How Marriages Go Off the Rails
Musings Of An Unrepentant Heterosexual
By Henry Makow, Ph.D

"I'll kick your butt," my wife said. "You'll be crying like a little girl!"
Even in jest, those were fighting words!
It was Sunday evening and we had just passed a Jiu Jitsu school. My wife imagined she would become a black belt and teach me a lesson. She often feels resentful on Sundays because I spent it with my son.
When they feel unloved, why do women become more unlovable?
They assume independent airs, and put up barriers. They don't need you any more. It's feminism in miniature.
My first reaction was, "Ok, fine. Do your thing. See if I care."
But then I realized that this is how marriages go off the rails. Women demand love, and when men canít respond on cue, they get resentful. Then men get fed up. It's a vicious circle.
I had to nip it in the bud.
When we got home. I put my arm around my wife.
"Look, you cannot demand love. I can't respond to that."
"Don't make an issue of love. Be patient, adaptable and have faith. That's what I respond to."
"Be as independent as you like when it comes to your career and the rest of your life. But when it comes to me, you must obey. You belong to me."
Believe it or not, this is what she wanted to hear.
A real woman is designed to finally shed her "independence" and become one with the man she loves.
This view is not popular because for decades feminists have taught that women must be equal and independent. If you are happy in a feminist marriage, I congratulate you. But if marital happiness eludes you, consider what I have to say.
Feminism is based on political notions that ignore and defy human nature.
Most women are passive by nature. They want to be possessed and used for a purpose they consent to. I suspect that many women want more control from their husband, not less. The feeling of "neglect" arises from not being needed, sexually and otherwise.
Men have been conditioned not to lead, not to make demands. They are taught to be cool, laid back and have no plan. Women lose interest in these men.
Women are so formidable these days; men don't know how to approach them. But the essential relationship hasn't changed. It is about a man convincing a woman to do what he wants.
For course, this is easier if he wants the same thing that she does. Generally, women want a lot more than casual sex.
A woman shows she loves a man by obeying him. Nothing makes a man happier than a woman who is acquiescent.
Sexually, women are excited by male power, men by female vulnerability. Female pornography is full of acts of welcome sexual transgression.
By equalizing power, feminism is really about neutralizing and destroying the male-female dynamic. It is a vicious government assault on heterosexuals. It is about depopulation, emasculation and alienation. It is about banishing love from the world.
I used to be a feminist. Like most people, I got my ideas from the mass media. I assumed that the media was "on my side." This is not the case.
During the Second World War, the Office of War Information perfected the art of psychological warfare and propaganda. After the war, the OWI became part of the CIA and turned these skills against the American people. OWI alumni became the executives and editors of the major magazines, TV networks, newspapers and book publishers. These included Time, Look, Fortune, Saturday Review, Viking Press, Harper & Brother, and CBS etc.
The CIA follows the Rockefeller Foundation social agenda: reduce world population and control it. They promote homosexuality, feminism, abortion, birth control, eugenics and genetic engineering.
The Rockefellers funded the "Kinsey Report," which started the sexual revolution. Kinsey, a homosexual, manipulated his data to convince Americans that they were more promiscuous than they really were. People felt they were missing out. The Rockefeller-controlled press heralded Kinsey's report as "the latest thing."
In the 1930's, the Rockefellers funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin where the Nazis perfected eugenics and genetic engineering. It is probable that Kinsey got some data from sexual experiments on children in concentration camps. (See Dr. Judith Reisman, Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, Ch. 10)
The Rockefellers fund feminism. Search Google for "Rockefeller Foundation" and "women's studies" and you'll get 16,500 listings. They also funded ( Steinem) and promoted Betty Frieden. Under the guise of "equal rights", they tricked women into thinking men are their enemies. They tricked them into pursuing careers instead of families. What better way to decrease population?
The bottom line: we have been messed with, in the most egregious way.
Feminists promote lesbianism by making heterosexuality appear pathological. They teach impressionable young girls that men are wife beaters and molesters.
Feminism is based on ( musty Communist notions of "equality.") Men and women have an equal right to dignity and self-fulfillment but this isn't achieved by giving each equal power. That often is a recipe for disaster.
Men and women find fulfillment in marriage by becoming one spiritually. This is the only thing that finally assuages the sexual urge.
Spiritual union takes place through the exchange of female power for male love. When a wife accepts a man's marriage proposal, she gives him the power to love her. It is a decision she should not make lightly. Once she has, she must be patient and have faith in him. That is love.
When a woman tries to take control, and tell her man how to love her, the relationship is headed for the rocks. I'll wager this is the main cause of marriage failure.
Power is the male principle. Love is the female principle. They are two sides of the same coin, symbolized by marriage.
In conclusion, the people who own the planet want to consolidate their power by reducing population. Using the media (and education system), they fill us with self-destructive nonsense. They have succeeded in putting our lives "on hold," a prelude to "disconnecting" us altogether. A healthy marriage is a way to short-circuit this process.
Henry Makow, Ph.D. is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles on feminism and the new world order are in the "archives" at His reward for writing is hearing your comments at
From Sheryl Jackson
All relationships require equal giving and taking. For a womyn to "obey" a man, either she is pathological or he is or he is Mel Gibson or Sean Connery.
To stand next to one another to help when we fall is the desired balance that we feminists require. Whether among heteros, homos or bis.
To have one person making the majority of decisions requires that that one person be strong, ALWAYS aware of the needs of the other and firm, fair and consistent.
This is usually accomplished by a May/December arrangement, basically reminiscent of pedophilia. Because only a Womyn-Child is going to be complacent, obedient and acquiesce to Daddy's commands/orders/dictums.
For the average American Womyn, there is no real need for pompous, inadequate males.
I must write the Harvard professor who wrote to John Ashcroft and chided him for being a boob. I have found the other one.
From Leila Wood
The articles from Henry Makow, Ph.D, have been increasing in their degradation and dehumanization of women. I am not a feminist, but as a woman, I feel that it's about time someone said something to contest his inferiority of females propaganda. What he has stated in his article is his opinion, and it is his right to voice it, but as a spokesman for what is best for women... well, let's just say that he might be more qualified if he were one himself.
Speaking personally, and for those of my gender I know, we do not wish to be subjugated in exchange for attention. We do not belong to a man we love or marry any more than a child belongs to his parent... the parent is there as a guide and a teacher, but in the end, each individual must have the God-given right to self-sovereignty. Likewise, a functional husband-wife relationship is one of mutual support and love, not of what the comment of "... you must obey. You belong to me..." speaks of as domestic slavery. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but I am tired of the spin and the sidling around the raw truth that has been going on lately.
It is stated in the article that feminism defies human nature. Perhaps. We cannot preclude that possibility. However, why do women desire the right to personal freedom if that is against their nature? And if it is simply a matter of human nature, is that to say that we humans are to be readily given the right to kill, to maim, to destroy, to dominate, as the primitive animal instincts which lurk in human nature allow? It would seem that human nature destroys more marriages than women's rights does. The article states with disbelief that women view men as their enemies. This may be true in some cases, but not as a majority.
The true reason why women build barriers is fear... justified fear, as 78% of those arrested in this country are male, and of the women who are arrested, nearly half have been abused before commiting their crime. (These statistics are from the Bureau of Justice at )
Again, I do not advocate feminism in its current form. Women should not be given power over men. But neither should men be given power over women. Gender equality is an ambiguous matter, as men and women are not equal in what they value and how they view the world. They are inherently different. However, each gender should be allowed to certain rights. Rights which grant that " and women of good will, in all countries, may have 'leave to live by no man's (or woman's) leave, underneath the law.'" (Justice Robert Jackson, 1945.)
Thank you for your time,
Leila Wood.

From Horst
I agree with Leila Wood and wish to add the following:
1. ALL feminists I've met, and all those women who are sympathetic to feminism, have distinctly hysterical characteristics. The most prominent symptom of such hysteria is a hatred of men. They become hysterical because of what they suffered during their childhood -- Mostly not getting enough love from their fathers!
2. Some 30 years ago, during my youth, nobody was talking about feminism - the word didn't exist yet. Many, though, were talking about emancipation, something that essentially applies to both sexes.
Be yourself, free yourself from roles that are contrary to your personal nature. i.e. a man does not have to be necessarily a macho in order to be a "real man" one is even allowed to cry at times and a woman needn't be a 'sweet doll' without any will of her own.
Words like emancipation and partnership are rarely used these days.
From Lee Merkel
Worcester, MA
From the things Makow is writing about having a woman obey a man to feel fulfilled, I see yet more evidence that having a Ph.D. is no guarantee of the ability to think, much less to be a real man.
Henry may not be a complete idiot, but he's certainly got the wrong slant on the man-woman relationship for a healthy situation.
What's the deal with his need to have someone "obey" him?
I doubt he'll get the right answer from most psychologists or psychiatrists, who sound in general as screwed up in their own ways as he is in his. But this "promise seekers" approach he's following could do with some correction. The longer he stays with this delusion, the more he'll regret it later, when & if he wises up.
I'm a married male, and I feel one should obey one's own intelligent inner voice. That goes for man & woman equally.
Lee Merkel,
Worcester, Mass.
Alton Raines
There are two kinds of feminism. One seeks for rational parity and equity in the work place (equal pay for equal work, etc) and sought, at one time, to unbridle women from the stifling second class citizenship perhaps most exaggerated and pronounced in the 1950s, when society and Madison Avenue actually seemed to be pushing for 'Stepford Wives;' Mindless drones for the 'superior' male. Unfortunately, feminism was overtaken by the most radical, angry and bitter members of the cause who lost all reasonable perspective. It encouraged women to see themselves in a war against the opposite sex, rather than a personal elevation. Obedience to a male is not necessary for harmonious marriage if a covenant relationship is present, where both parties are consciously aware of what their marriage is -- a partnership. And as in any partnership of value, merit and talent determine the internal leadership roles. Not wrote social mores. Even in the Old Testament, the "righteous woman" is defined in Proverbs 31 in terms which fall far from the controlling viewpoints we see from threatened men like Makow.
She is more valuable than money or jewels. (v.10)
She does good and not evil to her husband all the days of her life (v.12)
She creates clothing and fabrics with her hands (v.13)
She brings home the bacon! (v.14) maybe not bacon in Jewish society, but the point is made.
She manages a large household, including hired workers (v.15)
She is involved in real estate transactions (v.16)
She operates vinyards (v.16)
She is strong and fit for any task (v.17)
She comprehends the equity she creates in working and her day doesn't end
because the sun goes down (v.18)
She is charitable and helpful to the poor and needy (v.20)
She is fearless against difficulty and her household is secure (v.21)
Her own labor affords her beautiful clothing (v.22)
She buys and sells and is known to the merchants in business (v.23)
Her mouth is full of wisdom, and the law of kindness governs her speech (v.26)
She is called "blessed" by her children and her husband, who honor her (v.28)
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates." (v.30-31)

This is a self-sufficient, independent, powerful, financially capable person of tremendous importance in the social structure, the work place and the home. And all the while, married. She isn't at war with men, she compliments the male with her role and "her own works praise her in the gates." Some men would like to deny a woman the "fruit of her hands."

Fruitless women, limp wristed, given to vanity and delicacy are indeed worthless. They bring bitterness to a home and generally cause strife; and scripture says "It is better to live in the corner of an attic than in a house with a contentious woman." But clearly, if a woman is striving to meet even a quarter of the principles of Prov. 31, an overbearing 'obedience' obcessed husband is utterly worthless and detrimental to the family and to society. It then would be better for her to live in the corner of an attic, than in a house with a contentious man!
From Denis Meloche
Hi Jeff,
I was raised by a feminist. The brand of feminism I was exposed to was at least as unbalanced as any oppression that women have suffered. The facts are that men and women are not equal. Both genders have inherent strengths and weaknesses as do all people and every life form on the planet. Everyone is entitled to basic 'human rights' as outlined by the UN and available here;
That being said, the brand of feminism that I was exposed to violated my human rights and is therefore unbalanced. Any equality movement that advances the rights of one group while sacrificing the rights of another group is illegitimate. The UN outline on human rights is quite inclusive and considered every point that is made in this article as well as the rebuttals. Rather than focus on the rights of any group we should focus on human rights, the inalienable rights of all people.
Best regards,
Denis Meloche
From Sheryl Jackson
Dear Sir, I want to clarify the definition of Feminism. It means to be beholden to none. Not dependent upon. Not a burden for man or child. To express one's feelings openly and wisely without fearing reprisal for speaking up. To be able to hold jobs when you are qualified to do so, not to be eliminated because you are female. To have the right to be without having to make excuses for actions that men are allowed to pursue without fault. To be trusted, respected, heeded when sound advice is given. To be able to make a difference in the world without too much fuss. To hold government office because you were the best person for the job. To stand next to the partner of your choice and make plans and carry them through. To seek and find happiness bringing harm to none. Being able to dress as one wants without judgment or recrimination and to be able to live alone without benefit of marriage, children or mates without having to join a convent. To be able to walk alone without being accosted for one's austerity.
No where is the desire to subjugate men. Not to tell them what to do, not to make them behave. Men should behave because it is the right thing to do. To have our own bank accounts or children and not have to seek a man for the completion of life. To not be a burden to men with our own reckless abandon and bad choices. Just to be. To love. To give and receive from others. To be able to fix the pipes, climb a telephone pole or race a car without being thought of as Lesbians. Too many men, want to believe that if wymyn want nothing to do with them that we are "dykes on bikes".
No, we just don't need or want most of you in our lives. We merely want what men want. Why is that asking so much. If we are better and stronger doesn't that give men a chance to be better also? Why is mopping, cleaning the bathroom and changing dirty diapers "womyn's work"? Don't you live in that house also? Why should wymyn continue to carry the responsibilities of cleaning, raising the children and organizing the household along with being good employees. Why do we want to perpetuate the addage: A man's work is from sun to sun, a womyn 's work is never done?
That is what being a feminist is about. Not taking over from the men and castigating the men. It is about equality.
I think you men should have equality with us wymyn whether you want to be that responsible or not.
Sheryl Jackson

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