Lockheed Martin Wins JSF Derby
- Biggest Contract In DoD History

Lockheed Martin Corp. was the big winner in the Joint Strike Fighter derby Friday as the Pentagon awarded it the largest contract ever in military history. Lockheed beat out Boeing Co. for the deal
The deal could mean as many as 3,000 planes for the U.S. Air Force, Navy, Marines and the United Kingdom under a $200 billion contract. International sales could double that number to $400 billion over the program's life, which could be decades.
The amount actually awarded Friday was for an initial $20 billion to develop the plane further. If the program goes through to full production for the Pentagon, it could become a $200 billion program. The $200 billion for international sales is a rough estimate, analysts say. Read more. ___
From max blake
Lockheed Martin has been awarded a $400 billion contract from the U.S. Military. It should be noted that the CEO of the Carlyle Management Group, Edward Ewing, was once the vice president of Lockheed. The Carlyle group's board members include George Bush, father of our president. Bin Laden's family are investors.....


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