Colon, Argentina Joins
Mutilated Cow List

From Scott Corrales

Source: Semanario Colón (Internet Edition) July 12, 2002
The bovine, sporting non-traditional injuries, was found in a pasture field located in a field of the Boulevard 17 extension. It was mutilated and this time cattle rustlers were not to blame. The government drafted an official report blaming the shy red-muzzled mouse. By comparison, popular tradition suggests the Chupacabras or little green men.
Whether it is one thing or another, a rancher from Colón had the fright of his life. His name is Forti, and he lives in a development with 150 dwellings. The pasture field is located between Colón and Wheelwright, and there it was that the owner found a bovine with strange mutilations. The parameters followed by the alleged mice in causing the wounds are identical to the ones repeated in hundreds of cases in Córdoba, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires: precise cuts on the chest, the tongue extracted with admirable precision and the absence of genitalia. The rancher summoned an expert and was further astonished by the find, because nothing similar had ever happened before. This case can be added to the mutilated animals found at Hughes, Wheelwright and Villa Constitución
Translation (C) 2002, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Alicia Rossi.


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