Chemtrails Over South Dakota
From Jeff Shaffer

Hi Jeff,
I live in Vermillion, SD, and have been observing chemtrail activity in this area for the past year. I have attached some pictures of spraying that took place today, which was the most extensive I have ever seen here.
It started around 9 am, and continued until mid-afternoon. What started out to be a beautiful clear-blue sky, quickly turned to a hazy gray sky, as a result of the spraying. It was sickening.
Spraying usually occurs weekly, and often prior to the arrival of an approaching frontal system. A few weeks ago, a storm system moved through the midwest, which produced heavy rain and hail. The radar indicated that it was raining heavily all around this area, but not a drop fell in the surrounding area here. It finally began to rain the next day, but the pattern of the storm was puzzling and suspicious.
Just wanted to let you know what's going on in the sky over South Dakota.
Note: No, that's not a UFO in the upper frame of image 1. It appears to be a distortion of sky color, which is a common anomaly in both digital and traditional photography. There is no actual "substance" to the glitch to indicate that it is solid in any way.


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