Strange Animal Remains
Found In Puerto Rico
Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo
Miami UFO Center

Source: Diario La Tribuna
JAYUYA -- The discovery of a strange looking skeleton has caused stir in the small Puerto Rican town of Jayuya. The bizarre skeletal remains were found last Tuesday, December 24 at approximately 1:30 in the afternoon. The remains were found at a construction site in a barrio near the area of Utado by two boys: Angel Edgardo Oquendo, a six-year-old, and his older brother Sixto, a ten-year-old.
According to Adelaida Quiles, the boys, mother, the bizarre discovery took place during their Christmas Eve cookout. "He called me saying, 'Mommy, I found a dead mouse,, and I sort of dismissed his claim thinking he was playing around, but then he kept on trying to get my attention, so I went and told my husband and asked him to take care of things while I would go and take a look at what my son was talking about", she said.
Shortly after she arrived at the site, she immediately saw the remains hidden between the support columns of the newly built home. She went back and called her husband, Cesar Oquendo, to see if he could identify what kind of animal those remains could have belonged to. Then he slipped a piece of cardboard under the remains in order to take it outside so they could get a better look with the sunlight. "We wanted to see if this was indeed a chupacabras or something like that", Quiles said.
After a brief observation, they noticed that the dead animal did not have feathers, hair, nor wool. They later realized that the animal did not have upper extremities, nor wings; it only appeared to have lower legs.
Seemingly, the creature would appear to measure approximately two feet in height. Judging its strange physical appearance, the creature would seem to have had used its legs to stand up and walk, like an ordinary biped animal. However, its legs appeared to be supported by THREE long bones, and it had visible claws on its feet. The bone structure of the legs clearly shows that the creature was able to jump considerably high.
Its wide head was not fully decomposed; it still had its eyes and a full set of teeth. It had long fangs in the upper jaw and two smaller ones in the lower jaw. The mouth, the teeth, but particularly the jaw width and thickness clearly showed that the animal was a carnivore, unlike the rodents of the local area, to which their jaws are much thinner and have wider front teeth.
The animal had flat palm-shaped ears that measured about an inch in length. Its backbone appeared to be curved and leaning forward. Also, it had a tail about a foot and half long, similar in form to that of a reptile, which seemed to have helped the animal to balance itself when moving.
The surprise among the neighbors was even more remarkable during the arrival of a forensic science investigator at the scene. The forensic expert observed the strange remains.
Surprisingly, in the same area where the dead creature was found, several hens had died two months earlier. The property where the remains were found belong to Adelaida's father's, Victor Quiles, where eight hens and a rooster were found dead outside of their cages.
In a same way and around the same date, José Carlos Rivera, a resident of the same area also suffered the loss of five hens. He also mentioned that his uncle lost 23 chickens, and his sister lost two more. Rivera, a small food stand owner also mentioned that after those incidents, their animals did not suffer any more attacks.
Translation by Mario Andrade
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