Arafat - Psychopathic Killer
Doing It For The Money
By Michael Shore

Just about one year ago, during the course of the Peace process, where Yasser Arafat was getting almost everything he negotiated for to form a Palestinian state, Arafat unexpectedly and without any warning or reason did something only an insane person would do. He started the intifada killing spree that has killed and wounded thousands of Israelis and Palestinians. The Palestinian people are being led down the road to death, destruction and poverty by their dictator, terrorist leader Yasser Arafat. Do you think the majority of Palestinians want to live under these current horrific conditions?
Yasser Arafat is a criminal psychopathic killer, a thief who stole most of the money that was given to the Palestinian Authority by the USA, Europe, Japan and Arab nations. He and his corrupted political cronies stole millions and millions of dollars that were designated to help build a state for the Palestinian people.
This is the real reason he started the Intifada--to divert attention away from this abominable crime and theft of millions and millions of dollars from his own people. Arafat can now blame Israel for the poverty and suffering that his theft has caused. If the nations that gave many millions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority simply requested an audit of the Palestinian Authority's books, this truth would be revealed and then things may change so Peace can become a real possibility and the killing and suffering of Palestinians and Jews can hopefully stop. To show the truth in this, the Arab nations recently raised over two hundred and forty million dollars {$240,000,000} for the Palestinian cause.
Arafat has no scruples. The Palestinian people can die and live in poverty as long as Arafat can steal money and enrich himself and continue his hideous agenda of attempting to commit genocide on the Jews. Arafat has no compassion for human life. He lies all the time and rarely if ever upholds any of his agreements. He'll even use little Palestinian children and put them in life-threatening situations and watch them die in order to get "good" press for his cause and financial benefit.
With his inciteful propaganda machine, the sick psychopathic killer, Yasser Arafat has setup an organization within the Palestinian territory to recruit young, poor, mentally-retarded or suicidal young men to blow themselves up and kill Jews. Arafat's propaganda machine is so effective, and the daily brainwashing so powerful, that there is a long line of hundreds of of foolish, young, poor, Palestinian men who will blow themselves up and kill Jews. Plus Arafat pays the families of suicide bombers thousands of dollars for committing the act.
And World leaders continue to deal with and give credibility to this very sick, weird and strange leader Yasser Arafat. It's like some kind of perverted joke that Arafat was given the Nobel Peace Prize, which should be nullified in this insane situation.
It should be noted that the sons of rich Palestinians or sons of high-level Palestinian military or political officials are not blowing themselves up and becoming "martyrs" for the so-called Palestinian cause. Only poor mentally-retarded or suicidal young Palestinian men are being recruited and sacrificed for Arafat's devious purposes.
The media in the Palestinian Authority has never put out a continuous message for the Palestinian people to live in Peace with Israel. During the entire Peace process that began in 1993, Arafat never once led a major Peace rally in the Palestinian territory where he rallied his people together and made speeches encouraging the Palestinian people to live in Peace with Israelis. The Palestinian T.V.,radio and newspapers have continuously incited the Palestinian people to kill Jews.
There is no democracy or freedom in the Palestinian Authority. Arafat is a dictator. There is no freedom of speech,no freedom of the press,no freedom to have free demonstrations against Arafat's actions. Palestinians live in fear of Arafat. If a Palestinian journalist or anyone speaks out against Arafat, they will either go to jail or be killed.
Since most of the money was stolen from the Palestinian Authority by Arafat, there is no money to build schools, roads, electrical power plants, independent water facilities and everything else you need for an infrastructure of a state. There is no money to build an economy and create jobs for the Palestinian people in a Palestinian state. There must be some brave, educated Palestinian men and women in the World who see the truth about what's going on with Arafat and desire a new leader, a leader who is dedicated to bring Peace, prosperity and a democratic government to the Palestinian people. The World needs to hear from you now!
Arafat needs to be immediately sent to the Hague or Belgium court and put on trial for crimes against humanity. All of his perverse crimes will come out at his trial. He incites Palistinians and other Arabs to kill and commit genocide to the Jews. If God forbid, Arafat had the military power, he would massacre all the Jews in Israel. Can't people see that this man is a sick psychopathic killer who is seriously addicted to money and power just like Hitler was? He needs major psychiatric care just like any other psychopathic killer needs. Arafat has committed or has been responsible for so much killing of Jews during his lifetime that he would have already been taken out of society by the judicial process in a civilian court a long time ago.
Enough is enough is enough already! Please, some World leader, religious leader or someone recognize that the actions of Yasser Arafat are the acts of a very mentally sick, deranged, psychopathic killer and get this man into a psychiatric ward so he can possibly be treated for his emotional and mental illnesses.

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