8 Cows, 7 Goats Newest Victims
In Argentina Mutilations
From Scott Corrales

Source: Diario "La Gaceta" de Tucuman
**Resident claims having seen a large light. Animals found in Tucumán are missing soft parts such as eyes, gums and genitals**
Tucumán couldn't be left out. Eight bovines and seven goats were found mutilated in recent days in the pasture field owned by INTA at Santa Rosa de Leales. In all cases, the soft tissues were missing, such as eyes, tongue, gums and genitals. Neighbors were surprised to see that the animals were bloodless. For two months now, cases involving mutilated animals have kept Argentineans in suspense. From extraterrestrial beings to the legendary "Chupacabras", theories regarding the authors of the attacks were numerous. Two weeks ago, SENASA issued a report stating that the attacks had been carried out by a predator known as the "red-muzzled mouse", which had undergone a mutation and become carnivorous. In Leales, Maria del Carmen Reyes claimed having seen a bright light, which was followed by the discovery of the dead animals. The mystery continues...
Translation (C) 2002, S. Corrales, IHU. Special Thanks to Gloria Coluchi.


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