Strange Lights In Argentine Skies,
More Mutilated Animals

From Scott Corrales

Source: El Independiente (La Rioja Province, Argentina)
July 30, 2002
ULAPES -- Barely 6 km east of this community, more precisely at the small ranch known as Las Raladas, located on Route 33, which links it to San Solano, two mutilated bovines were found showing signs that are identical to the cases depicted on television and which have occurred elsewhere in the country.
The case involved a pair of yearling heifers who were missing ears, part of their jaws, tongue, a single eye, the udders and their reproductive organs.
Ranch owner Ramon Mercedes Acevedo told El Independiente --which was able to ascertain the high strangeness of these events--that these are very "strange" cases since after having worked so many years in the field, he has never seen anything quite like it.
The edges along which the organs were perfect circles, and the jawbone was completely relieved of flesh or hide, as though the bone had been boiled to remove the flesh. Despite the fact that 5 days have gone by since the animals died, they were still not decomposed nor did they show signs of rigor mortis, suggestive of a natural death.
The cattleman noted that it is his belief that the animals are completely bloodless, since despite the fact that one of them had been eaten by his dogs, foxes and vultures, there was no blood evident, and the muscles were clearly visible, as is the case with animals prepared for human consumption.
The case caused a sensation many residents reported to the site to form dragnets, combing the area to no avail in search of tracks, caves or marks which could lead to a logical explanation for the subject. The place where the animals fell dead is covered in vegetation, making it impossible to reach by vehicle, but the ground is sufficiently soft so that tracks can be detected, should there be any.
"This just had to happen to me," bemoaned Acevedo, faced with the loss of two female bovines.
Local residents remarked that strange lights were seen over the hills of Ulapes during those days, and Jose Nievas said as much last Sunday, when he was in Aguayo and on the way back to Ulapes, saw two large lights moving swiftly over those mountains.
"I don't believe in witches," said another local cattleman. "But they exist, all right."
Translation (C) 2002 Scott Corrales, IHU.
Special thanks to Gloria Coluchi


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