Net Porn Seen By
Nine Out Of Ten Children
By Martin Bentham
Social Affairs Correspondent
The Telegraph - London

Nine out of 10 children aged between eight and 16 have viewed pornography on the internet, according to research to be published tomorrow.
The research, by academics at the London School of Economics, also found that about half of those in the age group had been approached by strangers in "chatrooms", sometimes with a view to an under-age relationship.
In most cases, the sex sites were accessed unintentionally when a child, often in the process of doing homework, used a seemingly innocent sounding word to search for information or pictures.
Among the examples uncovered was an incident in which an 11-year-old girl was trying to find photographs of Adolf Hitler for a school project. She logged into a website labelled "Adolf Hitler pictures", but found herself faced with child pornography on a site carrying the rubric "gaysexfreepics".
In another case, two brothers, aged 10 and 12, found homosexual images instead of the pictures of the pop band Boyzone that they were seeking.
Further cases involved a family with an eight-year-old boy and a girl of 10, in which the elder child found pictures of topless women after attempting to log on to a website about the Spice Girls.
A 13-year-old girl researching the White House found herself looking at a porn magazine site, while a 15-year-old girl researching "money" found a prostitution website.
Sonia Livingstone, a professor of social pyschology at the LSE, who conducted the research, said that such experiences were common. "From my research, nearly all - 90 per cent - of the children had seen some kind of pornographic content. The numbers engaging in chat with people they had never met was about half.
"I observed one long flirtation between a 15-year-old girl and a man of 32 that seemed to be the kind of communication that could easily go wrong."
Prof Livingstone emphasised, however, that there was a danger of overreacting to the hazards of the internet. Although some children deliberately sought pornography, most young people swiftly shut down sex websites if they came across them.
"The concerns about safety, which are very much at the top of the public agenda, need to be balanced with concerns about computer literacy," said Prof Livingstone.
"What we don't want to do is create an environment that is so sensitive to safety that we don't give children the encouragement and freedom to develop the internet skills that are becoming a prerequisite of everyday life.
Prof Livingstone's research will be published in a report for the Institute of Public Policy Research. It is based on a year-long study of 30 families and responses from pupils and teachers in 10 schools.

To your posting of...
Net Porn Seen By Nine Out Of Ten Children this just not mainstream media's attempt to support governments efforts to control/legislate the Internet? Mainstream never makes the effort to advise the general public on how to do proper searches for information... but entice them into the world of smut with overstated stories as the one quoted/linked above.
The following URL and article supports my contention...
SOURCE: http://www.whatreallyhappened. com/sex.html (Is the government planning another attempt to censor the Internet?)
A funny thing has been happening in my email lately.  Just a few weeks ago, both my wife and I started getting junk mail advertising porno sites.  Not your average run-of-the-mill porno either, but really extreme stuff, seemingly intended to shock and outrage, advertising photos of sex involving under age partners and with life forms having more than two legs!  In most cases, the mechanism to remove ones address from these mailing lists does not work.
Some of my friends have also started getting these ads as well. And a phone call to my local ISP confirms that this has become a problem in recent weeks, with people suddenly being recipients of ads for "fringe market" porn. Nobody can imagine how a company that deals in that sort of product line managed to get our names on their email addresses.
Ah, but all this has a familiar feel to it!
Back in 1995, before web browsers had really taken off and usenet was still the predominant means of social communication on the internet, there was a sudden influx of pornography being flooded onto the usenet newsgroups. Like the present case, the porno was of a character which seemed intended to shock and outrage. Even though there were (and still are) usenet newsgroups set aside for this kind of material, this particular flood of porn was being posted to usenet groups normally used for trading cooking recipes, sharing astronomical data, etc. When the readers of those non-sexual groups gently suggested that the posters of the porn move their activities to the usenet groups set aside for such things, the posters responded with a few obscene comments and proceeded to pour even more "fringe market" porn into totally inappropriate venues, including those likely to be viewed by children. Knowing that nobody but an FBI informant could ever be such an arrogant ass hole, knowledgeable internet observers began to suspect that the source of the porn had to be a government propaganda operation (not unlike the infamous Black Panther Coloring Book from the FBI's COINTELPRO scandal), and indeed headers of some of the posted porn tracked back through .gov and .mil servers.
We didn't have long to wait. Only a few weeks after this sudden onslaught of porn in inappropriate newsgroups appeared out of nowhere, Senator Exon stood up on the floor of the U.S. Senate during debate on the Senate Telecommunications Competition and Deregulation Act, waving about his now-infamous "blue book" of net-porn and demanded laws that (among other things) allowed for the operators of internet service providers to be held legally liable for the behaviors of their customers. The mainstream media, then as now the obeisant servant of the state's agenda, droned on and on about how "everyone" in the nation had to be aware that porn was now an epidemic requiring government intervention. Exon got his law passed.
And, in the most telling sign of all, no sooner had the law been passed then, like a switch, the porn "epidemic" was gone. Overnight, those parties who had poured a flood of shocking and outraging porn all over usenet simply vanished; subtlety and finesse never having been a part of the US Government's Propaganda machine.
Now we are in a time when the US Government is waging open warfare on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The only venue of mass communication not yet under total control of the state is the internet, which functions as a modern day descendant of the "Samizdat"; the network of fax machines and copiers that allowed the citizens of the former USSR to expose the corruption of their government, leading to its collapse. And just as the Stalinists wanted to shut down the Samizdat, so too does the government of the United States, fearful of having its own corruptions exposed, search for a way to close down the free and open internet; to bring it under control of the state much as the mainstream media has been.
So, when you open your email application and start seeing ads for "Sex with home appliances", "Sex with space aliens", or "Sex with politicians", you may be seeing your own tax dollars at work, to trick you into support of the government taking over control of the very last means of open and uncensored communications available to you, to plug that one last opening in the wall the government is building around your eyes and ears, so that you will have no choice but to believe that the world is really what the government tells you it is. And when that same government that leaves you no choice tells you that you are free, you will have no choice but to believe that as well, even though common sense will tell you that those without choices are really slaves, even if they do not realize it.
From Michael Muehlbauer
Dear Jeff,
Your Website, is outstanding.
About the 'Internet Pornography' complaint...
I know in my heart, and by the years I have put in as an observer and participant of the Internet, that this demeaning complaint directed against the integrity of the Internet is really all about the New World Order's desire to censor and control everything the public sees or hears.
Americans, must take this libelous threat - a threat aiming to shut down the Internet and deny from Americans their Freedom Of Speech - very, very, seriously. This threat, intending to close down the Internet is A Declaration of War. It is a declaration of war against all Americans, against the American Constitution, against the American Bill of Rights. The President of The United States is one of, and one with, the New World Order characters and their agenda.
As time, and the Internet, are unraveling the Government's story about "The War Against Terrorism," showing it more and more to be exactly what it really is: another big-time Oil and Drug deal, another Conspiracy coming out of Washington, DC and New York City, and London, etc. This 'War On Terrorism' is just one more in a long line of murderous conspiracies forced onto an unsuspecting populous by its own 'leadership' and the elitist, ugly, rich Oligarchs who have for most of modern history driven the Western World crazy, provoked murderous, unprecedented wars, and kept the truth hidden from humanity. We can expect President Bush to soon engage the 'Lawmakers' in Washington DC, with his mouth flapping, screaming 'Shut it down...shut the net down before we are further exposed to this filthy pornography.' This then, is the Government'a primary offensive, not the destruction of Osama, but the destruction of the truth, and all the means by which people may know it...primarily via the net.
The Internet, with all its flaws and faults, remains the final bastion where humanity may find REALITY if they look for it. The NWO has no desire to face an enlightened people. It is such a shame people have no recourse anymore other than the Internet from which to gain real knowledge, from which to form an enlightened opinion, from which to learn the truth. But, that's just the way it is. And, so it is that the propagators of vile racial hatred, the murderous liars, the licentious warmongers who are the 'Leadership' and reflect much of the extremely rich elite of our society, these gluttonous pigs in human form who can never get enough - all of whom think they have a right to dictate to all the rest of humanity what their feelings and beliefs should be - want to shut the Internet down. They want total control of history, past and future, and of every penny that can be bled from humankind.
In fact, I have been using the Internet since its beginning. I have found pornography to be a rare intrusion. Not so, with the Hollywood Movies, nor with many of the shows on HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, or the rest of what the Monopoly Media excretes onto the public everyday, anytime, night or day...neverending. From nudity, violence, death, the homosexual agenda, interracial sex, propagandized history, racial stereotyping, and to general mind control and brainwashing/conditioning the public, the monopoly media led by the majority of the Hollywood film industry, and ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, etc, pour it forth around the clock, endlessly, into the conscious and subconcious minds of hundreds of millions of unwitting victims. That's the REAL pornography.
I have no doubt, especially if it is coming out of Rothschild's England, the net pornography complaint has everything to do with the Freedom Of Speech in America. And especially how historical Revisionists (bless them, one and all) using the freedom of speech in America, have launched serious questions about many of history's sacred cows including the popularly-held version of the 'Holocaust' - a piece at a time, over time - until today about the only people who can think the P/C version of the 'Holocaust' is reality are those who refuse to use, or have no access to, the Internet so as to find out for themselves the provocative and deeply troubling questions being raised...and the clarifying facts being exposed. It has been said, "It is OK to question the reality of God, but don't dare question the Holocaust."
Using the Internet, Revisionists have also done their research and presented disturbing facts relating to such things as identifying the true creators of the Russian Revolution; the truth about Stalin's slaughterhouse purges (which made Hitler look like a Cub Scout) and his Communist Jewish cabal; the murder of more than thirty million white Christians in just one instance in Russia during the Russian Revolution; the blackmailing of FDR and Churchill as was committed by Communists so that the world should have to endure WW2; the conspiracy that was Pearl Harbor, Waco, Ruby Ridge, OKC, TWA 800, etc., etc., etc.. Make no mistake, historical Revisionism is one of the key targets of the Illuminati.
All of this, and a lot more are becoming common knowledge to those of us who use the Internet. So, it is logical that there should be a cry coming out of 'Government' to shut the Internet down. But only because the very same people wanting to censor the Internet today are the very same people intent on making the world subject to their absolute control. The Illuminati know if the Internet continues as is and to grow, that someday they and their ilk will be thrown out of their places of wealth and power and dragged before a real tribunal, where they will be made to face charges and meet justice as it must be.
I do not claim to be a writer, so, please, the way I write should not infringe on what is said. I think many of the people reading your site will very much agree with exactly what I have written, and they probably will have a thing or two to say about censoring the Internet themselves.
Thanks, for everything,
Orlando Florida

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