The Incredible Numbers Of
The Great Debt Scam

From Don

FRB: H.6 Release - Money Stock and Debt Measures, Historical 2-28-02
Argentina has paid over ten times the interest on credit (created on paper by banks "investments") originally borrowed, hence the inevitable bust, insufficient funds to service debt and public needs. I use the term created credit instead of money as this is an accurate representation of what we have been conned into thinking of as actual currency.
From the link above, our actual currency supply increased from $28 billion in 1959 to $586 billion in 2002. The M3 money supply of currency, checkbook deposits, travelers checks, savings and foreign currency increased from $289 billion in 1959 to $8029 billion in 2002. Since fractional reserve allows banks to create credit out of thin air and charge interest on it, captured out of the existing money supply and funneled back into the banking system, our debt load has increased from $643 billion to $19,400 billion in the same period while the US population has only increased from 177 million to 286 million, looks like this;
1959 pop. 177,000,000
M3 $289,000,000,000
Debt $643,000,000,000
2002 pop. 286,000,000
M3 $8,029,000,000,000
Debt $19,400,000,000,000
In short -
Population increased 50% in 40 years Actual money supply increased 300% Debt (created credit) supply up 3000% thanks to the 10 X fractional reserve multiple.
Why do we not experience the hyperinflationary effect? Well, since today's $350,000 house only cost $12,000 in 1959, actually we have, although at a slower pace than South America. Also, since most of the circulating medium is checkbook credit issued by banks at usury, the interest must soak up a lot of the continuously ever expanding credit, (see Protocol 20, Elders/Zion) which is currently at a lower rate.
But the debt treadmill must continue or crash, unless of course the system is changed, requiring Congress to buy back the Fed, put it under Treasury control and phase out fractional reserve credit creation. Increased reserve requirements would cause banks to call in current loans. To prevent any shrinkage (deflation/ressession), a proportionate amount of national debt would be extinguished by the Treasury's checkbook (creation), maintaining an equilibrium of necessary bank reserves since this bond repurchase would end up in bank accounts and held as reserve, not increased as loans (hyperinflation X 10). Savings could still be loaned without reserve providing circulation of otherwise dormant real money.
However, our government is hell-bent on maintaining the current, true evil, private check kiting scheme that will cause eventual ruin to the economy. This results in an Argentina style revolt, no confidence in government and final bank ownership of the State under iron, bank-puppet rule, which is what we have behind the scenes, although few realize it. As our jobs go to China and Mexico we could end up under greater financial stress and eventual collapse. Then the curtain opens and the true rulers come out in the open jailing dissenters as in China today. Freedom therefore must be fought for, a continuous struggle against those that intend to enslave us.

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