Strange Humanoid Entity
Encountered In Argentina
From Scott Corrales

Flying Entity In Adelia Maria, Cordoba, Argentina
By Francisco Domínguez (C.O.R. Vice-Director) Natalia Urista, Lucio Fernández y Mario Bracamonte (researchers) The C.O.R. Group (Rio Cuarto, Argentina) July 14, 2002
This Sunday, July 14, 2002, the C.O.R's reseach committee traveled to Adela Maria, 90 km from Rio Cuarto, with a population of 7000 and located amid a highly agricultural and livestock region. At this locality, whose residents have divided into skeptics and believers in ufological matters, the phenomenon has intensified and ranges from the death and mutilation of cattle to sightings of luminous objects of considerable size and the appearance of a flying entity over a cereal plant.
The C.O.R. Committee worked on this last event in particular, interviewing Pedro and Estela Moine, who on Wednesday, July 3rd, decided to go to the business district of the town, which is known as Barrio Norte to all residents of the locality, and crossed the old railroad yard (maneuvering yard) through pedestrian pathways that link both sectors of Adelia Maria.
These are trails through low pasture areas and the rails run between silos, old railroad depots and abandoned wreckage. The aforementioned area is conveniently lit in its public and private areas. The time was nearly 21:00 hours when the couple moved through the premises from north to southeast, suddenly becoming aware of a "strange and incomprehensible conversation between many voices."
Startled by this, they stopped walking. They moved a few meters more and then heard the "voices" again, which now sounded like "strange "O" sounds". Pedro looked toward the silos and was able to see "something" he qualified as a "humanoid" but lacking upper and lower extremities. At least this is what he said during the interview.
Despite the pleas of his wife Estela, Pedro ran several meters toward an inner alley in the silo plant, being able to make out - some 45 meters to the west and in profile - the "entity", which acting surprised, avoided the encounter and moved again to the north. However, what filled the witnesses with wonderment was that the creature did so "as though flying or floating" without touching the facilities it passed.
Filled with excitement, Pedro and Estela ran after it. It was thus that the man managed to see that the "entity" appeared to be "hidden" behind the control room of the truck scale. [Pedro] ran toward it and was again startled to see the apparition rising as a plane taking off, flying at an altitude of 5 meters and disappearing behind a large metal shed. Bewildered, both witnesses called out, but were unable to see anything else.
They decided to return home (a distance of some 250 meters to the north) to find their bicycles and complete the interrupted journey. It took them 15 minutes to go for the bikes and return to the site, where they were astounded to find that the lighting levels had returned to their normal levels, while everything had been darkened during the event, a fact which filled them with uncertainty and unanswered questions.
The apparition was described by Pedro Moine as "a thing with human shape" (he used the term "christian", very common among the unschooled to describe something with human shape). It had some sort of light, although he could not say if reflected or self-generated, although he tends to believe the latter, since it was a nebulous whitish light which kept him from making out details, thus accounting for the lack of arms and legs.
The entire mass of the apparition appeared to be a body covered from head to toe in some sort of mantle, which he described as though "it wore a hat, but covered with some kind of long raincoat" reaching down to what he took to be its feet. He added that the "conversational sounds" repeated themselves in three separate occasions at various intensities. "They were like conversations in a strange language," he said.
On the following day, Estela decided to call FM del Sol, but the radio station did not give signs of being very interested in the event. She therefore resolved to phone FM Radio Adelia Maria, whose owner/director reported to the Moine household after hearing the first tale. He made a recording that was subsequently transmitted over the microphones. The Rio Cuarto "Puntal" newspaper echoed the news and published it. Subsequently Channel 13 of Rio Cuarto did the same and sent a camera crew and reporter to make an audiovisual report of what happened to the Moines. And today, the C.O.R. research team made a detailed oral, photographic and video survey of the area, tasks which lasted until the late hours of Sunday. ___
Mario Luis Bracamonte -- Área Difusión C.O.R.
Translation (C) 2002, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Mario Luis Bracamonte.


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