Latino Invasion Of CA
Has Succeeded - Whites Will
Be The Minority Next Year
"Only Thirty years ago, eight out of 10 Californians were white."
By Ben Fenton in Washington - The Telegraph (UK)
Whites will cease to be the majority in California next year, a portent for the future of America, demographers said yesterday.
Figures gathered by the California Department of Finance indicate that the proportion of the population counted as white - non-Hispanic people of European or Middle Eastern origin - will fall below 50 per cent in the next 12 months.
It will make California the only mainland state to have a white minority. Hawaii has a majority of Asians and Polynesians. With Texas, Florida, New York and Illinois all becoming racially mixed at a rapid rate, it is thought that America will lose its majority of white people by about 2070 at current rates.
The prospect of an America turning more and more towards its cousins in the south or the Pacific rather than to Europe is likely to worry politicians in Britain.
Thirty years ago, eight out of 10 Californians were white. There has been a huge influx of immigrants, mostly from Mexico and the rest of Latin America. A further five million immigrants - two million of them arriving illegally - are thought to have settled in the state since 1980.
In the past 30 years, the proportion of Hispanics has risen to about 32 per cent of the current population of 34 million. Sometime around 2040, when whites will make up less than a third of California's projected 52 million people, Hispanics are projected to form a majority. California is also home to huge immigrant communities from other countries.
Los Angeles hosts the largest communities of Koreans and Iranians outside their native lands. In Glendale, once an almost exclusively white suburb, a gang war is being fought by Hispanic and Armenian youths. Governor Gray Davis said: "A more diverse population creates some potential discomforts and even potential conflicts but it also brings great strengths."
In pre-Civil War times, South Carolina had a black majority, and a mix of Hispanics and American Indians have, in the past, made whites in a minority in New Mexico.

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