Bouncing Betty

By Doug McIntosh

Bouncing Betty was an aspect of the Vietnam War explained to me by one of my Sergeants back in 1974. It was an explosive that when you set it off it would shoot up in the air and then explode. There was a lag when the unfortunate victim realized they were dead, although they hadn't actually died yet, since technically, the mine hadn't exploded. About where the global and American economies are as we enter the New Year of 2003. We are in the economic version of the famous Breck Shampoo ad, "Does she or doesn't she?" The economy has been in a rolling depression since the spring of 2000, even though you would never know it from the dominant mainstream reality smothering the United States Empire. Things are going to start happening shortly after January 2nd: economic things, political things and military things. 2003 will impose a brutal new reality upon the current fantasy one prancing around these here United States. Things are different now.
2002 was not a good year in economic terms. The Euro is at a three year high against the fiat dollar. The barbaric relic is showing signs of life. We have had record corporate credit downgrades. We have had record personal bankruptcies. We have had record corporate bankruptcies. Hmm, I wrote that last year too. It seems we set a horrible record and then proceed to do worse the next year. Record credit card default rates. Record home foreclosure rates. Record percentages of people overdue on payments. The reason this goes on year after year is because the system simply ignores it. The economic variation of one hand clapping. We have reached the level of debt related chaos needed to trigger an economic collapse. We just haven't experienced the economic collapse. Everything is in slow motion and we are just watching things unfold while denying any of it's happening.
It seems the Christmas retail sales were bad. Bad as in the worst since 1972. Hmm, didn't I watch the media shills priming the sheeple to spend, spend, spend? Didn't they pound in my head how good the Thanksgiving sales were? After the first of the year, the ritual retail slaughter will start anew. K-Mart, last years model, lost $350 million last quarter and will start a new round of store closings. FAQ something or other will close some stores. Emporium, a local Oregon chain will declare bankruptcy. The retail list goes on and on and on. The media and the system tells us everything is O.K.. However, out in the real economic world the statistics show the true reality. The economic reality is excessive debt load, collapsing spending and production, collapsing psychology and a looming war. If you think things are bad now, just wait till the war starts. Any war. Pick one: North Korea/South Korea, China/Taiwan, India/Pakistan, USA/Iraq or unlimited terror attacks. Any one will be more than enough to end economic life as we know it. Very likely within the next few days, or certainly by Easter. Venezuela in and of itself has spiked oil to $32: What do you think will happen when the Mid East war starts? The strategic oil reserve will not sustain economic activity in the United States for very long. The military assumption that Saddam won't take as many of us as he can is sheer foolish pride. My niece has gotten her alert orders for January. The 3rd Infantry Division is going to war. We are going to war.
In fact, we are already at war. We know our enemies have said they will target our economy. So, why are we in denial that the Cruise ship infections are a bio terror attack? Ah, they are not Smallpox or Ebola and people aren't turning into puddles of pus in their deck chairs. The perfect bio terror attack would be one that the system denied was a bio terror attack. Score one for the terrorists. The perfect bio terror attack would be one that was easily done, by foreign crew members long in place and would have a maximum economic impact. Score two for the terrorists. The December cruise ship industry has been shattered, shattered at the peak season and shattered hopelessly in terms of profits, psychology and image. "Come on our fun-filled cruise and spend your time going to the toilet thirty times a day." You destroy an Imperial American military by gutting the economy. You gut the economy by sequential, phased attacks upon targeted segments of that economy. 9-11 took out the airline industry. The Norwalk virus is taking out the cruise ship industry. The Bali blast takes out the overseas tourist business. Anybody else notice a pattern here? Look at the lack of economic activity in Israel now versus two or three years ago if you care to see what the terrorist plan is. It's not like my economic analysis is f#$%^& rocket science. Before we can do anything serious and effective against economic terrorism, we will have to admit it's going on right now and will continue. Ignorance isn't bliss; it's slow death industry by industry.
I'm afraid the United States elite has no idea what they are doing. I'm afraid the political correct mind set will not allow them to take the kind of actions needed. The dominant economic reality for 2003 will be physical security. The security costs will gradually strangle the economy: WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THE INTENTION WAS ALL ALONG! The government, at all levels, federal, state, county and city, are going to implode financially in 2003. Up here in Oregon, they are talking about firing 50% of the state troopers. I look for an increasing collapse in what I call the basic physics of modern life. Pull into a rest stop and take your pistol to the rest room with you. If they close the rest stop you just pull over and do it on the shoulder like Europe. The federal government is going to have to raise the debt ceiling from 6.4 trillion soon, as the unending war on terror, followed by the unending global war, will bankrupt the United States. This also is a part of the plan. What's the debt carrying capacity of the United States? 10 trillion?
The time is soon coming, just as in New Zealand in 1984, when the buyers of United States debt, either municipal bonds, corporate bonds, utility bonds or FEDERAL RESERVE UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS will make the judgment that a 7, or 8 or 9 trillion dollar government debt is not repayable and shut off the credit spigot. The current economic reality for this here United States Empire and economy is that it's dependent upon several billion dollars of foreign money per day simply to continue gasping for air. When that flow is cut off will be the exact moment the Bouncing Betty will explode. A 7 Trillion dollar national debt ceiling will be a reality by Valentine's Day. Roughly the same time frame as the United States Imperial military commences the globalist New World Order war. Roughly the same time as TSHTF right here in the United States. Well, you get the idea. What I have told you about over the years; what some of you seem unable to accept are now here. Get used to it.
My famous Memorial Day Meltdown essay seems to still annoy some of you. It would seem that five year lows on the Stock Markets don't qualify as a true meltdown. It would seem a 9% decline in June, followed by 10% decline in July, quickly followed by brazen market manipulation that failed and led to five year lows on October 9th don't qualify. The 2nd wave of election related market manipulation failed almost immediately after November 5th- WHAT A SURPRISE- and the market is now heading for a third year of decline. No meltdown though. Nope, a five year stock market low and a three year fiat dollar low don't qualify as a meltdown. Anymore than five or six year highs in gold, oh whatever.
Prosper comes from the Latin to hope. We can always hope the New Year won't be as bleak as it currently looks. As for me, I prefer to face things head on and without the illusions. It's all a matter of perspective. My mind and soul are located deep in the universal spirit consciousness that prevents me from taking things too seriously. Yes Virginia, I meditate upon infinity about the time all this current global lunacy is starting to send me over the edge. I've attached a photo showing a dancing galaxy. Try and keep things in perspective and hold on with a death grip to the spiritual things which make life worth living; otherwise, there will truly be no hope. And as Aragorn says, "there is always hope." I just prefer to keep an eye on the Orcs is all.
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