Orwellian Anti-Semitism
By John Chuckman Columnist (Canada)

George Orwell understood the power of words, and he understood the power of ideology to utterly corrupt their meaning.
He identified tyranny with expressions such as "war is peace" or "ignorance is strength." But absolute government is not necessary to experience the corrupted language of power and the abuses it hides. A nasty democratic minority, supported by a population choked with fear or prejudice, or a ruling majority full of hate or bad intentions is perfectly capable of producing them.
We literally see this happening before our eyes, both in the United States and in Israel.
Mr. Bush calls Mr. Sharon a man of peace. Mr. Sharon rockets and bulldozes his way through the West Bank and Gaza, murders suspects, arrests the families of suspects, threatens to deport whole families guilty of no crime, and calls his dirty work a fight against terrorism. North American defenders of his brutality call any conscientious person questioning these actions an "anti-Semite."
It is impossible to understand how bulldozing homes of "suspects" and the idea of rounding up their families for deportation reflect anything but the most elemental hatred and vengeance. And just so, the many assassinations of "suspects," along with the countless violent arrests that include no trials, no proof offered, just outright public murder and improper arrests.
I don't think it's possible to imagine what Britain would have unleashed had she followed the same policies in Northern Ireland. American public opinion would have exploded had she done so. It was Americans, after all, who largely financed the IRA's guns and bombs.
Imagine Spain's late General Franco, that unapologetic fascist, behaving as Israel does to the neighbors and families of Basque separatists. The world's condemnation would have been deafening.
Apartheid South Africa did do the same horrible things, and America with her racist leanings and mindless social-Darwinist ideology never condemned them until the disapproval of decent people everywhere had become overwhelming. Israel, to her shame, did a lot of business with South Africa, sharing many defense interests, apparently including nuclear-weapons technology.
Of course, one understands that hatred often derives from ignorance and fear. This is what we teach our children when we try to have them understand why hatred and prejudice exist.
But not everyone teaches children these things. We hear from defenders of Israel's abuses that Arabs teach their children only hatred. All Arabs? Only hatred? Now, I have no doubt that is true of some Arabs, but is it any less true of some Israelis?
Judging by what I read, it is scarcely love and peace being taught in a number of Israeli and North American Jewish homes. One finds columns printed by major American newspapers using expressions like "blood-libel," surely the kind language that would have brought a knowing smile to Dr. Goebbels' deathly lips (For those unfamiliar, this crude expression has been used many times by right-wing American columnists in respectable, major newspapers).
What of Rabbi Kahane's violent, racist teachings? Or the teachings of a number of lesser-known extremists both in Israel and the U.S.? What of the Israelis who murdered Mr. Rabin? What of the fundamentalist Jews who not very long ago desecrated the temples of other Jews in Israel who do not share their extremist views? Or the ones who burned some women alive in a Tel Aviv house because they were regarded as prostitutes? (This act wasn't political, but those who do such things are capable of anything.) Or the Israeli who gunned down dozens of Palestinians in a mosque? Or the settlers from New York or London who swagger around with sub-machine guns in the midst of people they have no respect for?
I am always disturbed by violent, senseless crimes. They tear at the precious, delicate fabric of civilization. But when such events take place at the hands of Palestinians, they do not warrant the horrific vengeance Israel routinely inflicts in return.
The United States holds the record in the advanced world for murder and violent crime. Disgruntled, sick, and frustrated people abound in America. It wasn't very long ago that the annual murder rate in New York City produced more victims than September 11, every eighteen months. New York's rate was modest compared to Houston's or Washington's or Atlanta's. Yet, the world would regard it as savagery were the American government to bulldoze the homes of these violent people, arrest their relatives and threaten them with death or deportation. Imagine the world's reaction to an attack with F-16s on a neighborhood in which some of these people were suspected of living?
Not that there aren't a good many Americans who would willingly do such things, but their vicious tendencies are checked by laws and social pressure.
The word anti-Semitism, after the Holocaust, became a terrible epithet imbued with the blood of millions of innocents. Now, less than 60 years later, it is being twisted and abused, even trivialized, by, of all people in the world, some Jews.
This word is carelessly, foolishly thrown around today, particularly in the United States. Write something criticizing policies in Israel, and you are anti-Semitic. Stand up for reason, justice, and decency - applied to all, not just to some - and you are anti-Semitic. Point out the fact that a murderous thug is now the prime minister of Israel, and you are anti-Semitic.
I actually had one individual write me saying that he knew I was glad Jewish children were being murdered. This was written to someone who gave up the country of his birth rather than murder children in Vietnam. The words are precisely the same kind of filth I receive from true anti-Semites or black-hating racists aroused by other issues.
Let any kind of violent crime be committed anywhere today, and if the victim is Jewish, the crime is, ipso facto, anti-Semitic. The very government of Israel becomes involved, as it did in the recent murder in Los Angeles airport by a distracted, demented man. Another example is the murder of a Jewish man with a beard and a yarmulke by a young drugged-up thug in Toronto. Literally, teams of people busied themselves trying to prove there was anti-Semitic intent, their acts rendering the victim less important than his identity. (Lest anyone misunderstand how unusual that murder was, the murder rate in Toronto, a city proud of having the most cosmopolitan, diverse population in the world, is a tiny fraction of that for any American city.)
Undoubtedly, thanks to the immensely-heightened anxieties and human misery generated by Mr. Sharon and an endless stream of mind-numbingly dishonest rationalizations in his defense - stuff that tirelessly repeats war is peace anti-Semitism likely is on the rise in the world. Always such violence and dissonance affect most those on the margins of society. That is the group of people from which the early Nazis recruited SA thugs for their street brawls.
This is all the more urgent reason for Israel to end her morally-reprehensible practices in the West Bank, which are at the very heart of the matter.
Talk about hideous language, language that loses its meaning to ideology, consider the frightful words casually written recently by an American Jew, a lawyer, advocating the execution of the relatives of suicide-bombers.
This lawyer quotes scripture, the Torah, to justify a repulsive idea. But you cannot hide behind ancient scripture, the stories of people who lived twenty-five centuries years ago, to defend what is plainly barbarism today. Do we quote the Incas on the appropriateness of human sacrifice? Or the writings of the Holy Inquisition on burning heretics alive? And why not? Because civilization's sense of morality, thank God, develops over time.
Thus we see the kind of intellectual and moral debasement Mr. Sharon's blood-soaked policies yield, with some using scripture to defend serial murder. Others using epithets like anti-Semitism against those who object. Not to mention a president of the United States too intellectually and morally weak to say "stop, enough!"
John Chuckman encourages your comments: encourages its material to be reproduced, reprinted, or broadcast provided that any such reproduction must identify the original source,
From Richard Stanley
Dear John,
It would have been nice if you could have included the most Orwellian aspect of the term "anti-Semitism". An aspect that serves to mask the important distinction between Zionism and Judaism.
The aspect that I refer to is the fact that 90% or more of the worldwide Jewish population are not Semites, unless one wants to count in some vague figurative sense. However, doing so gets into the issue of whether being Jewish is a religious issue or a genetic issue. I am referring to the fact that the 90 plus percent are not genetically Hebraic Semites (aka Sephardic Jews), but rather a Turkic people known today as the Ashkenazi or European Jews. Historically, they are a people known as Khazars with their roots from a formerly powerful 9th century empire of Khazaria. Interestingly the area surrounding modern day Khazakstan, next to Afghanistan.
For a little background, the Khazars, or at least their leaders, 'modernized' or upgraded to Judaism before their empire collapsed for politically expedient reasons in order avoid coming under the political control of either the Roman Catholic Pope or the Islamic Caliph if they had upgraded ... err converted to either of those religions. Some people believe the Khazars had effectively blunted the advance of the Mongols until their collapse. In any case, the Khazars emigrated westward into Europe via Russia after their collapse, and they effectively supplanted the Sephardic Jews previously living in Europe who were mostly wiped out ... err saved by Christians during the Crusade era.
I don't wish to make too much of this point, but from what I have read and personally observed, many if not most Ashkenazi 'Jews' are not devout practitioners of the Hebrew faith, and, from what I understand, this is especially so in Israel. So, on what basis can they claim to be Semites? If on religion, do they all get a pass because only some are devout and in compliance?
Moreover, even Arabs, who are almost 100% Semites due to their common lineage from the Biblical Shem, via Ishmael - the 'other' son of Abraham, are accused of being anti-Semitic because they have issues with the Zionist Ashkenazi non-Semites. But here we can see why there is a difference in physical appearance between the European Jews and the Semitic Jews, who just happen to look like Semitic Arabs.
Apparently, prior to the fait accompli imposition of the Zionist state of Israel, most rabbis worldwide were against the formation of the Zionist state as they had no sign from their god stating that the time for their dispersion from the 'Holy Lands' was up. See for support. One only has to connect the dots forward and backwards from the issuance of the Balfour Declaration in 1914, addressed from Lord Balfour to 'Lord' Rothschild to see the where the motivation really came from.
The so called Star Of David gracing the Israeli flag is an occult symbol from the Cabala and is believed to have been resurfaced first by its placement on the Red Shield family crest of the Rothschild's (formerly known as the Khazaric Bauers). It had nothing to do with King David, overtly at least, unless of course David was a closet secret society member. But then that's exactly what today's Masons are claiming, that David's offspring that we call Jesus was a member of the mystery schools related to Egypt, Babylon, and Sumer (the land of Abraham's father, a high priest from the recently destroyed Sumerian city of Ur).
Interestingly, the Ashkenazi Jews were made scapegoats in Europe by the occult inspired Nazis because their financial manipulations were supposedly harming the 'natives'. Ironically, it was the Rothschilds via their umbrella international financial arms (Warburgs, Brown Brothers Harriman, etc.) and corporate networks (GE, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Alcoa, Ford, GM, IBM, etc.) that financially backed and assisted the Nazis, just as they have financed and profited from both sides of every European and American war since the 1700's. Yet, the Rothschilds paid no price as usual, only the lesser Jews and others lower down the societal pyramid (sic) or food chain.
Under the principle of "who benefits", if one million or six million 'Semites' get exterminated, then the horrified world will happily dispossess the real 'other' Semites so that the preferred, yet fake, Semites can have a 'safe' homeland.
"The following is an excerpt from MIN HAMETZAR (p. 92) by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl ZT"L Dean of Nitra Yeshiva The excerpt is a literal translation of the letter the Jewish Rescue Committee in Czechoslovakia received from the Zionist "Jewish" Agency Executive Offices in Switzerland.
This was in reply to the call of the Jewish Rescue Committee for help, with documentary evidence furnished, concerning the fate of millions of Jewish people in Nazi occupied Europe.
"We are writing to remind you of the one factor of which you must never lose sight: that ultimately, the Allies will win the war. After their victory, territorial boundaries will be reshaped as they were after the First World War. Then, the way will be clear for our purpose at this time, with the war drawing to a close, we must do everything in our power to change Eretz Yisroel to Medinat Yisrael and many steps have already been taken in this regard. Therefore, we must turn a deaf ear to the pleas and cries emanating from Eastern Europe. Remember this: all the allies have suffered many losses, and if we also do not offer human sacrifices, how can we gain the right to sit at the conference table when the territorial boundaries are reshaped? Accordingly, it is foolhardy and brazen for us to negotiate in terms of money or supplies in exchange for Jewish lives. How dare we ask of the allied powers to barter money for lives while they are sustaining heavy casualties daily? So, insofar as the masses are concerned: RAK B'DAM TIHJE LANU HAAREZ, (Eretz Yisroel will be ours only by paying with blood), but as far as our immediate circle is concerned, ATEM TAJLU. The messenger bearing this letter will supply you with funds for this purpose".
After I accustomed myself to the peculiar writing, I trembled when I realized the import of RAK B'DAM TIHJE LANU HAAREZ. But many weeks passed, and I was still confounded by the meaning of ATEM TAJLU. Until one day, it struck me. ATEM TAJLU meant "You escape", for the word "tiyul" (walking trip) was used by them as a euphemistic code for "escape". They meant to say - you fifteen or twenty "party members", escape from Czechoslovakia and save your hides. The price of Eretz Yisroel is the blood of the men and women, hoary sages, and babes in arms - but not YOUR blood! Let us not spoil this plan by giving the Axis powers to save Jewish lives. But for you, comrades, I have enclosed carfare for your escape. What a nightmare! The Zionist agent "diplomat" comes to Czechoslovakia and says 'Now is a very critical time. But comparatively speaking it is not at all critical for you trapped Jews. For there is an emergency of far greater proportions; namely, BINYAN HA-ARETZ (the prize of Medinat Yisrael). Shed your blood cheerfully, for your blood is cheap. But for your blood, the Land (of Israel) will be ours!"
Perhaps the better yet so that misguided Judeo Christian Zionist supporters can see their Armageddon and follow on Second Coming kept on schedule (whose schedule?). Onward Christian Soldier, Bring on WWIII !!!!!
Ashkenazi Khazar based Jews are no better or worse than any others on this planet, their problem is that they are for the most part the unwitting prime pawns in a bigger geo-political game than either they or most other people know. A game full of hidden agendas, Hegelian Dialectic false dichotomies, and Orwellian word reversals.
And funny how history repeats. It seems the same Orwellian game is played with the 'old' Aryan issue. While we have been conditioned to believe that Aryans are whitebreds (sic) because of the Nazi connection and modern neo-Nazi groups like the totally white Aryan Brotherhood, in reality Aryans are cousins to the Semites. They are a group of people that extend from northern India westward to Iran (from Aryan), up through Armenia and do include the darker Germanic peoples. Who says so? The Indians, the Pakistanis, and the Iranians. Funny how the Nazis always made the more Nordic blonde Germans their Aryan Super Race idols. Any hidden agenda going on here? Muddy the waters perhaps with false definitions that would otherwise help people realize how they are manipulated?
Funny how the Zionist Israelis aren't publicizing the fact that the swastika not only was an ancient symbol from at least the Himalayas but is also found to be a repeating chiseled motif on the rubble stones from parts of the Second Temple.
Funny how the 'heretic' Aga Khan Ismaeli Shiite sect claims to have originated from the Alamut Mountains of Persia / Iran and the Bekaa Valley mountains of Lebanon, where they were known as the Assassins. Then they were known to have close associations with the ostensibly Christian crusading military order called the Knights Templar, who now exist as the 'secret' society Freemasons (aka Frere Masons, or brother masons) and the Jesuit controlled Knights of Malta. The Templar's were the first European group to engage in international banking and secret methods like cryptography.
The Aga Khan Ismaelis have been agent provocateurs for the Anglo colonial and post colonial era in the Iran through India region for centuries. Their political base seems to be in northern Pakistan and they are known to have pressed the British for overt control of Kashmir in exchange for their skull duggery.
Is it any wonder that we find Pakistanis fronting as logistical intermediaries between the Taliban and Al-Qaeda for the CIA both during and after the Afghan war with the Soviets. The war that Zbigniew Brezenski has recently and proudly admitted that he manipulated the Afghan unrest which lead to the desired Soviet invasion. And that this same Pakistani financial - political power base was involved with Wahabbi (fundamental in an Orwellian twist) sect Gulf Arabs in founding the infamous BCCI bank of Iran / Contra fame. The bank for servicing major terrorist groups, major drug smugglers, and major government intelligence agencies. Just one such bank that ultimately ties the Bush family to the bin Ladens, including Osama, via people and entities like Arkansas financier Jackson Stevens, Khalid bin Mafouz, Arbusto Energy, Harken, Oliver North, Mena Arkansas airport cocaine smuggling for contra weapons, Bill 'Top Banana' Clinton, Democratic rainmaker Clark Clifford, etc.
The Lions lay down with the Lambs

Funny how Clark Clifford, who helped oversee the formation of the CIA from the OSS could get suckered into fronting for a domestic banking operation for BCCI. Funny how grandfather Prescott Bush got three of his Brown Brothers Harriman related business operations shut down clear into the early 1950's for "trading with the enemy", laundering money for the Nazis. Yes, that Democratic Harriman family. Funny how the Dulles brothers of CIA and State Department fame oiled the Nazi money laundering operation and then assisted in getting Nazi officials out of Germany and into the US at the end of the war with the help of the Vatican. Funny that alleged protestant Bush the Elder is a Knight of Malta which is connected to the RCC, and at the same time connected to the Masonic elite "Skull and Bones" society along with his son. And both of them insisted on being inaugurated with George Washington's Masonic Bible.
Funny how serious, pure fundamentalist Islamic jihad 9/11 gang bangers destroyed their entrance into heaven by drinking and arguing in titty bars and restaurants, interfacing with the local police by getting speeding tickets, and getting flight training at exorbitant rates at flight schools run by dubious Dutchmen with connections to the intelligence spook world from an airport in Venice, FL long connected to black operations. Where the town has long been politically controlled by the law firm for the ubiquitous Jackson Stevens.
Funny how the Ismaili Shiite Assassin's peak power historically extended down to Yemen where the bin Ladin family's roots are from, as well as many of the 9/11 hijackers or at least from Southwest Saudi Arabia. Of course it may be that just the names are from there since almost half of these persons are still alive. Funny how Mohammed Atta's passport was discovered intact immediately after 9/11. What are the odds of that?
Funny how the strict Wahabbi Islamic sect of the Sauds allows for an inherited secular governance in clear conflict with the original Caliph system. Austere lives for the masses, and unbelievable wealth and debauchery for the elite. Seems ol' Wahab got this inspiration about the time that the Brits were mucking around in the area in the 1700's, somewhat before the Brits started the royal crown sponsored opium trade into China.
Funny that the Zionist, fake Semitic Israelis funded radical (or heretic?) Islamic based Hamas as a counter balance to Arafat, yet always seek revenge on Arafat's secular PLO based Palestinian Authority (aka the police) and not the terrorists. By Catch 22 the police never get the ability to catch the terrorists. How convenient.
Funny how the CIA and other US government agencies co-operate with radical 'Islamic' groups including Al-Qaeda to assist the so called 'Islamic' KLA in Kosovo. All during the time that the US is supposed to be hunting down Osama after his post Desert Storm jihad against the US. Helping the KLA who were previously, and are still known to smuggle Afghan heroin and abducted prostitutes into Europe.
The common thread through history is that we always find the elite using the intertwined mysteries of overt religion and covert secret societies (mystery schools, intelligence agencies acting as government organs) to bamboozle and distract the vulgar masses. Football games and professional wrestling, who benefits? And now we see that naive slumbering Americans are blissfully unaware that the rest of the world from the Third World to the First is viewing America as the 4th Reich on steroids.
Of course some people believe that Orwell was part of the elite cabal, and he was just arrogantly spouting off like Bush the Elder does with his New World Order shtick. Maybe placing "1984" into the public schools was a clever form of reverse psychology.
Rick Stanley


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