Center Names Top
Ten Scare Campaigns
Threatening Human Health
And Progress
By Alan Caruba
The National Anxiety Center
"Just about everything Americans and others around the world have been told in the past two decades about the climate, energy reserves, chemicals, and an endless list of bogus threats to their well being has been proven to be false," says Alan Caruba, founder of The National Anxiety Center, a think tank headquartered in Maplewood, N.J.
The tenth annual Chicken Little Awards are devoted to identifying "the worst lies that have been foisted on Americans and others in order to destroy the astonishing progress mankind has made to improve everyone's life." Founded In 1990 by the veteran science and business writer, the Center created "The Chicken Little Awards" to focus attention on the efforts of individuals and organizations "to scare the daylights out of millions of people for the purpose of influencing public policy."
"What is continually ignored is the fact that Americans and others in developed nations around the world are living longer, generally healthier lives, than ever before in history," said Caruba. "What is ignored is a full-fledged assault on the very means to sustain our success, the ability to utilize the earth's resources and to maintain high standards of health, the provision of sufficient food for the world's population' and the preservation of independent nations, free to determine their future."
The Banning of DDT is first on the list of the Center's Chicken Little Awards, largely due to the alarmist, false writings of Rachel Carson. "The sole purpose of the environmental movement is to reduce the earth's population' despite the fact the earth is over five billion years old," said Caruba. "When the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency banned DDT in 1972, it ignored the fact that DDT had prevented the death of 500 million people since its first widespread use in 1943. Since then' millions have needlessly died or had their lives impaired by Malaria, a disease on the rise. Plans to eliminate other pesticides worldwide are moving forward. This is nothing less than planned genocide."
Global Warming is second on the list. "In the 1970's environmentalists were warning that a new Ice Age was coming. When that scare campaign failed, they turned to global warming, but to date there is no evidence of a dramatic warming trend to support this claim. More than 18,000 scientists worldwide have spoken out against this Big Lie intended to force industrialized nations to reduce their energy use."
Genetically Modified Crops is third on the list. "With a population estimated to be six billion' the earth needs this remarkable means to grow more food on less land, with less dependence on the chemicals used to ward off insect pests and adverse climate conditions. This, however, has not deterred leading environmental organizations from launching a huge scare campaign to needlessly frighten people."
Food Scares are fourth on the Center's list. "The food police have warned against irradiation that kills deadly food poisoning pathogens, as well as the diet of huge portions of the world's population' including the natural inclination of humans to include meat in their diets," said Caruba. "The worst perpetrators of these lies are the members of the animal rights movement who are engaged in a worldwide program of terrorism."
The Timber Lies, fifth on the Center's list, have been a sustained program in the U.S. where two-thirds of the forests that existed when the Pilgrims arrived are still thriving. "The lies that the Spotted Owl was endangered shut down 187 mills in the northwest and wiped out 22,654 jobs. The U.S. is now importing lumber when it is home to vast forestlands that have been put off limits to any use by Americans, whether as timber resources or for recreation."
The Oil Lies, sixth on the list, are the reason' in part, why Americans are paying higher prices than ever before for a tank of gasoline or to heat their homes and businesses. "Half the cost of gasoline in the U.S. goes to taxes. The U.S. has huge reserves of oil that years of increased restrictions by Congress have put off limits to create a phantom scarcity. The projected reserves of oil worldwide would fuel the needs of the world's population for hundreds, if not thousands, of years." New technologies may, however, reduce dependence.
Endangered Species rank seventh on the Center's list. "Deterring the building of homes, hospitals, and other elements of a thriving economy is the sole purpose of this utterly failed program to preserve falsely identified endangered species. The U.S. is suffering from unfettered populations of deer, Canadian Geese, and the introduction of predator species that attack cattle and sheep, as well as endangering human life. Fully 99% of all the species that ever lived on earth are extinct. Darwin was right!"
Urban Sprawl is ranked eighth as "a lie that flies in the face of the fact that the entire population of the United States lives on little more than three percent of its entire land mass.
As our population grows, the implementation of programs based on this lie would force millions into already overcrowded cities. This lie is about controlling where people can live."
Attention Deficit disorders are ranked ninth on the Center's list. "There is not a scintilla of scientific proof that Attention Deficit disorders have any basis in fact. Seven million American children in our nation's schools have been diagnosed with ADD and more than half are being drugged on Ritalin and other behavior-altering drugs. The result is a frightening rise in school related violence and suicide rates among our youth."
Every Natural, Beneficial Chemical is ranked tenth by Center. "The pesticides that protect human life and property are under wholesale attack. Chlorine that keeps our water supplies drinkable is under attack. The scare campaigns surrounding chemicals are the handiwork of radical environmentalists determined to put everyone's life at risk."

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