Economy Or Conspiracy Behind
Depressed Price Of Gold?
By Bill Murphy
Le Patron 7

Le Metropole Members,

GATA has achieved a MAJOR press coup. The following appears today in what may be the most prestigious Arab paper in the world. In the West, it would be like being featured in the New York Times. Of course, our Washington/ New York so-called FREE PRESS will not even mention that GATA even exists. We are talking about 43 months worth of U.S. press censorship.

Because this is hot off the London press this morning, GATA wants to get this out NOW, so that the GATA ARMY in London can pick up copies.

An English translation will follow at the Cafe.

My humble opinion is this: Once the sophisticated Arab world realizes what GATA has uncovered, they will buy physical gold with increasing fervor. They will now know what Barton Biggs of Morgan Stanley knows!

Here is what Walid Ayyash, GATA's contact, has to say about the story:


Economic Factors or "International Conspiracy" Behind the Depressed Price of Gold"

Under this provocative title, Alhayat, the leading conservative Arabic newspaper published an interview with GATA's Chairman, Bill Murphy, in its Issues section that appears in its international addition of July 19, 2002. The interview touches on a wide range of topics revolving around Gold, geopolitics, and GATA's views on the international conspiracy to keep the price of gold suppressed.

The interview, which appears here below in English (not yet available), is certain to create waves in the Arab Middle East, given the influence of Alhayat, which is Saudi owned among decision makers in that part of the World.

The interview is preceded by a brief summary about a storm that was caused by John Embry, a senior analyst for the Royal Bank in Canada, in which he supported GATA's views on the conspiracy to keep the price of Gold down, the ensuing disavowal by the Royal Bank, and Bill's response indicating that the report was indeed published on the RB letterhead and distributed to it's major clients. The interview takes approximately half a page.
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All the best,
Bill Murphy
Le Patron


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