Bush Different Iraq & N. Korea
Policies Bewilder Citizens
Lansing State Journal

The country is a wasteland, oppressed by a twisted dictator who thinks nothing of bringing the most brutal hardship to his own people. He has acted aggressively toward his neighbors - and consorted with those who wish the United States and others harm.
The dictator has developed weapons that can rain destruction down on the innocent. The dictator threatens the use of nuclear weapons, and makes moves to produce them, despite international agreements.
That description certainly fits Saddam Hussein and Iraq. It also fits Kim Jong Il and North Korea.
So why is the Bush administration handling the two countries so differently - preparing for war with Iraq, while pushing a diplomatic solution with North Korea?
On such questions rest deep public support for President Bush's foreign policy, particularly as it pertains to Iraq.
Despite the certainty found in the White House and elsewhere in Washington, the American public remains unsure about attacking Iraq. They see Saddam as a threat. They favor the idea of disarming him, even removing him from power ... but preferably with allied and United Nations' support.
To the waverers and the outright critics, the Bush team and its supporters repeatedly say that people just don't understand. Saddam is evil; he will hurt us; we have to act against him before he can do so.
OK, then, why doesn't the same doctrine apply to North Korea?
In many ways, North Korea and Iraq are alike. The people suffer. The dictator is unstable. Horrible weapons are available, or may be.
But while the administration has spent months arguing its case for war in Iraq, it heaves mightily to maintain the peace on the Korean peninsula.
It is fair for citizens to wonder then which course of action is correct; and why their national leaders have done so little to explain these conflicting policies.
In the end, it may be necessary to go to war in Iraq; the same possibility exists for North Korea. The American people, as always, will support just actions to defend their security and that of others.
But they want to understand why - and they expect those granted national power to explain, not just argue.
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