TWA800 Missile Eyewitness/Military
Activity Evidence Grows
From Ian Goddard

The Ultra-High IQ society, The Mega Foundation, features Part III of a series on the crash of TWA Flight 800, which occurred five years ago, July 17, 1996.
Part III presents multiple sightings of missile-like phenomena off Long Island over time and new evidence of military activity offshore below the crash. Perhaps most important is a review of previous air-crash investigations where officials made probable-cause determinations based on eyewitness testimony alone, even when it was not supported by physical evidence.
Unlike the Flight 800 crash, these other air-crash investigations made no effort to discredit witnesses. One NTSB crash report even indicates a standard that "at least two witnesses" are the minimum requirement for witness testimony to carry the weight of evidence. Yet in the special case of the Flight 800 crash, the rules were changed and witness testimony was redefined as inherently "not evidence" regardless of the number of corroborating witness accounts.
Part III presents the single largest one-webpage database of FBI witness reports suggesting a missile launch and/or military activity near Flight 800:



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