Anger Raises Risk Of Heart Attack
By Mark Henderson
The Times - London

A SHORT temper may be a short cut to a heart attack: scientists have discovered that men who get angry quickly are much more likely to suffer heart disease or a cardiac arrest. Research in the United States has found that young men who react to stress by becoming angry are three times more likely to develop premature heart disease, and are five times more likely to have an early heart attack.
Quick-tempered men are also at risk even if they have no family history of heart disease, scientists at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, found.
The research, published today in Archives of Internal Medicine, is the result of a study of the health of 1,337 male medical students at Johns Hopkins between 1948 and 1964. In the anger study, 1,055 of the men were tracked for 36 years, and their health was compared with the results of a ìnervous tensionî questionnaire that they completed as students and in 1992.,,2-275472,00.html

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