The War On Terrorism -
The War On Ourselves
By Jeremy Lynes

I'll agree with one official statement regarding the war on terrorism, is will be a long, protracted fight.
We will be fighting an enemy we have never faced before. Ourselves.
Presently, we have barely begun to examine why we were attacked, though others in the world are quick to point it out. Human nature being what it is, we will avoid this task as long as possible, until it becomes obvious that only a thorough examination of the causes will end this war.
Presently, we are in the throes of revenge, anger, hate, and a host of other emotions that will impede our rational faculties. We say we were attacked because we are hated and envied for our wealth and freedom. Oddly, the number one suspect is a multi-millionaire. And countries with a higher per capita income and equal or greater freedoms do not fear attack. I think it safe to say this is not why we were attacked. It is a canard whose purpose is to hold at bay any true examinations of the problem and to gain emotional support for more lead way in government action.
The answer to why we were attacked is at once both simple and complicated. It is the result of political system as difficult to profile as the melting pot population of this country. Yet it is as simple as understanding the fact that no one suffers an injustice forever.
Many readers will swell with anger at the idea of America having a role in the cause of this attack. But without objective examination, we will not enable ourselves to control our own destiny. We will be at the mercy of our unguided emotions and victims of those who control our foreign policy for special interests; not the interests of our nation as a whole.
Information, facts and reason and a return to the founding, constitutional principals of this country will cure us of misplaced trusts in the media and our government's foreign policy. But it is a Herculean task. From toddlers on we are indoctrinated into the team spirit that prohibits self-examination of the game. Noam Chomsky and the rest of the greasers who cut the prep rallies are to be shunned for their gauche social introspection. Winning is the only thing. And it is measured only in terms of today's score. Victors need not concern themselves with repercussions from a vanquished enemy.
Then the rules changed.
Now we are fighting an enemy that will not take no for an answer. These zealots who want to dictate our foreign policy are not willing to stand in line to give millions of dollars to our politicians for their special interests. And there will be no signing of a treaty to end this war. We personify the enemy as a band of fanatics intent on destroying us, as indeed they are, but they will be replaced if the reasons for their attacks are not rooted out as thoroughly as the perpetrators. Most disturbing to us are those characteristics we cannot identify with. A strong, if not perverted, belief in an afterlife makes for a dangerous adversary. This is all the more reason to realize the true path to peace, even if that means seeing our own naked selves in the process. Honesty can seem intolerable at times, but we cannot afford to avert our attention from the truth. Our country is at stake.
We have a long history of behavior that has led to foreign policy blunders. Fact of the matter is, for all our talk, we don 't much care for free markets if we can 't hedgemony our bets. This is only a facet of the many reasons for foreign policy problems, but it is a major one. Whether it is bananas, sugar, rubber, drugs or oil, we like to make sure we have a steady supply at a good price. USMC General Smedley Butler's 30 year career leading campaigns around the world was portrayed in his autobiography titled "War is a Racket" in which he told how in the end he realized the fight was not for democracy but for Wall Street and the banks. Things have not changed in the seventy some years since he retired. The Cold War reinvigorated our imperialistic drive. Either covertly or publicly we have become the control freak of the world. Do we do more harm than good? Does the end justify the means?
What kind of people do we want to be? We have left a wake of innocents beyond the pale. What kind of pragmatic argument can be made for 250,000 civilians during the Gulf war, where we committed war crimes by targeting social infrastructures irrelevant to the task of liberating the monarchy of Kuwait: an oxymoronic, fool's errand that belied the financial reasons for the war.
Many prefer to cast off such declarations as the rave of a misinformed misfit. But a little research beyond the mainstream will lead to the reputable facts regarding this and other atrocities that seldom appear in the more popular media and provide us a proper mirror with which to view our actions. As my ole drill instructor used to say, "If the shoe fits, wear it."
Our intervention in Iraq, like our dealings with Bin Laden and other former operatives, is one of many examples of a repeating pattern. We go in for an immediate and temporary fix, with or without installing a puppet, and after a political shift; either we or the indigenous victims have to rectify the problem with the resulting carnage. Marcos, Suharto, Ho Chi Min, Pinochet, Noriega, Idi Amin, Baby Doc, the Shah of Iran; the list is extensive. The innocent victims are innumerable.
But there is a twist. Our fear of being denied a natural resource has led to such a Machiavellian mess that we are now truly in danger of losing access to resources. Military might will not win this war without annihilating every last potential enemy or by killing our country by turning it into a police state. Being a good neighbor in a world that is a neighborhood of nations is the only way to secure a peaceful and prosperous world.
Our money is as good as anyone else's is in this world. Moslem, Jew, Christian and otherwise, everybody likes to do business. We can argue for intervention in the name of national security, but after September 11th, one can make a better argument against it.
More importantly, the taking of an innocent life that results from behavior that should have been checked long ago is not an act for which one can proudly wave the flag. We'll now go into Pakistan and other places and we will do what we will do. But if we do not soon examine the cause of blowback, we and others will suffer more losses of life and property. Moral considerations, previously excluded in many foreign policy decisions, have suddenly become very practical.
Jingoistic, blind support of our country's actions never really was patriotic. Now it's just plain dangerous so long as it diverts us from facing our own responsibility for our situation. We are self-sovereign Americans, not subjects of a state or another sovereign. This is what made us great and is now our path to maintain that greatness. We cannot leave this nation's destiny in the hands of special interests, regardless of any short-term financial gain we may incur, for we will surely learn there is always a price. George Washington said it succinctly, "Beware foreign entanglements."
I often heard that with freedom comes responsibility. I must admit I never quite understood this. Seems like freedom should be free, no strings attached. But now I think I see how this might work. It may be that a live and let live policy is proactive. We have a responsibility of making sure our nation lives and lets live. It is a practical and moral choice.
This tragic event can give us the impetus needed to take a good look at our actions without the rhetoric of mainstream media and government. Only by examining why we were attacked will we be safe in the future.
From Donnie Marlo Otto
In response to article named "War on Terroism - War on Ourselves!"
I absolutely agree with every word in your article titled "The War On Terrorism -The War On Ourselves" posted at Finally someone with brains!
Not that there hasn't been some other good articles previously but compared to what the mainstream media puppets for Corporate America are saying.
I've always said we cannot allow Corporate America run government. I've worked many years for large corporations and they usually treat their employee's like a number and are quick show you their big stick and threaten you with discipline when you disagree with their policies.
Corporations are just a microcosm of the now governmental macrocosm. This must change!
It really is no longer capitalism what we have now, I call it CORPORATISM!
Although if you look up the word capitalism in the dictionary you'll find that it's actually an ugly and evil thing. Basically It means to take advantage of some one whom is at a disadvantage. Whom do you think that would be? Like the weak, the elderly, the poor, the uninformed, the uneducated, and so on! Kick them when their down, and a sucker is born everyday, sort of philosophy. This is nothing but Bovine Scatology!
Some of my friends say i'm a minority in my thinking, but that's ok. Most people are just sheeple anyway and I don't care to follow them. My father always said to me, "Don't be like a sheep! If one jumps of the cliff they all will follow!" Which is exactly what I see happening, or at least that's what the power brokers and their oil soaked media puppets want us to believe! I personally would rather be like a goat and help bump their asses off their high perch!
The media has people believing that if you are not for their war then you are un-patriotic or un-American. a friend of mine said that if you don't like America you should leave. Some even say you should be prosecuted for treason for not wanting war. This has nothing to do with loving America, you can love America and still dislike the policy makers policies! And it is not un-patriotic to want to affect change. It is our constitutional right to speak out and to vote for change.
I say, a TRUE PATRIOT is one whom would rather find the root causes and those that supported these insane policies that got us into this hell, and prosecute them! Those that would rather turn a blind eye to what's been going on over the last fifty years, and just use the big stick on those that get in our way are the true un-PATRIOTIC, un-American! Those that seek to change our "Bill of Rights" or our "U.S. Constitution" are traitors and should be prosecuted for treason or expelled from this great country!
Our philosophers and physiologists have long told us... "You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar!" But our leaders still don't get it! They would rather pack a big smart bomb and exterminate or nuke there opposition.
The bible says, "Blessed are the Peacemakers!"
I say, If you are not a peacemaker then you are a warmonger!
Thanks for helping me know that I am right in my thinking!
Donnie Marlo Otto / OttoBoys

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