The BoJo - Moonie -
Scientology Connection

From BoJo A-Go-Go, available online at:

In 1995 Parents Involved in Education held a news conference in Washington, D.C. on the issue of children, schools, and psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin.Ý This media event was organized by Carolyn Steinke, who sits on the board of the Citizens Council for Human Rights, an admittedly Scientology-affiliated group. That same year, Steinke received a CCHR award.
Participants in Steinke's news conference included Beverly LaHaye's Concerned Women for America, Phyllis Scafly's the Eagle Forum, Gary Bauer's Family Research Council,Ý and the Rutherford Institute among others.Ý These groups are all affiliated with CNP and their leaders also hold CNP membership. As does Bob Jones III.
Has Jones disavowed these Scientology-mongers and withdrawn from CNP? No. Has Jones repudiated Beverly LaHaye as he has, for example, repudiated gay alumni? No. Has Jones threatened to have LaHaye arrested if she returns to the BoJo campus in spite of the school's warnings that alumni who make common cause with cults are unwelcome? There is no indication that he has.
Turning now to Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, the Columbia Journalism Review reports that Dr. Robert Grant has accepted Moonie money for his American Freedom Coalition.Ý In fact, it is reported that the AFC is a joint venture between Grant and the Unification Church. Moon is also believed to have bailed out Jerry Falwell's Liberty University in the early 90's when the school was millions in debt. Even BoJo's most prominent alumni, Tim and Beverly LaHaye, have taken Moonie money and served as Moon functionaries according to this Christian website. Grant, Falwell, and the LaHayes are CNP members. And so is Bob III.
Bob Jones, Jr. labeled Falwell "the most dangerous man in America" and claimed that his Moral Majority, by including Catholics, Mormons and Jews, would lead to the "one world church of Antichrist." (An Island in the Lake of Fire,Ýp.108). But Bob III has not let this dissuade him from joining Falwell in the CNP -- an organization composed of Catholics, Jews, Mormons, and supporters of Scientology and the Moonies.
The justification given for BoJo's interracial dating ban, before it was eliminated, was that racial mixing could lead eventually to a one-world government of the antichrist.Ý Yet Jones doesn't seem to realize that the CNP's agenda and its wacko clique of Christian theocrats, Republican plutocrats, military elite, and ultra-conservative billionaires is much more likely to bring that about than is interracial marriage. Nor is he apparently concerned that his association with the CNP and with Scientology and Moonie sympathizers might appear hypocritical to those who have heard him castigate others because of their religious associations, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or other peccadilloes. Ý

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