Rumsfeld Offers To Scrap
MX Missiles Two Years Early
From Joel Skousen
c. 2001 World Affairs Brief

In a move that promises to shift the US window of vulnerability to a Russian nuclear strike two years earlier, the Bush administration, led by Sec. of Defense Donald Rumsfield, is offering to do what Bill Clinton could never get away with--dismantle our premiere nuclear missile system, the MX "Peacekeeper," next year, instead of by the end of 2003. The MX is a crucial factor in the balance of nuclear deterrence for several reasons and should not be dismantled. First, it is our only missile armed with 10 MIRVed warheads, each capable of hitting and destroying hardened Russian and Chinese targets. Second, it is our most modern and accurate missile. Third, even though only 50 MX missiles exists, with 10 warheads on each missile that s a loss of 1500 potential targets--a huge loss in deterrence capability. Fourth, with PDD-60 (orders to our missileers NOT to launch on warning and absorb an enemy "first strike") still governing our military s nuclear response, the loss of all 50 MX missiles frees up at least 250 Russian warheads to target other US facilities. This is because the Russians would have to blanket a hardened MX silo with at least 5 ground burst weapons in order to ensure a kill.
This unilateral move comes at a time when Russian strongman Vladimir Putin is not only NOT disarming but is building and deploying 3 of the new SS-27 (Topol-M) ICBMs per quarter. (There could be more being produced in underground factories.) Putin is openly threatening to place 3 warheads on this new 6th generation ICBM (rumored to possess ABM jamming capabilities and maneuvering warheads), even though the START II treaty only allows Russia one warhead per missile. In fact, Putin s threat is disinformation for the media. Both he and US intelligence know that Russia has already begun mounting multiple warheads on the Topols as of last year. An SS-27 missile test with multiple warhead separation has even been recorded by space based sensors.
What is also little known is that President Clinton already offered Russia the 3-warhead option as part of his deal to gain Russia s permission to build an ABM system--as if we needed Russia s permission to defend ourselves. What was particularly egregious was Clinton s reasoning. He said his offer was to assure Russia that they would have sufficient nuclear power to overwhelm the puny 100 missile interceptor system being planned at the time. Here is an American president supposedly building an Anti-Ballistic Missile system to protect the American people and then offering to make an agreement with our largest potential nuclear enemy to render the system ineffective! Thus, it was entirely predictable that Putin s defense minister would openly deride the US ABM system by saying exactly that--that by mounting 3 warheads on Russia s planned 500 SS-27s, Russia could overwhelm the US defense system. As if that weren t enough, Russian defense ministry spokesmen announced, after a test launch of an SS-19 ICBM this week, that Russia may not dismantle the SS-19s after all, in spite of prior promises to do so. This is not surprising since Russia is and has been in violation of virtually every single disarmament agreement signed. Strangely, the US not only never protests these violations, but insists on abiding by the agreements itself unilaterally.
As I have said before in prior Briefs, our leaders aren t simply stupid, naive, or even suicidal. These tactics of covering for Russian violations and war preparations indicate that US globalist leaders have some sort of ulterior motives not in accord with US sovereign interests. These motives are instead tied to global intentions of undermining US sovereignty and military might. What better way to do that than create the conditions of US vulnerability whereby Russia is induced to finally destroy the one obstacle in Communism s long dream of world hegemony--the US military?
Ironically, as Russia and China build for a two-ocean war of supremacy against the US, Sec. of Defense Rumsfield recently announced to Congress that as a matter of US military policy and strategy, the US will no longer prepare to wage two major wars simultaneously. This is a tacit admission that the Bush campaign pledge to rebuild the American military does not involve a strategy for preparing against the greatest real threats--Russia and China. Rumsfield s stated intention of allocating almost the entire $8 billion in defense budget increases towards pay and amenities for service men is indicative that the Bush administration s spending will not be sufficient or timely enough to protect us during this hastening window of vulnerability. All ammunition and strategic missile stocks have yet to be replenished from the Serbia campaign. Worse, none of the major US defense systems nor advanced weapon systems are expected to reach deployment till the 2006-2010 time frame. Therefore, the US will be open for maximum exposure to attack from 2002 to 2006. I m issuing a major warning to my subscribers to not delay any preparations for implementing a high security shelter within your home or retreat. If the Bush administration implements Rumsfield s drastic proposal for the early elimination of the MX, our nation s window of vulnerability will move forward two years and you must not delay making substantive preparations for future war. [See my website listed above for details on how to proceed.]
WORLD AFFAIRS BRIEF June 29, 2001 Copyright Joel Skousen Quotations permitted with attribution Cite source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief Website:


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