Water, Water Everywhere -
Reflections In A Pool
By Bill Hamilton <>
Executive Director - Skywatch International, Inc.
Where there is life there is water. Is there life where there is water?
Many scientists think there is an ocean of liquid water underneath the ice of Jupiter's moon Europa. Some even think that such an ocean could harbor some form of ocean life.
Astronomers believe Neptune has an inner rocky core that is surrounded by a vast ocean of water mixed with rocky material. From the inner core, this ocean extends upward until it meets a gaseous atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, and trace amounts of methane.
Comets are the icy debris of the Solar System. They are essentially large amounts of ice with some dirt in them. Louis Frank presented photographs he said proved the existence of 20- to 40-ton cosmic snowballs that could have provided enough water over 4 billion years to seed Earth's oceans and life by providing certain organic compounds.
Water is not only present in the oceans and rivers, but can be found in the atmosphere, trees (as biomass), in rocks - and in human beings. Each second, our planet transforms huge quantities of water, from liquid to gas, from gas to liquid, from liquid to solid, from solid to liquid, from gas to solid, from solid to gas. But there is also water in space.
Recent research has shown water to be present in much larger quantities than thought before, in the outer solar system, in the atmospheres of giant stars and in the interstellar clouds of dust and gas.
The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) ISO's spectrometers have detected water in the vicinity of newly forming stars as well as near dying stars. Indeed ISO is finding water throughout the Galaxy -- in our own backyard in comets like Hale-Bopp and on the outer planets, and in far-flung clouds towards the centre of the Milky Way.
Now the news is that the Mars Global Surveyor has found evidence of liquid water on Mars, not from ancient rivers and seas, but from recent tell-tale signs of water marks (pun) on Mars.
Scientists think the Martian atmosphere is too thin to support liquid water, that liquids would evaporate in the Martian atmosphere. But the pressure may be greater at the bottom of the Martian "Grand Canyon", the Valles Marineris and at the bottom of certain craters where hot springs may bubble below the surface.
I even read that mention was made by Malin and team that the Face on Mars may have been sculpted by flowing water! Fancy that - not Martians, but water.
Ironically, this comes at a time when scientists are inclining more and more toward finding extraterrestrial life while other scientists are boldly saying that we may find microbes, but not intelligent artifact-making entities on par with us - we alone may be the sole caretakers of life in the universe!!
In the early days of UFO sightings many UFOs were sighted around bodies of water. There were even reports that the UFO had dropped a hose into a lake and siphoned the water. Speculation ran wild - was this to replenish drinking water or was it a source of fuel? Were the UFOs coming to earth to tap into our water resources?
Ahhh, but behold...water, water everywhere - as in the poem there is not a drop to share - except all over the galaxy. Where there is water, there is life. We will soon find out if that is a true proposition.
Bill Hamilton Executive Director Skywatch International, Inc. website:

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