Argentina - The Strange 'Shroud'
Of Ciudad Atlantida
From Scott Corrales

Dear Readers of Inexplicata,

The paranormal aspects of the unprecedented UFO/cattle mutilation wave being experienced in Argentina since May 2002 are becoming more pronounced. A few days ago, we posted a newspaper article regarding the strange appearance of a ghostly entity near Ciudad Atlntida. We have the pleasure of presenting you with a follow-up on that story, courtesy of researcher Oscar Adolfo ("Quique") Mario.

Scott Corrales

Institute of Hispanic Ufology

Regarding the news item sent out by Gloria [Coluchi] a few days ago, I would like to mention that the strange figure which many residents now call "The Shroud" is still appearing in Punta Alta, some 27 km from Bahia Blanca. This phenomenon has been verified since Monday, July 29 in an area filled with small sandbanks along the road leading to the Arroyo Pareja municipal beach, facing the Ciudad Atlantida neighborhood, which borders the wire fencing of the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base.

The apparitions have been witnessed not only by neighbors, but also by officers of the provincial police and military men on duty at the Belgrano Naval Base, located some 200 meters from the sand dunes where these creatures are seen. The police has been summoned by these same neighbors to verify the accuracy of their statements. In response to these events, and while they have not wanted to confirm them officially, the authorities have stepped up patrols in the area, since the facilities of the Naval Officers Club happen to be in vicinity.

The apparitions, which always occur in the early morning hours, have become so common that in recent days several neighbors have stayed up late to see them, and it is thus that they were able to confirm the simultaneous presence of up to 2 such beings, as well as red lights flying over the area. All of the witnesses, whether individuals or in a group, agree that the entities are nebulous ("as if made of tulle") and glowing, with a pair of red eyes being clearly identifiable, and glassy faces ("as if transparent"). Their movements are smooth and they always appear from behind the sand dunes, as though "coming from the [Naval] Base". Most witnesses agree that they show a great interest in the water tanks located above the roofs, and that they do not flee upon detecting the presence of local residents--rather, they stare at them fixedly for some minutes. Deep silence is perceived during the observations and "the air appears to become still" and neither heat nor cold can be felt--only a sensation of warmth, as if [the beings] emanated heat. Witnesses also state that things appear to be darker when "the shroud" appears, as though ambient lighting were dimmed. Another curious fact is the large number of cats and dogs who report to the place where the sightings occur and sit down to observe it in silence, in a state resembling a trance.

A series of semicircular prints have been found in the dunes, not very deep, with 15-20 cm separations in some cases and 30-50 cm in others. The locals have identified them as the strange beings' footprints. Efforts have been made to photograph the "shroud", but all images, despite the use of different cameras, appear exposed. One witness who approached the site to witness the phenomenon took two photos of the prints in the afternoon and decided to stay with the group of people hoping to see the "Shroud", managing to take some photos of same and record the new prints which appeared in the dunes after the sighting. Curiously, while the first images of the tracks as well as the ones taken subsequently were perfectly clear, the intermediate photos in which the strange being ought to have been seen were exposed, which could be seen on the negatives as well. An engineer who visited the site suggested that the apparition perhaps generates some sort of radiation that causes film to become exposed, relating it to the "heat" felt by witnesses when the figure approaches.

A completely uncommon print was found at the site--but the residents aren't sure if it's related to the phenomenon: it has the shape of a five-fingered claw.

One witness tried to make use of his carbine's telescopic sight to see the figure in greater detail, but "when he tried to focus on it, he could see nothing [..] it was as though it could only be seen with the unaided eye."

Other residents suggest that the interest shown in the water tanks may bear some kind of relationship with the disappearance of large quantities of liquid in the "Australian tanks" of Bajo Hondo (some 40 km from the site), which occurred in concatenation with the appearance of mutilated bovines, although there is nothing to sustain this theory.

Translation (C) 2002. Scott Corrales, IHU.

Special thanks to Christian Quintero and O.A. "Quique" Mario of Proyecto Condor.


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