UFO Seen Over Argentine Town
Twice In One Night

From Scott Corrales

Source Diario El Oeste (Carlos Casares, Prov. of Bs.As.) 6-26-1
A family from Smith, Argentina with whom we spoke over the phone and made a request for anonymity, saw a UFO twice over the town of Smith.
According to the version of a resident of said community, she was on her way home from running errands arount 19:30 hrs. when she saw lights in the sky traveling from NE to W, issuing bright flashes which cast their light downward. When she reached home, she called her husband and her son Guillermo - who was also arriving at the same time - so they could witness the phenomenon. But according to the story of the resident from Smith, this was not the only time that the strange phenomenon was sighted.
At 22:00 hours they saw these lights with the same characteristics, aiming multicolored rays down toward the ground, moving in the opposite direction from the earlier sighting. There is even an unconfirmed version of the same phenomenon having been seen in Moctezuma and Bellocq.
Mutilated Cow Found At Hortensia
It couldn't be otherwise: in order to be attuned to what is going on in the rest of the country and with all manner of speculations, both scientific and harebrained, a mutilated bovine was found in Casares. The discovery was made on Saturday at the rural farm "Don Angel" in the vicinity of Hortensia by foreman Carlos A. Llantada who made the respective report to the authorities.
According to the claim and the police report, as well as the report of the veterinarian who acted as the expert, the animal found was an 18 month female weighing 280 kg., presenting a right lateral incision on both maxillaries, the extraction of its tongue and the right ocular sphere. The expert was unable to determine the cause of death. This allows the case to be placed with other similar mysteries of Bahia Blanca, Pehuajó and other parts of the province which have caused consternation at the national level, leading some to think it could be the handiwork of aliens", of "vernacular mythological creatures" like the Chupacabras, or unknown scientific experiments and even the deeds of a sect involving sacrifices and pagan rites. There is talk of perfect incisions, the absence of tracks surrounding the mutilated animals, and everything imaginable, even associations to a mystery that appears in "X-Files" of the United States.
The police classified the offense as "a Violation of Law 14346" since the codes have no provisions for fantasy, beliefs or much less superstitions, although much of that is fact nowadays, and should be taken into consideration. The fact is that prosecutor Daneiri is involved in the matter, and her job will be to ascertain if any little green man did the deed, or if it is merely the fact that fashion has reached the fields of Cáceres, so as not to be left behind.
Translation (C) 2002 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology. Special Thanks to Gloria Coluchi.


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