Pentagon Briefing Declares Saudi
Arabia An Enemy Of The US


A briefing to a Pentagon defense panel has described Saudi Arabia as an enemy of the United States and recommended that it be given an ultimatum to stop backing terrorism, The Washington Post said.

"The Saudis are active at every level of the terror chain, from planners to financiers, from cadre to foot soldier, from ideologist to cheerleader," said Rand Corp. analyst Laurent Murawiec in his July 10 briefing to the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board.

"Saudi Arabia supports our enemies and attacks our allies," Murawiec said, describing the country as "the kernel of evil, the prime mover, the most dangerous opponent" in the Middle East.

He said Washington should demand that Saudi Arabia stop funding fundamentalist Islamic outlets around the world, cease anti-US and anti-Israeli statements and "prosecute or isolate those involved in the terror chain, including the Saudi intelligence services".

If Riyadh did not comply, Saudi oil fields and overseas financial assets should be "targeted", Murawiec added in his briefing, without specifying exactly how.

Murawiec's comments did not reflect the Pentagon panel's views or official US policy, although they had "growing currency" within the administration of President George W. Bush, the daily said.

An unnamed US official told the paper opinion about Saudi Arabia was changing rapidly within the US government.

"People used to rationalize Saudi behavior," the official said. "You don't hear that any more. There's no doubt that people are recognizing reality and recognizing that Saudi Arabia is a problem."

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