Hillary Jeered At The Garden
From The Boston Herald

For a month now we've refrained from taking childish, if not infantile, if not downright cheap and totally unfair shots at Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton - self-proclaimed virtuecrat and humanitarian, most meritorious of the meritocracy, smartest of the smart set, chief priestess of right-thinking, diversity-university, holier-than-thou know-it-alls who surely know that it takes a village and if you don't know it too you are, simply, a knuckle-dragging member of the vast right-wing conspiracy of dunces.
We've refrained, as I said. But we can keep silent no more.
Saturday night, Madison Square Garden. The Heroes of New York spot the ubiquitous pantsuit. They recoil. Like spontaneous generation, like The Wave rolling through Fenway, the boos come to life and crescendo to full throttle, all but drowning her out. ``Thank you. Thank you for being here tonight,'' says Hillary, onstage at ``The Concert for New York.'' Eight words into her greeting, she's shouting to be heard. ``Thank you for supporting New York.'' She's practically bellowing.
``Get off the stage!'' jeers a cop a few feet away.
``Thank you for your generosity.'' She's screeching.
``We don't want you here!!!'' the cop screeches back.
``On behalf of all the people who are going to need help for a very long time . . .''
And the ``anti-Clinton slurs spread and intensif(y) throughout the Garden, with many standing near the stage lobbing profanities.'' We're quoting The Drudge Report here, pardon me. But these are desperate times.
``Please join me in welcoming . . .'' And Hillary goes on bellowing but smiles as if nothing's wrong, as if she were not being pummeled by the very people we and she have canonized since Sept. 11 - New York City police and firefighters and survivors of the World Trade Center tragedy - as if she were not utterly humiliated and ready to pulverize whoever got her into this nightmare. Oh my, my, my. What a deeply satisfying moment it was.
``It's visceral for me,'' an equally thrilled fellow Hillary-hater Kevin Barry said yesterday. ``Who's she to get up on the stage?'' Who, indeed?
And who better to tell her than The Heroes, the real, regular people who apparently can't stomach her fawning phoniness anymore.
Yet according to Drudge again (sorry), a Hillary confidante labeled these same heroes as ``cops and firemen who listen to right-wing talk radio. They still think she killed Vince Foster!''
In other words, heroes when it suits her; knuckle-dragging vast right-wing conspirators when it doesn't.
In case you missed the others, this is the third post-9/11 faux pas for the first feminist who would, heaven help us, be our first female president.
Last week, a black van carrying Hillary and driven by a Secret Service agent blasted through security at a Westchester County airport, injuring a policeman who tried to stop it. First he shouted at them to stop. Then he banged on the van. ``I didn't know if we had a terrorist,'' said vigilant officer Ernest Dymond, who was briefly hospitalized. ``Once I found out who he was, I was even more agitated that he, of all people, should have known.''
Hillary was on her way to a private airplane at the time.
Then there was her petulant performance during President Bush's speech to Congress a month ago. He's talking courage, endurance, patience, love. She's grimacing, rolling her eyes, chatting away, clapping stingily, as if it hurt.
He's reassuring a shattered nation. ``The state of the union is strong.'' She looks, this newspaper said, like she's ``sucking on a lemon.''
Of course, we could cut Hillary some slack here. We could point out, for example, that many of the Heroes of New York overimbibed Saturday. We could. But we won't.
For if there's one bright side to our current horror, it's that we're drawn to what's better among us, what's higher, grander, truer and soul-enlarging - not what's prunish, greedy, grasping, cold-blooded, calculated and completely full of it. Like her.


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