Condemned To A Life In
Purgatory For Falling Prey To A
Sinner In The Vatican

By Rory Carroll in Rome
The Observer (3-12-02)

The cathartic memoirs of a Catholic writer whose life was blighted by an amoral 'Iago' at the heart of the Holy See...
Stepping from the plane at Heathrow, everything was right. Robert B. Kaiser gleamed with success. A young American with perfect teeth and reason to smile. A limousine waiting to take him to a suite at the Hilton. Television and radio stations clamouring for interviews. Newspapers heaping praise. Fame and fortune dangled and it seemed just a matter of plucking it.
It was June 1963 and Kaiser was a new species of celebrity. He had no Hollywood blockbuster to promote. No single in the charts to challenge the Beatles. He had a book. About the Vatican. Not a kiss and tell - a serious book, because he was the Vatican correspondent for Time magazine.
The limousine crawled through London traffic slow enough for Kaiser to spot a poster at a news stand. In big black letters: 'The move to thwart Pope John.' In slightly smaller letters: 'Exclusive to The Observer - by Robert Blair Kaiser.'
The posters were all over London, in the Underground, at bus stops, billboards.
The Observer had snapped up his book's serialisation rights, for Kaiser had the scoop of a battle between conservatives and progressives raging inside the Roman Catholic church at a turning point in its history.
Barely in his thirties and a latecomer to journalism, Kaiser's contacts were unsurpassed. He had interviewed Pope John XXIII, hosted cardinals and bishops at his apartment in Rome, become a confidant of key officials. For those seeking the inside story, Kaiser was aptly named. He was king of the Vatican.
'I should have grabbed one of those Observer posters but I didn't do it. I was young and thought that sort of success happened all the time. I've been waiting for it since,' he said last week, now aged 71. 'The pride before the fall.'
What happened after he returned to Rome is an extraordinary story kept secret until now. One of Kaiser's best informants, an Irish priest, had seduced his wife. His adoring, Catholic, pregnant wife.
Or had he? Kaiser, tormented, was sent to a psychiatric hospital and treated for paranoia. Except he wasn't paranoid. The priest was having an affair - and had manipulated senior clerics into dispatching Kaiser to the hospital so he could move into the journalist's apartment and marital bed, sleep in his red nightshirt and commit adultery with his wife.
For decades rumours have breezed through the Vatican's marbled corridors and now at last the truth is about to explode, just as the Catholic church in the US is reeling from sex scandals and, in the case of the Boston archdiocese, challenging the rule on priestly celibacy.
Kaiser, now the Vatican correspondent for Newsweek, has revealed everything in a cathartic memoir, Clerical Error: A True Story, to be published next month in the US. It reads like a Shakespearean saga of innocence, ambition, betrayal, farce and tragedy, all are played out amid the convulsions of a church breaking with the past.
Witnesses have confirmed the story. 'Having known most of the dramatis personae, I read this true story with undivided interest and compassion,' the renowned theologian Hans Kung says.
It starts just after the Second World War when the teenage Kaiser left Arizona for a sun-soaked California seminary for Jesuits. Resentful at his parents' divorce, he idolised the Jesuits, the shock troops of the Catholic church, an order famed for their learning, courage and discipline.
He left in 1958, three years shy of his ordination, aged 27 and a virgin, to become a cub reporter on the Arizona Republic. He met a green-eyed brunette with an Irish face dancing barefoot at a party, Mary McArdle. She was a graduate from a Catholic college and wanted marriage and lots of children. A bishop wedded them in Milwaukee.
Kaiser picked up work with Time and in March 1962 he was sent to Rome to cover the second Vatican council. Pope John XXIII had summoned thousands of bishops and prelates to discuss revolutionary changes which would make the church more open and closer to the people.
Kaiser, Mary and their first child moved into a huge apartment on Via Quirico Filopanti, south of St Peter's. With a huge expense account and a staff of 12, the workaholic reporter was soon filing cover stories and scoops about how the Curia, the Vatican bureaucracy, was trying to block the reforming agenda.
The book that The Observer serialised, Inside the Council, became a number one bestseller. Everything seemed right.
One of his sources, Malachy Martin, was particularly helpful. 'He could make people laugh in seven languages,' Kaiser says. Martin was a 47-year-old Jesuit with a fine tenor voice, tailored suits, charm and connections to the Pope. His stories of intrigue were gold-dust.
When Pope John fell terminally ill, Kaiser's adrenaline pumped harder than ever as he analysed the succession of Pope Paul VI and moved into a priest college to concentrate on the book. He admits neglecting Mary, who was pregnant with their second child. 'I was very intense, very impatient.'
He didn't object when she moved for the summer to a beach house near a Jesuit community. On he worked and abandoned her to promote his book in London and New York.
He worried when he could not reach her by phone. Engaged, no answer, no connection. Something was not right when he flew back to Rome and Mary was waiting at the airport with Martin. She was distant, agitated. Kaiser noticed the priest's possessions at the flat. He had moved in.
A temporary stay between trips, Malachy explained, but Kaiser's suspicion took hold. After the birth of his secondchild, Mary became colder. She parroted the Jesuit's denunciation of Irish bishops, copied some of his verbal tics and read feminist tracts attacking husbands.
Neither wanted more children immediately and contraception was against Catholic teaching, so they stopped having sex. Kaiser had a new scoop - the council was considering dropping the ban on contraception. In the end it didn't, but before then he found in Mary's belongings some contraceptive pills, marked Searle 5mg.
Bewildered, crushed, he told some priest friends of his suspicions. Impossible, they said, and persuaded him to check into a psychiatric hospital in Hartford, Connecticut. 'The doctors thought I was paranoid,' Kaiser says. 'Kennedy had just been assassinated, it was winter, it was very bleak.'
He returned to Rome to make a new start, banish the suspicions, but his wife's absences were a pattern. Two private detectives he hired followed her to rendezvous with Martin at the Forum and in various hotels. He bugged the phone and recorded her conversations with Martin.
'I lost 20lb the week I found out for sure. I was drinking a lot,' he says. One night he clasped his hands around Mary's neck. He didn't squeeze but she called the police. 'Martin was like Iago, he was amoral, diabolical. Later a psychiatrist would call him a sociopath.'
Kaiser followed his wife back to the US, hoping for a reconciliation, but love letters from Martin followed: 'I can summon up the memory of your glistening limbs on that first eve, your raven locks shining in the moonlight, your moist, half-open eyes, your moist, half-open lips, my love, my dove, my panting doe...'
It was after this that the Catholic hierarchy finally believed the story and Martin was kicked out of the church. He dumped Mary, renounced his progressive views and wrote critiques on the Vatican, replete with lurid tales of black masses in St Peter's, and became a darling of America's hard Catholic right. He seduced and lived with a rich Manhattan divorcee for 30 years and died of a stroke in 1999.
Kaiser, still a practising Catholic, pauses when asked if he could forgive: 'No, I'll never forgive Martin. He wrote about demonic possession and I think he had an inside track. Mary, yes. She was young, naive and a victim.' After their marriage was annulled she married a lawyer and moved to New York.
Friends say Kaiser will be forever scarred by the experience. He picked up his career but was never the same. The memoir was cathartic and he does not enjoy discussing it. He has a new girlfriend and is researching what will probably be his last book, about the next Pope.
· Clerical Error: A True Story, will be published in the US on 8 April by Continuum International. It can be purchased at

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