Peruvian Contactee Discloses
Details of ET Contact

From Scott Corrales

Sixto Paz Discloses Details Of ET Contact In Chile's 6th Region
From Peru, contactee discloses the hitherto unknown details of the events experienced by 24 persons. One of the messages indicated that "The change will begin in this nation, awakening awareness throughout the Southern Cone (Terra.Cl)**
SANTIAGO -An unexpected controversy gripped Chile in the wake of the publication of an alleged alien encounter in Chile's 6th Region, publicized through's UFO Channel. Some of those present indicated that the experience was real and that 24 persons had had an interdimensional experience, while others claimed that nothing unsual had occured.
Peruvian contactee Sixto Paz now discloses the Report prepared in the wake of the Rio Cipreses event
"An inital effort was made to insure excellence, trying to keep a large number of people from attending, only those who had been prepared over time in the [importance] of the mission, constancy, continuity and discipline, to maintain the right vibrational level, harmony and manageable numbers. Unfortunately, mi presence at the event stirred up the national environment for both good and bad, in such away that rather than the 120 people expected, over 180 turned up, forcing the rejection of hundreds of other requests. "Everyone wanted to be at the site to see what would happen. This was a serious error, because neither I nor anyone else is the "lucky rabbits' foot" that can insure a contact experience or close encounter with aliens, which depends exclusively of each and every one of the participants, as well as conditions previously imparted from above," states the report.
Following a long journey, the would-be contactees reached the site where the encounter would supposedly occur. "From a height we could see the impressive canyon of the Los Cipreses National park, safeguarded by steep and mighty red and grey mountains. The vista was incredible, and truly stirring. The sky was clear, without any clouds or haze. Along the route we came across a good part of the transports which conveyed the participants to the encouter. Their rooftops were festooned with backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, water tanks, etc. No soone did we enter the park's entrance did the vehicles congregate in the parking lot of the administration building, which includes a museum of natural history and ethnography. It was a good opportunity for most everyone to make use of the restrooms. From that point on, we would drive some ten minutes further with the vehicles to settle down in the area designated for us by the park rangers. It was a new area, recently laid out. For this reason, the restrooms and other facilities were operational but still unfinished (sic). This location guaranteed solitude and privacy, since most park visitors tend to go to well-known areas.
The first thing that was done at the site was to designate locations for objects being unloaded from cars, and then to work on the harmonization and protection of the area. To achieve this, all present formed two large circles and we initiated a prayer or meditation to the guardian spirits of the four corners of the earth and the seven galactic directions, drawn from the magnificent teachings of a great modern prophet, José Arguelles, of the "Las Trece Lunas" (thirteen moons) movement.
Translation (C) 2002 Institute of Hispanic Ufology Special Thanks to Cristian Riffo, OVNIVISION


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