Curious Martian Anomalies
Part V
By Richard Sauder, PhD <>
Well, folks, I've seen enough. I am now persuaded that there is something highly strange and highly interesting going on on Mars. I am also completely convinced that NASA/JPL/MSSS are very much aware of this and are actively concealing the full truth from the rest of us. If the information I posted in the previous four installments of "Curious Martian Anomalies" was not enough to convince you of this, then perhaps the photos and commentary that follow below will be. All of the photos in this installment come from the Elysium Region, Mars Chart 15, on the Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS) website.
But before I get to these highly interesting photos I want to first say a few things. In my previous post (see "Curious Martian Anomalies: Part IV, Photo No. 6"), I linked to an MSSS photo that I thought might depict water springs flowing from the base of hills and cliffs on Mars. Before the week was out, MSSS and NASA held a press conference to announce that they had discovered evidence that suggested the presence on Mars of many water springs flowing from the sides of craters and valley walls. It is encouraging to see MSSS and NASA publicly discuss a possibility that has occurred to me and to many others who have examined these photos with an analytical eye. I believe that there might be substantially more water on Mars than NASA/JPL/MSSS have revealed. I am not saying Mars is a lush, tropical paradise -- clearly it is not. On the other hand, conditions there may well be more favorable for life than we have been told. Even in the driest deserts on earth, in the depths of the Sahara or the blazing sands of Arabia, where it may not rain one drop for years on end, there is life (small, hardy, plants, insects and microbes), and even occasional, scattered oases with pools of water.
While the environment on Mars appears to be harsh, life is resourceful and resilient and with the possible discovery of many, multiple water sources on Mars and the apparent possibility of extensive aquifers at comparatively shallow depths, I suggest we have to look at Mars with new eyes. There just might be life on Mars, maybe even a lot of it, and maybe we are seeing evidence of it in some of the photos that NASA/JPL/MSSS are releasing to the internet. I am inclined to think that we are seeing evidence of past and maybe even present life on Mars in the most recent flood of photos from Mars. Of course, I admit of the possibility that I might be wrong-- but I really think I'm right! I do believe that NASA/JPL/MSSS are concealing very interesting and history-making evidence from us, to their everlasting discredit.
Let me make just a few more comments and then I'll get right to this installment's highly interesting photos! A couple of days ago, one of my readers called my attention to a new book that is available on the internet -- free for you to download. The book is entitled, "The Mars Records", and is an account of the alleged experiences of a man named Michael Relfe, transcribed and copyrighted by his wife, Stephanie Relfe. Briefly, Mr. Relfe believes that while in the military he was part of a covert United States military program on Mars. As I understand the book, it alleges that covert elements of the military have established a huge operation on Mars (Mr. Relfe refers to a Mars base with two or three million people) in collaboration with so-called "Little Grey" aliens. Mr. Relfe thinks that he was teleported there for twenty years, then returned to Earth, after having his memories "wiped" and his age regressed by high technology and then lived out an alternate timeline here on Earth. This is a story full of allusions to electronic mind control, pharmaceutical mind control, remote viewing, high-tech teleportation, covert Mars operations and alternate time-lines and realities -- with the active collusion and connivance of highly secretive components of the United States military.
Click here to go to "The Mars Records":
At first when I read it I have to admit that I thought: "This has to be a disinformation plot hatched by the military intelligence agencies to muddy the waters, to make intelligent discussion of what is happening on Mars more difficult and confusing. It is nonsensical noise thrown out on the internet to confuse matters." And I also noticed the similarity of what Mr. And Mrs. Relfe are alleging to the plot line in the Arnold Schwarzenegger film, "Total Recall". I thought perhaps the Relfes were simply influenced by the plot of the movie, maybe even subconsciously, without their necessarily being aware of it, or without any negative intent on their part.
But then I thought: "On the other hand, what if both are true? As astonishing as the premise of the movie "Total Recall" is, and as bizarre as Michael Relfe's story seems, what if they are true? What if Hollywood insiders with a pipeline to solid information, and now, Michael Relfe, have an angle on the truth? What if they are both telling us something about what is really happening on Mars? What if there is a substantial, covert operation on Mars, using secret, high technology and covert operations personnel, funded through the Pentagon's massive "black budget", and NASA and JPL and MSSS are simply the public relations smoke screen thrown in our faces, literally, on the internet and on our TV screens, like the red cape waved in bulls' faces by matadors, to keep us blissfully unaware of the truth? Would that explain all the fuzzy, blurry or outright missing, blank and highly degraded photos that NASA/JPL/MSSS have posted to the internet (and I'll provide more examples of some of those sorts of photos below)? Would that explain the spate of Mars probes that NASA and JPL have hurled at the Red Planet, only to meekly announce upon arrival, "Oops! It's not phoning home. I guess we made a boo-boo."
I don't know absolutely that NASA/JPL/MSSS are lying about what is happening on Mars. But I do know that they are not very forthcoming with information. I also know they release a lot of seriously degraded and blank photos -- courtesy of many millions of dollars of high technology! I also know that even in the photos that do have discernible detail there are many anomalies that these agencies mention little, or not at all. Space exploration is what they do! It is all they do! Yet they find something interesting and make virtually no pronouncements at all. This is so strange as to stagger belief. And it raises large questions about their real motivations and hidden agendas. That is how I see it. I might be wrong, of course -- but I really do believe I'm right! How else to explain their behavior?
So, I am willing to give Michael and Stephanie Relfe a hearing. Maybe what they have produced is disinformation. If it is it is highly entertaining! But just maybe there is an element of truth in their story. Regular readers of the "Sightings" website and listeners to the "Sightings" radio show already know about covert mind control programs that the military agencies and the CIA have been involved in, for decades now. Regular "Sightings" listeners and readers also know about the covert remote viewing projects of the United States military agencies and the CIA. All of this material is thoroughly well documented. Regular "Sightings" readers and listeners also know about a variety of clandestine operations that the United States military runs and funds via the "black budget". Jeff Rense has had numerous guests on his show to discuss these topics in recent years. He has also posted numerous articles on these topics on his website.
So there is a factual basis, documented in the public domain, for much (though not all) of what the Relfes discuss. Does that in itself make Michael Relfe's story true? No, it doesn't. But it does make it just plausible enough that I am willing to give him a hearing and wait to make a final judgement until we have more evidence.
One of the things that Michael Relfe mentions in "The Mars Records" is that he was pilot of some sort of space ship on Mars. This immediately made me remember the "Stealth Radar Region" referenced in my "Curious Martian Anomalies: Part IV, Photo No. 2". What in the world is a "Stealth Radar Region" in the Martian context? Might it conceivably bear some relation to the very strange tale that Michael and Stephanie Relfe relate? I simply do not know. If you do have the answer to this or other anomalies on Mars please e-mail me with the details.
Finally, "The Mars Records" makes overt mention of the alleged involvement of the United States Navy in covert Martian and mind control operations. This immediately rang a couple of bells with me. In recent years a number of people have told me or strongly intimated to me that the United States Navy is heavily involved in clandestine operations involving UFOs and also covert underground and undersea facilities. Additionally, in my book, "Kundalini Tales", I relate a highly strange incident where I was detained against my will by the United States Navy and subjected to a most curious interrogation in which I was photographed and then briefly and bizarrely interrogated by a white uniformed Naval officer who leaned right in my face and asked me: "Mr. Sauder, do you know who I am?" I did not recognize him and told him so. He then slightly rephrased the question and asked again if we knew each other. I told him that I did not think we knew one another. He persisted, and asked yet a third time, "Are you sure you've never seen me before?" I replied that I did not know him. My answers appeared to satisfy him and within minutes I was released by the Navy. It was most bizarre. I was not charged with a crime, but yet was detained, photographed and interrogated in this highly strange way that absolutely violated my human rights. It is clear that the U.S. Navy was playing a mind game with me -- but how deep does the game go? Is there a reason why I should have known that officer? Has someone put mental blocks in place in my mind to prevent me from remembering certain people that I know and certain events that I have experienced? Was that Navy officer perhaps checking to see if my mental blocks were still in place? I have often wondered about that. Reading "The Mars Records" by Michael and Stephanie Relfe raised many questions for me.
My book, "Kundalini Tales", delves heavily into the question of alternate realities and electronic mind control. It is a personal account of high strangeness in my own life. If you read "Kundalini Tales" you will see why I am willing to at least give "The Mars Record" a hearing. Because of what has happened in my own life I know unequivocally that reality is much richer and multifaceted than the "dumb and dumber" version of terrestrial and extraterrestrial affairs that the TV networks present to us for our daily mental anaesthetic via the six o'clock news. Click here to go to "Kundalini Tales":
By purchasing my books you help to support my research.
Now to the photos, all of which are from the Elysium region, Mars Chart 15 on the Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS) website:
There are a number of things to say about this most interesting photo. First, like so many other NASA/JPL/MSSS photos, it is fuzzy and blurry and I wonder why. Second, I think you will agree that the prominent crater in the upper left looks surprisingly geometrically regular -- the left edge is just off the frame, but from what is visible it appears it may be a pentagonal, perhaps hexagonal shape. I'm sure I am not the only person who finds that odd. Third, notice the straight line down the middle of the photo and associated pattern of white "snow"-like material that is near it. These features appear to be "noise" from the digital photographic process.
Sigh. Here we go again. Another blurry, fuzzy, out-of-focus, contrast-skewed-all-to-**** photo. The $29 camera I got on sale at K-Mart 10 years ago and which has a slightly scratched lens takes photos that are far, far clearer than this.
Notice the "line" down the center of this photo. It is very much like the "line" in the first photo. It goes straight as an arrow from top to bottom of the frame. The same "snow"-like matter surrounds it. Only in this photo the "line" is more visible and there is more "snow". I believe that, as in Photo No. 1 above, the "line" and "snow" are likely to be artificial features-- probable artifacts of a faulty digital imaging process. But the really interesting thing in this photo is the rectilinear geological feature that closely parallels the "line" in the upper portion of the photograph. In other words, the axis of the linear feature almost exactly parallels the orbital track of the satellite. It is likely that NASA/JPL/MSSS knew that this linear feature was there and specifically targeted it in this shot. Too bad they haven't released a higher quality image to us -- it might prove very interesting.
Both of these images are labeled "NA Dark Current Image". Whatever that means. They are in the same region and whatever is on these photos I can most definitely assure you of one thing: neither you, nor I, will be seeing it today, because there is nothing there in these photos to be seen. Nothing at all. Both photos are degraded to the point of complete nothingness.
Here is another fuzzy, blurry, out-of-focus photo. I have discovered a number of such photos in this region of Mars. I have also noticed some interesting anomalies in this region of Mars. (Gee, do you think there might be a correlation there?) But to the matter at hand: notice the pattern of linear features that slants across the photo and over which a series of black squares have been prominently placed. We are back again to the same point: 1) either the extremely poor quality of the photo, including insertion of the many, small black squares is intentional, and there are features here that NASA/JPL/MSSS do not want you and me to see, or 2) these well funded high-tech agencies have trouble taking a simple, decent photograph and beaming it back to Earth. Take your pick.
By the way, I notice a surprising number of other, smaller rectilinear features when I enlarge the photo in my browser. I don't know if the many rectilinear lines occur because of, or despite, the poor photographic quality. Unfortunately, it's hard to decide this conundrum with this photo (and many similar ones) because the quality of the NASA/JPL/MSSS photography is so very, and pitifully poor. But if the myriad rectilinear features are physically there, in reality, then it is conceivable that they are some sort of ancient ruins. Or perhaps, who knows, brand spanking new constructions -- maybe even built by the Pentagon??!! Wouldn't that be a mind bender, if true?! (See "The Mars Records" above, by Michael and Stephanie Relfe.)
More extreme fuzziness and blurriness. (So what's new?) More rectilinear lines and rectangular and square structures. Look in the upper right hand part of the photo, in particular. It may help to click on the image and enlarge it in your browser screen. Also, more small, black squares, many associated with a curvilinear feature in the lower right part of the photo. The same questions again: are the many, interesting rectilinear lines and several evident square and rectangular features an artifact of the extremely poor quality of the digital photography? Or are they there in reality, but obscured by poor photography to the point where they are barely recognizable as possible/probable/evident artificial constructions? You decide which it is.
"Dark Streak." I'll say. Take a close look at this one. Click on it and enlarge it in your browser. What is it? It is unlike anything I have seen yet on Mars and I've looked at a ton of the new MSSS photos. Is it a volcanic rill? An old lava flow? A water course? A stream bed? Something else? Has the NASA/JPL/MSSS digital air brush been at work here again? You decide.
Here's another Pulitzer quality photo. Sigh. Is there something interesting in this photo? Who can possibly tell? There are just buckets of these awful photos. I mean really, really bad. Lots of them. Intentional? Accidental? You decide.
Here we go again. There are intriguing, dark, rill-like features that bisect what appear to be the remnants of a vastly ancient and heavily eroded crater. However, when you look at the close-up, narrow angle photo that, judging from the little white, position rectangle in the context photo, ought to encompass a portion of the smaller rill in the bottom of the frame, you quickly discover that the feature of real interest there is... well, it's not there. It's missing from the frame. However, the top of the frame has an interesting feature: it is also missing! Not there. Just electronically snipped off. It almost gives the impression that the bottom of the frame where the dark rill ought to be (but isn't) was snipped off and to compensate, the electronically excised bottom portion of the photo was just digitally added to the top of the frame, minus the feature of interest, of course. That is one possible explanation for the missing data. I admit of other possibilities. But at the very least it is transparently clear that: 1) NASA/JPL/MSSS have removed data from the top of the narrow angle photo; and 2) that the narrow angle photo does not contain information in its lower portion that the context photo clearly indicates should be there. Why? You decide.
And so it goes. High strangeness on Mars. As for the quality of many of the photos that NASA/JPL/MSSS are putting up on the internet. Ha! Go to your local bookstore and look at a photo album from the American Civil War. More than a century ago photographers were taking combat photos, under battlefield conditions, using flash pans and covered wagons out in the fields and woods for dark rooms, and the quality was far superior to many of the photos that the United States government's high-tech space agencies are putting out for public consumption today. 'Nuff said.
I call it the way I see it, and that's the way it looks to me.

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