"The hell with you," he said -
Reply To An Israeli Friend
By Henry Makow, Ph.D.

Uri and I were friends at university in Ottawa in the early 1970's. After he settled in Israel, I saw him on visits there. Whenever tensions in the Middle East increased, my concerns always turned to him, his brilliant wife and beautiful children. Recently, I emailed and asked for his thoughts.
"Henry, you have joined the devil," he replied. "The hell with you."
Dear Henry,
First I received your letter, then I read your latest (August 14) on Zionism, Feminism, Jews and Bankers.
I'm surprised you don't refer to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The fact that it has been proven to be forgery should be no obstacle, I am sure you will be able to find on the Net a "proof" that it is not a forgery, after all.
Perhaps you haven't read it? You should, it is a foundation text for all anti-Semites--it too is on the Net. It will explain that there is a secret Cabal of Jewish Bankers who have enslaved the world.
You are not the first person with Jewish origins to become an anti-Semite, nor the first to believe that the world is governed by a conspiracy of bankers. The Nazis believed this, and in the early days, until it became impossible, there were even a few Jewish Nazis.
Beliefs such as yours are beyond the field of rational argument. I am sure you will find some way of showing me that any 'evidence" I can muster is a falsification of the great world wide conspiracy, so arguing with you is a waste of time. But I would like to make one thing very very clear to you:
Beliefs such as yours physically endanger the life of my family, my friends, myself. They are now, as they always have been, the justification and the excuse for the physical destruction of Jews. The Jews (and their pals the bankers) are responsible for the worlds ills, for the worst massacres, for the destruction of the family, for poverty and inequality. This is believed as Koranic truth throughout the Arab and Moslem world, and by many in Eastern Europe, and by a few in Western Europe as well. An epic play shown repeatedly on Jordanian Television (with subtitles in English for my convenience) explains how the satanic Jews will stop at nothing in their quest for world domination, that the only possible solution is to heroically kill them.
We don't deserve to live, and so my neighbour, a peace activist on his way to help plan a factory for Jews and Arabs in northern Israel, was blown up. One of my colleagues at work put her beloved twenty year old daughter on a bus, and minutes later her life ended. Another colleague's son was blown up in a coffee house. My chest contracts every time my son leaves the house. My daughter rarely comes to Jerusalem. All this because the Jews are all guilty, and don't deserve to live.
Henry, you have joined the devil. The hell with you.
You are under a lot of strain so I will forgive you for calling me an anti-Semite, implying I don't mourn Israeli loss of life, or don't have your best interests at heart.
I have not joined the Devil. I am following the highest truth available to me. I am trying to dispel the illusions that have created the living hell that threatens not just Israelis and Arabs but all of us.
In fighting evil, the truth is our most potent weapon. Distorting or suppressing the truth doesn't change it. Demonizing someone whose truth differs from yours whether he's a Palestinian or a fellow Jew -- doesn't change it either.
I don't pretend to have the whole truth. It has been suppressed and isn't easy to come by. Nevertheless an outline is emerging. It may change as I learn more.
Yes, I believe that the people who hold the world's purse strings are responsible for humanity's woes. It's irrelevant that they and their allies are "Jewish" because they exploit Jews and gentiles alike.
Zionism is an excellent example of this betrayal. For most Jews, Israel represents a national homeland. Most Israelis would accept peace within the 1967 borders. But this isn't happening because, for its financial sponsors, Israel's purpose is to colonize the Middle East. While Israelis want to live in peace, they are manipulated into playing the role of oppressor.
Uri, like most people you reject facts that clash with your view of reality. But unless we face the truth there is no hope of making peace and thwarting the power brokers. History has been sanitized but we can still discern the truth. Read Chapter Six of Ralph Schoenman's "Hidden History of Zionism" which is on line at
Zionist leaders and Adolph Hitler shared a common interest in making Europe uninhabitable for Jews. They collaborated in transferring German Jews and their property to Palestine. Zionists broke a worldwide Jewish boycott by trading Nazi goods. Zionists let 6000 trained young American Zionists enter Israel rather than accept imperilled European Jews. They were probably responsible for the Allied refusal to accept Jewish refugees and failure to bomb rail tracks to the concentration camps. The evidence suggests they deliberately sacrificed their fellow Jews to create the "moral authority" they needed to usurp Palestine.
Read Jewish writer Ben Hecht's book "Perfidy" (1961, p. 218 ff.). Learn how Zionist leaders turned a blind eye to the fate of a million Hungarian Jews. Adolph Eichmann offered to spare them in exchange for 10,000 trucks to be used on the Russian front and 1000 tons of tea and coffee. "Pick [the Jews] anywhere you want," Eichmann said, "Hungary, Auschwitz, Slovakia anywhere you want and anyone you want." He was willing to release 100,000 Jews in advance and the rest 10% at a time, on payment. He had authorization from Hitler and Himmler.
Joel Brand, of the Hungarian Rescue Committee, took this urgent request to the World Zionist Organization in Tel Aviv where he was put off for months. Chaim Weizmann, WZO Chief and first Israeli President, finally wrote, "I did not have a free moment since my arrival here. I shall be happy to see you sometime the week after next." In spite of physical and economic threats from the Israeli government, Brand told this story at Adolph Eichmann's trial in Jerusalem. It's in the court transcript.
Brand said: "Rightly or wrongly, for better or for worse, I have cursed Jewry's official leaders ever since. All these things shall haunt me until my dying day. It's much more than a man can bear." (Perfidy, p.229)
Jews should consider the possibility that Zionism is not what they think. Throughout history, the Jewish community, docile and status-conscious, has followed its leaders, usually the richest Jews. Often, these Jews exploited and betrayed their faith.
It's fitting that Chaim Weizmann resembles Vladimir Lenin. Both Communism and Zionism are part of the same secret plot for world supremacy, the New World Order. Sponsored by central bankers and their English Masonic henchmen, both movements have duped millions of people with their idealistic claptrap.
Uri, I would be overjoyed to be wrong. Can't you consider the possibility that I am right? That millions of people like me are not anti Semites? That we just care about our future and that of our children, just like you do?
Is it so hard to understand why the Arabs hate Israelis? Read Chapter Five of Schoenman's book. Israelis drove 800,000 Palestinians into refugee camps and stole their homes, farms, factories, businesses, olive orchards and citrus groves. Then Israelis complain Arabs think they don't deserve to live?
Yes, many Arabs fled in panic. The Jews also fled before conquering armies 1800 years ago. Do only Jews have a "right of return?"
Speaking of which, read Arthur Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe." He cites Jewish scholarship that says Eastern European Jewry descend from the Khazars, a mongol tribe that converted to Judaism in the Eighth Century. It's possible we may not descend from the biblical Jews at all.
Consider the twisted logic of Zionism. An oppressed people find a "national home" by dispossessing another people? It doesn't make sense. The Palestinians are sitting on the doorstep looking in their window? Do we expect them to forget? The situation makes sense only if the master plan was to subjugate and colonize them and the whole Muslim world. This is the disastrous direction in which we are headed.
The better alternative: Ask Palestinians for forgiveness and offer friendship and generous compensation. The Saudi offer to accept Israel within the 1967 boundaries was an historic opportunity.
Uri, read "anti Semitic" books like Henry Ford's "The International Jew". Most of them bear no malice against Jews. They attempt to protect Christian values against a secular materialistic and despotic plot led by people like the Rothschilds and Warburgs who happen to be Jewish but also includes people like the Rockefellers, Mellons, Rhodes and Bernhards who aren't.
Uri, I have read parts of "The Protocols of Zion." For a forgery, it explains past and present better than most history books I've read.
Frankly Jews who cry "anti Semitism" remind me of a man standing on another man's foot. When the victim objects, he's accused of being a racist. This is just an underhanded way of disarming him.
It's time Jews stopped demonizing and slandering critics and started listening instead. Zionist leaders may have betrayed our people to a bizarre Masonic plot for world domination (New World Order).
Uri, I know you are under a lot of pressure. But my beliefs do NOT endanger you. Your failure to face the truth does.
Henry Makow, is the inventor of the board game Scruples, and the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. His articles are archived on his web site He welcomes your feedback and ideas at
From Founders' America
Your Friend, Uri -- An Emotional or Rational Mind?
September 11, 2002
This scribbler's focus is always on the underlying psychology driving individual and/or group behaviors, enironmentally condi- tioned and/or heritably acquired.
My below essay may help you to understand better Uri's emotional bent:
Who controls the news rules the mind; Who controls entertainment rules the heart; Who controls both rules the commonwealth.
The Progressive Jew In 'Weimar' America
The progressive Jewish Mind (liberal Jew) is an emoting feminine mind. Emotion slays reason if the emotion is strong enough. Since emotion rules the liberal Jew, and because liberal Jews have much control over the major media and entertainment in America, white civil society - the bulwark of Western civilization - is in rapid decline.
Because Jews historically have been careful in their breeding (employing arranged marriages and strict sanctions against marrying outside their tribe) they've evolved into an exceedingly good and brilliant people, with an ability to retain and manipulate facts and express their emotionality in the arts well beyond that of most other ethnic groups. And if the rational masculine mind in Jewish culture had not been subdued generations ago (I'm searching for the cause) by the now-ascendant matriarchy in Jewish life - the Dominant Jewish Mother - then the world would have suffered much less from social upheavals wrought by the Jewish influence on Western civilization, and possibly gained much more from Jews' scholarship in their material and spiritual pursuits.
The world's cultures owe much to Jews in any case. The litany of contributions from Jews in the arts and sciences is astounding, and matched only by the degree of anti-Semitism that follows the Jew wherever he takes root.
It is a curious thing that there has been no deep examination of the cause for such bad treatment. Jewish liberals today expend great effort in examining and excusing criminal behavior but provide no mitigating conditions for explaining why the Germans so hated Jews in post WW I Germany.
It's curious, too, that terms like "bigoted," "prejudiced," and "anti-Semitic" are thrown at anyone who would ask if there might be something in the Jews' character that draws such ire from otherwise good people, worldwide. Such a phenomenon warrants serious study, rather than dismissing it as merely a product of ignorance or tribalism or nationalism. There must be an underlying reason for turning on a people who have so much brilliance to offer humanity in any endeavor they undertake--save that dealing with psychological and sociological matters. Herein is found the clue to such widespread hatred for Jews.
The Jews practicing a religion of exclusion and staying with their own kind accounts for some of the bad treatment, but what group hasn,t set up protections against encroachments from the outside-- the Other? My theory explains the persecution:
Wherever the Jew goes, he takes with him an overly emotional mind and, subsequently, an irrational one. It is especially irrational when applied to matters of the heart--like feeding the poor or keeping the peace or maintaining good civil society. The Jewish mind excels beyond most others when applied to material concerns like writing, conducting music, sculpting and painting, or inventing this or that for better living conditions. But it is a mind that's very destructive when applied to social "sciences" - to matters of the heart - because it is an emoting feminine mind.
When the emoting feminine mind of Jews in society applies its heart, rather than reason, to solve social problems, and after its ideas gain broad application, civil society is usually damaged. Upon witnessing the bad effects of the progressive Jews' bad ideas, society blames the source and eventually seeks revenge.
It happened in Spain and Germany, and, shortly, the persecution may begin again in America. The current rise of anti-Semitism in black communities, especially after Jews have done so much to "help" blacks, is possibly a symptom of blacks' ever- increasing discontent with the bad effects of social engineering that Jews applied to minority communities these past forty years (with major contributions coming from non-Jewish liberal Democrats).
German society after World War I, but before the installation of the ill-fated Weimar Republic, in which Jews were allowed to enter all aspects of German life, was a period when Jews were small in number but extremely powerful in their influence on German social and political thought (the great embarrassment and dislike that well-placed Jews and common German citizens had for Jewish ghettos notwithstanding).
Germans' awareness of Jewish influence was quietly discussed but not publicly debated in the press until 1913, after Moritz Goldstein, a Jewish writer, published an essay entitled German-Jewish Parnassus.
His article created a national stir by asserting that while Jews were excluded from full participation in German culture, they were actually directing it. A brazen admission, but a painful truth made more real for the German people after their losses in WW I, and who came to both lament the decline of traditional German life and resent the ongoing social upheavals from bad economic conditions and burgeoning ghetto populations that Jews appeared to foment.
Who controls the news rules the mind; who controls entertainment rules the heart; who controls both rules the commonwealth.
In 1915, Jews had had a near-monopoly on the German press, as well as control of entertainment industries long before the formation of Weimar (but only moderate financial power). By WW I, nearly all of Berlin's theaters had Jewish directors and an inordinate number of Jewish actors. And Jews dominated music and literature, as well as acquiring a disproportionate number of academic and professional positions very soon after the installation of Weimar, which formation opened the door to full Jewish participation in German society.
One never hears public discussions about the psycho- cultural events leading up to the Holocaust, although much has been written about Germany's social conditions prior to WWII, because our sensibilities cringe at the idea of presenting any excuse - fact or fantasy - for what the Nazis did in their retaliation against the Jewish people.
In my recent letter to a Jewish law professor at Georgetown University, I put aside my sensibilities in order to challenge him on the matter. I wrote to him after reading his column in the Washington Times concerning Americans' lack of moral values, which position I thought very curious for a liberal Jew to take.
I believe that much of the moral decline and social upheaval in America is due to the bad effects of progressive Jews' emotion-driven mind on white civil society, through its influence in Hollywood and the dominant news media. Here's my letter to him, expressing that sentiment:
America is in rapid decline. Being a student of history, I fear that there is little hope of halting the decline. Once the emoting femi- nine mind is unleashed in a society, it's unstoppable without much pain and violence.
For example, I believe that Nazi fascism was an inevitable response to the social/sexual excesses of Germany's Weimar Republic. One can see the same social conditions taking root in America these past thirty years; conditions that were present in post WW I Germany, and which would later come to full bloom in her Weimar culture -- growth of feminism and illegitimacy; anti-social commentary in novels, newspapers and entertain- ment, which undermined traditional values on family, religion and nationhood; a corrupt and lascivious entertainment and arts community; a burgeoning and out-of-control immigrant population; an emphasis on human universality (socialism/communism), which spawned excessive welfare programs and dispirited hard-working, tax-paying citizens; and a growing right-wing as answer to the social chaos, albeit one that was begun in Germany by socialists, whose hermaphro- ditic character (a left-wing desire for securing the well-being of all German citizens coupled with right-wing anger over the social/sexual excesses that undermined the German family) made Nazi socialists nearly insane in their retalia- tion for the Jews' meddling in German nationhood-- a charge in post WW I Germany that wasn't without merit.
To be sure, Weimar Germany was a period of great creativity, both good and bad; the bad being more prevalent and costing Germany,s very underpinning: traditional German culture [end of letter].
Like in post WW I Germany, Americans today can argue whether or not liberal Jews control the major entertainment and media centers while only a few American Jews acknowledge Jews, influence on American culture.
One can't dispute the strong influence of Jews on the reporting of news in major newspapers and in television and radio. Even television and Hollywood critic Michael Medved recently told PBS talk-show host Charlie Rose: "I can't explain the great number of Jews who control Hollywood," as if to avoid, or apologize for, the Jews' dominant influence in Hollywood (Michael Medved is a conservative Jew and mostly rational-minded. He decries the bad influence Hollywood has had on American civil society).
Because the progressive Jew can be both irrational and brilliant, he can conceive a false premise, construct logical conclusions from it, and then build an elaborate thought system to convince you that the premise and conclusions are true. But the premise is invariably false because it's always emotion-based, like that premise championed by Bill and Hillary Clinton's friend and guru Michael Lerner, whose utopian-minded quest is published in his bi-monthly Tikkun magazine. "Tikkun" means "to mend, repair and transform the world."
Lerner's premise is that a utopian earth is possible through "fair" external controls and good internal conscience. Of course, everyone would have to think and behave alike for such a Utopia to be realized. Unfortunately, the emoting feminine mind denies reality - its enemy - which inevitably exposes liberals' social engineering for the bad policy that it is; thus forcing them to slink back into the dark, emotional recesses of their discontent; but only for a time, until they can repackage their misthoughts for another airing on another generation or society.
Here's an example of emoting feminine mind, as Michael Lerner exhibits it in his article "Six Days Shalt Thou Work" [Tikkun, Nov./Dec. '93]:
"In so doing, they [conservatives] prevent themselves from knowing that they are justifying a social system [democratic capitalism] whose current distribution of wealth and power is based on the stealing of land from the American Indians, the enslavement of Blacks, the degradation of women, and the systematic exploitation of many generations of immigrants."
My February 9th, 1994, response to Lerner's emotion- based article follows:
Michael Lerner writes emotionally, and as if human evolution isn't a process of advances and declines where, through some mysterious process or act of God, a particular people has the burden of bringing higher states of understanding and living to humanity, even at the expense of other peoples' well-being. After all, if not for the scientific method - white males' grandest achievement - American Indians and African natives still would be shaking beads at illnesses and pissing in their drinking water; practices not yet given up in many parts of the world.
Among whites' other contributions to humanity were their resolute and successful efforts at halting the practice of slavery around the world - led by the British - and giving of life and limb to that end.
What a noble and benevolent people - in mind and soul - as compared with other peoples. No?
In lieu of Western thought, many minority Americans profess their ethnic origins and hope to bury Dead White European Males. But those multiculturalists invite only self-deprecation in comparing their ethnic artifacts and ideas to those of preeminent Western civilization. They could lay claim to that great legacy by profess- ing their humanity, but are blinded by their ethnicity.
Would that Mr. Lerner fairly answer this question: In history, what other race of people has so conscientiously acknowledged its ancestral injustices (real and imagined) toward others, moved to correct them, and then deferred the well- being of its own culture (mistakenly so, I believe) to attend the needs of those historically aggrieved peoples?
The preeminence of Western culture - of white, Christian civil society - is evident even in its altruism, which may explain America,s present vulnerability and her possible destruction from those self-promoting multiculturalists who now defame it.
Quoting black educator and nationally syndicated columnist Thomas Sowell: "Much of the global sweep of Western civilization today, as its critics are quick to point out, is a product of conquest over the past five centuries . . . What has been peculiar to the West has not been its participation in the COMMON SINS AND AGONIES of the human race [my emphasis] but its special ways of trying to cope with those sins and agonies--the philosophy, religion, and government of Western civilization, which provided the intellectual and moral foundation on which rise the benefits of freedom, of science, and the material well-being of hundreds of millions of humans around the world." -"Western Civilization: Achievements and Prospects," by Thomas Sowell
What Professor Sowell means is that when comparing the savagery of past cultures, say, the Arabs or the American Indians or the African natives, with the "savagery" of Western civilization, then whites appear far more advanced in their intellectual and moral foundation; ergo, superior in their civilization.
"How wonderful it must be to live in a world in which one need not know any of this," Lerner writes about Western civilization. And how tragically unfortunate for minorities to live in their world of narrow self-interests and ignorance, as promulgated by the Michael Lerners of the world [end of letter].
The emoting feminine mind of the Progressive Jew in America is dangerous, and ultimately destructive to good civil society, because it ignores lessons learned over the ages about human nature; it fails to use rational (unemotional) thinking in applying those lessons to social problems; it,s an irrational mind that would risk sacrificing good social order just to see its emotion-based "solutions" implemented, and no matter the long-term damage to American civilization.
All that matters to the emoting feminine mind is feeling good about doing what it believes to be good deeds. It feeds mainly on feeling good but can derive a darkly emotional pleasure from feeling bad when its well-intentioned efforts cause suffering, which is more often the case. To feel strong emotion is the prime objective of the emoting feminine mind. This is its life; this is why one sees so much whining and hand-wringing in the writings of Progressive Jews, and why all liberal emoters like them are called "knee-jerk" or "bleeding-heart" liberals by conservatives.
Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs would have been impossible to implement without the emotion- ality provided by the Progressive Jewish mind, both in Hollywood and the dominant news organiza- tions--through which it changed public opinion and helped liberal Democrats pass special-rights legislation and welfare programs for minorities, engineering the requisite social tools for keeping them well fed, dependent, and pro-Democrat.
America now is reaping only small ripples from the coming tidal wave of social upheavals that that legislation sowed. Liberals' bad social legislation and their irrational court decisions over these past forty years will unleash a torrent of economic and social damage in the coming years.
One day historians will compare Weimar Germany with present-day America and wonder at the destructive power of the emoting feminine mind in both Jew and gentile--wonder at its bad, devastating affects on good civil society.
Founders' America
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