in the atmosphere is the DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, biological detection and decontamination programs. The program also utilizes the mixture of barium salts as the base vehicle in aerosol along with special polymer fibers in the atmosphere. They have released biologicals into the atmosphere in trials, testing the detection and decontamination systems. BCTP oily - water liquid aerosol is considered a biological decontaminate.

It is believed that barium salt, polymer fibers and other chemicals, in the atmosphere are the physical irritants that are either directly or indirectly responsible, for the recent nationwide epidemic increase in cases of nose bleed, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, upper respiratory symptoms and a noticeable increase in arthritis symptoms, recently reported nationwide. Chemicals illegally sprayed into the atmosphere are producing atmospheric and ground conditions detrimental to human and animal health but favorable to the growth of harmful molds and fungus. These conditions are not conducive to good health. The soluble salts of barium, an earth metal, are toxic in mammalian systems. They are absorbed rapidly from the gastrointestinal tract and are deposited in the muscles, lungs, and bone. No case data is available from the medical community on the long term effects of barium in the human body.

The programs are secret because the Federal EPA and State Environmental Quality Agencies need to "not know" about what the by-products of the metabolites of biological, illegal and harmful agents are. It is for that reason the project has been declared secret from the citizens. It's all illegal under federal and state laws. _____



From (anonymity requested)

A comprehensive report with absolutely no documentation, referenceable research, etc. The first few sentences in this "report", as well as the weather modification factors, are about the only thing here that has any bearing to Chemtrails in it. The rest is "fabric weaving", and putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 22 instead of 4, i.e., "kitchen sink" research.

The barium levels that are alleged to be "out there" are not. We'd all be dead from hemorrhaging lungs, eyes, noses, skin, bleeding to death if the barium levels were as high as some of these chemtrail researchers claim. They obviously, truly, have not looked into the effects of barium, in the levels they assert, on the human body and/or animals, plants, etc.

There are no registrations for "high" atmospheric barium in any scientific testing; every environmental biologist would be screaming it all over their scientific journals...and no mention anywhere; no meterologic mention given either. Strange.

Apparently, only people who test barium levels off their back porch, or off the internet, know about this high atmospheric barium phenomenon. I haven't seen it reported anywhere in any professional scientific journals. And if they have, where's the documentation listing their sources?



From Diane Harvey

Dear Jeff -

The following article is appearing today in the Spotlight. It is the result of a great deal of time and energy spent in research by a few highly dedicated people who wish, understandably, to remain anonymous. It is hoped that those who read this refuse to be intimidated by the technological nature of this report. Those who have been involved in this ongoing story know full well by now that all the technology which is associated with the appearance of chemtrails in our skies is extremely sophisticated. It is up to all of us who care enough about secret government projects to learn as much as we can about these matters, even if we feel ourselves poorly equipped to do so. I urge everyone concerned about the proliferation of ongoing secret projects in our atmosphere, to take the time to become acquainted with the information offered in this document, and to continue to pursue understanding.

And thank you especially Jeff, for your continuing support of all who have been working to wrest information from those who insist that we remain ignorant techno-peasants.

Diane Harvey


From Lori Kramer

Thank you for sharing the Chemtrails Over America report. We appreciate you and your audience so much. This continues to be a very serious issue for all of us.

I'd like to address the barium comment mentioned in a update reply you ran.

The questioner mentions the affects on the body when exposed to toxically high levels of the element. It would result in some pretty serious health problems.

I find it to be of absolutely no coincidence that I have read literally hundreds of reports of people in the US alone (this is a global problem) who are suffering from nose bleeds, many severe, and have been for 3 years. This is in addition to the multitude of other ill health effects that have been reported associated with these spraying operations, by thousands of people across the country.

Despite what the questioner claims, we "chemtrail researchers" have spent a great deal of time looking into the worrisome presense of barium in our atmosphere. Every environmental biologist SHOULD be screaming all over their journals. I find it strange that they aren't, as well. I would refer the questioner to Clifford Carnicom's website and review the Barium Deduction. Of course, as Clifford states "The need for chemical review of the properties and reactions of barium titanate remains." We invite the questioner to contact Clifford and they can compare notes.

We are also aware of the weather modification factor. The questioner seems to brush that one away like the irritating whisp from a nearby smoker. I daily ponder the wisdom of trying to manipulate such crucial functions of a planet without fully understanding the consequences. I also don't want my weather being used as a weapon without my consent. I suggest the questioner type in "own the weather by 2025" in any major search engine and see what pops up.

Although there may not be an accompanying reference list supporting the document's statement, this report has a great many pieces of the more than one puzzle, which is known as the chemtrail issue. The statements are absolutely verifiable, in my opinion. Most of what it contains has been researched and discussed on chemtrail boards and in groups of people gathering to oppose them. We know whereof we speak. We have done the homework. These are just the pieces coming together, and it's about time.

I urge your audience to demand response and accountability regarding the chemtrails. WE have the right to know what is over our heads, on our skin, and in our lungs. Especially if we are paying for it.

Lorie Kramer
Chemtrail Tracking USA



From Jerry Kirkegaard

I believe this article is completely devoid of any thing except BS. It is not even good disinformation. When this sorry a.. government which is destroying this once great country keeps silent, it is not good news for TRUE AMERICANS! (CULLING)?



From Greg McGuigan


Since I have been observing the Chemtrail activities around the Denver, Colorado area for approximately one year, I have witnessed at least two different kinds of activity. I have wondered about them. Like the article, I therorized that they were trying different things.

Sometimes the low flying airplanes, always unmarked, would do the criss- crossing patterns. Other occassions, I would see fewer planes, higher altitudes, and less trails. The planes were still unmistakenly spraying things but the spray would not linger but would seemingly dissipate much quicker and leave only a light mist like vapor.

I was also puzzled about why the planes would sometimes deliberately create x's in the sky while at other times do no such thing. All in all, I think that there "may" be truth to the report. It is the first time I have seen anyone give an explanation for the very real different activites that I have observed.

I have digital photos from my office window in downtown Denver if interested. Most of the time these craft hang around for two to three hours, laying trails for what would appear to be weather modification. Our winter was the cloudiest it has been for at least the last twenty years.

Many people have commented on the coldness here as well. If the report is correct, it would also explain the sudden rise in energy costs as demand has skyrocketed for heating fuels.

Many thanks for the website. Keep up the good work!



From Valued Customer

Ionospheric Research

Understanding the electrodynamics of the upper atmosphere, particularly in polar regions, has implications for electric power generation, mitigation of geomagnetic storm effects, and estimating satellite drag. It may someday be possible to tap some of the immense electric power flowing in ionospheric currents during geomagnetic storms. Ionospheric heating using high power (such as OTH) radar is a convenient way to study the upper atmosphere s response to known energy input. Researchers have also proposed studying auroral fine structure and the dynamics of artifical barium clouds with the OTH-B radar.

Atmospheric Superconducting Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide?

Barium Affirmed By Spectroscope

Toxicity Summary For Barium

Navy Ionospheric Research (HAARP)



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