Historians File Suit To Quash
Bush Executive Order

(AFP) - A group of historians and citizens' groups filed suit here in a bid to quash an executive order by President George W. Bush, which they charge severely restricts access to presidential records.
The executive order -- signed on November 1 -- reinterprets the 1978 Presidential Records Act, adopted after the Watergate scandal and former president Richard Nixon's subsequent crusade to keep his White House records and tapes under wraps.
While the act provided for presidential records to be made available to the public 12 years after a president leaves office, the new decree gives the White House or former presidents veto powers on the release of such documents.
The parties to Wednesday's lawsuit -- the American Historical Association, the National Security Archive at George Washington University, the Organization of American Historians, Public Citizen, the Reporters' Committee for Freedom of the Press and history professors Hugh Graham and Stanley Kutler -- charge that Bush's decree tries to "take the power back" from the people.
"The Presidential Records Act of 1978 was meant to shift power over White House documents from former presidents to professional government archivists and, ultimately, to the public," National Security Archive director Thomas Blanton said in a statement.
"But the Bush order attempts to overturn the law, take the power back, and let presidents past and present delay public access indefinitely."
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