Satanic TV Saturday Night
(Mad TV Mind Control)
By Henry Makow, PhD

Channel surfing Saturday night, I witnessed one jaw-dropping instance of vulgarity after another.
On NBC's comedy flagship "Saturday Night Live," Robert De Niro is a Justice Dept. spokesman reading the names of Arab terrorist suspects: "Ahmed Succa Mi Diqque" and "Stiqqa Roda Uppa My'assa" etc.
Funny? De Niro is puerile, obscene and racist all at once.
On Fox's "Mad TV", Santa tells a little girl that every Christmas Eve he screws her mother.
In another skit, "Anna Nicole Smith" masturbates with a skateboard and a bicycle wheel. "When can I see you again?" she asks the bicycle.
These shows are rarely satirical or funny any more. Their idea of "comedy" consists of making crude sexual, scatological and homosexual references.
I turn to HBO's "trend setting" Sex in the City, which is about four feminists living in New York City. In this episode, Keri visits Samantha's office and finds her giving oral sex to a UPS deliveryman. Then she opens a utility closet and discovers a gay friend giving head to another man. Keri learns not to be "judgmental."
The embarrassing pathetic people on this show are being presented as role models!
Meanwhile, the "Life Network" is offering instruction in bondage and sadomasochism. We see saggy-assed middle-aged men wearing leather thongs discussing how bondage builds trust.
I don't care what consenting "adults" do in private, just get it off the air.
These shows assume they are 'oh so daring and chic.' For them, sophistication consists in trampling on whatever scrap of custom, innocence or human dignity remains in society. They are perpetually at war with "repression," earnestly indulging every sexual urge, and pointing at their toilet accidents like proud toddlers.
Must I spell it out? Human beings are not animals. God created us for a divine purpose.
Sex is more than a physical appetite. It expresses the desire for an profound spiritual union (love), which takes place between a man and a woman. To treat sex as an end in itself is degrading. It turns people into lone wolves and hungry ones at that. It renders them less fit for marriage and parenthood.
The makers of these TV shows think they are defying convention and thumbing their nose at "the establishment." They might discover one day they are actually serving the establishment which is far more depraved than they are. Check out Stanley Kubrick's description of the elite in the movie, "Eyes Wide Shut."
These TV shows are designed to SHOCK and DESENSITIZE the audience to believe that "anything goes" so that one day it will accept human sacrifice and sex with children, not just on TV but in real life.
As I have suggested in previous articles, large parts of the elite have been subverted by satanic secret societies dedicated to establishing a new world order devoted to Lucifer. This requires a breakdown of morality and belief in God. This battle between paganism and monotheism has been going on for millennia. Paganism went underground and gradually subverted religion and society. The attack on Iraq and the "war on terror" will further degrade humanity and bring about another "culling" (nuclear war, smallpox virus), depression and one world tyranny.
Just last week, several prominent Quebec City businessmen were arrested for organizing a prostitution ring involving girls ages 14-17 from respectable middle class homes. According to police, the girls "were forced to perform sexual acts that were out of the ordinary and that surpass the imagination." (Globe and Mail, Wednesday Dec. 18)
This satanic underworld is widespread and reaches to the highest political level. Why do you think George W. Bush is being sued for rape? Why do you think Chandra Levi was murdered? Why do you think the UN "Rights of the Child" declaration will legalize child prostitution and child porn? How long do you think sex with children will remain illegal?
There is nothing esoteric about Satanism. It's called depravity. You can see it on television every Saturday night. These days you can see it in many places.
Henry Makow, Ph.D. is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles on feminism and the new world order are archived at his web site He welcomes your comments at
Alton Raines
Part of what is happening on television right now is a backlash against the "PC" mentality and codes imposed over the last decade. It has been impossible to make even the slightest humor of anyone or anything because the victim-syndrome whiners and social engineers (from the left AND the right) who dropped a clampdown on it.
Art, even the cheapest forms of it, always reflect what is happening in the culture, and in this, accurately so. Anna Nicole Smith DOES masturbate on television with inanimate objects! Don't get your cart before your horse on the blame, here. It's impossible to satirize what is already the absolute dregs. Mad TV couldn't possibly do anything else to make a comment on how low TV goes and still come off aware of the situation. Social satire often has to be ugly and puerile . Castigating the satirists as satanists is rather ignorant.
Less than ten years ago NBC was forced to garble the word "marijuana" or "nigger" no matter what the context. They invented "the N word" as if all of America was suddenly 4 years old! Remarkably, A&E Channel on cable during this period even went so far as to garble the word "Schtup" -- yiddish for copulate -- in its airing of Mel Brook's "Blazing Saddles" (Circa 1974!), despite it being the last name of an essential character (even blurring a marquee with the word).
Schtupping stupid, if you ask me.
Simultaneously, censors, frustrated with the meaningless arbitrations over what is and is not dirty, wrong or inappropriate for television allowed "screw" "suck" and "sucks" and a dozen other descriptive terms to become prime time fare. Penis was at one time limited to medical or serious mention only. When the censors released the hold, Saturday Night Live aired a lengthy skit where the word was used more than 50 times. It was an excellent comment on the ridiculousness of censorship. These are statements about segments of our society -- of which the entertainment industry is a real and large part -- from artists and actors and comedians, and yes, sometimes intended for a mature audience; it is not likely any serious harm comes from their exercise of free speech and freedom of expression. Some people think by turning the clock back to 1950 and showing couples in separate beds and going back to not saying the word "pregnant" on TV we'll somehow reverse the current downward spiral of moral decay. It's nonsense. Television is simply a creation rooted in a simple supply and demand system. People want trash and crap on TV. It wouldn't be there, otherwise. It makes the big bucks. There's no conspiracy here, just a mirror on our fetid, immoral and ruthless culture doomed to the trash heap of history. Don't blame the devil for what is man's own rancid little territory and shame.
From Richard -
Founders' America
Dear Dr. Henry Makow,
Re: Your excellent essay "Satanic TV Saturday Night" Alton Raines refers to "censors" in his commentary. My below essay may shed some light on the benefits of censorship.
Censorship - Everybody Does It...All The Time
©2003 Founders America
We Americans practice censorship all the time by either government mandate ("we the people") or by self-censorship through social consensus, where the former naturally springs from the latter in a democracy, and where the latter is product of common agreement among citizens on what is socially appropriate at any given time and/or place.
We all practice censorship--all of us. We censor ourselves regarding certain modes of dress, speech and social etiquette, and we - we the people - often petition our representatives to pass laws for censoring those who refuse to comply with social convention or who exceed the bounds of good taste and propriety. Both the self-applied censorship and the government-sanctioned censorship are necessary for maintaining good civil society.
Those who fight against censorship are whining hypocrites for denying their own threshold for triggering censorship. How many of them would shelve in public libraries the available underground books on how to have sex with animals or how to molest children?
Many of today's "acceptable" but pornographic books were once considered as abhorrent as these new arrivals.
Where does the tolerance end?
When social chaos reigns? And they're weak-minded in their ignorance of the absolute necessity for the majority of community members to control both the place and time for allowing expression of certain kinds of behavior and materials (a process called "democratic government")-- materials such as certain books and movies and music which undermine the general welfare and domestic tranquility of the community (read the purpose for which the Constitution was established, as set out in the Preamble).
Such hypocrisy and weak-mindedness were apparent September 26th, after the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in Virginia scored the Library Board of Trustees for simply considering, at parents' request, a restrictive placement of certain sexually explicit books and magazines--so that minor children wouldn't have access to them.
The collective Orwellian mind of the supervisors ignorantly concluded that such a restriction "trespasses on the rights of parents to supervise the education of their children, and is a serious infraction by government of parental rights."
Incredibly, the supervisors appear interested in protecting the parents' right to govern their childrens' OPPORTUNITY TO BE EXPOSED to pornography in the library.
They insanely argue that if pornographic materials are hidden in the library, parents would be denied the right to catch their children perusing the easily unshelved material.
It's like saying that locking up child molesters deprives parents of their right to govern kids' out-of-home activities, which might include missing an opportunity to help the kids fend off child molesters.
What a bunch of dolts!
The controversy began two years ago when some parents complained about an availability in libraries of the "Washington Blade"; a vulgar rag for homosexuals.
Children were reading the explicit ads and personals.
Attempts to have the filth removed were unsuccessful, and it remains in the county's 22 libraries under the auspices of the Board of Library Trustees, who appear more interested in doing the bidding of the pornographers and sexual deviants than serving the general public's interests.
The stupidity of the anti-censorship crowd is revealed best in their not challenging, firstly, the Board of Library Trustees' own purposeful censorship practiced in their book-purchasing process.
The board censors the public from any books they deem not politically correct - a self-censorship triggered, no doubt, by their own threshold for intolerance of works that oppose their politics and sexual orientation - and, then, they hypocritically challenge concerned parents for their request that certain adult materials be placed where kids won't have easy access to them.
There are two ways to sexually molest a child, PHYSICALLY and PSYCHOLOGICALLY; the former being too risky to attempt while the latter is easily accomplished by providing children access to pornography. And they, those trustees and supervisors, molest children under cover of offering protection for parents' right to catch their children's psycho-sexual molestation!
I once had asked a head librarian in Henrico county, Virginia, why she didn't carry The Washington Times:
"Oh, the Washington Times could never replace the Washington Post, and we have a limited budget," she replied.
Everyone practices censorship, and all the time.
The majority must wrest control of their libraries and schools and government from minority interests, by force if necessary, or abandon the idea of democracy in America altogether.
Founders' America
P.O. Box 71024
Richmond, Va
Alton Raines
I guess the rub is, WHOSE censorship is employed and WHY. There are many who believe the Holy Bible to be too full of rape, incest, murder, torture, mass-murder, blasphemy, sexual perversion and such quaint moments as "the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?" (2 Kings 18:27 -KJV) to be allowed within the hands reach of children. It cuts both ways. Personally, I would not censor anything, but I am a radical and don't ever expect to see anyone share my views.

You mention "Those who fight against censorship are whining hypocrites for denying their own threshold for triggering censorship. How many of them would shelve in public libraries the available underground books on how to have sex with animals or how to molest children?" If the truth be known, by the confessions of serial child molestors now in prison, the number one reading material for their perversion is not child-porn or so-called "instruction manuals" on how to have sex with children, but remains the 100% legal Sears/Robuck Catalog underwear and swimsuit sections. Scary, huh?

Your statement "The majority must wrest control of their libraries and schools and government from minority interests, by force if necessary, or abandon the idea of democracy in America altogether" represents the breach of the remaining rationality on this issue. You also did not mention televsion, which was Makow's issue, primarily. I think you represent a vast number of people duped into looking at the decoy, and missing the real culprit on almost every level. I think if people like you ever have their way in America, first we'll see book burnings, and then you know what... or rather WHOM... they start to burn next. In the case of television, you've got a lost cause. It IS the 'majority' that wants the crap. The 'minority' will have to be content with their personal censorship power --- the off and on button.

The only rational form of censorship is parental control, and for the adult, 'keeping oneself from the stain of the world' as the Apostle Peter put it, while still remaining "in" the world, filthy though it may be. Hence, we occasionally need to wash our feet!

Right now we have the luxury of the internet where freedom reigns, for the most part. Information and ideas can be shared the world over, and I believe for the betterment of mankind. Do we want government regulations involved? We know it's likely forthcoming, but now, for a brief, shining moment... it's free from government censorship. But everyone knows that anyone, adult or child, need only pop into any 'alt' newsgroup and they have their choice of "perverse" material to peruse numbering in the thousands. Just about anything one can imagine is on the net, free to download. That is the price of real freedom. You take the good with the bad and trust that good will, in the end, triumph over evil.
From Erik D. Hilsinger
Why don't we dispense with thr first amendment, the concept of freedom of speech, and the ideals of the enlightenment. Let's just have the Supreme Court tell us what to do all the time, and publicly execute dissenters, weirdos, and homerseckshuls during the daily five minute hate. The sooner we can just buy our uniforms at Wal-Mart with the ill fitting but shiny jackboots and start wearing our ranks on our uniforms the better. Why think about outfits when we can all choose basic black or khaki. that's what my grandfather fought wars on three continents to defend, isn't it? So we can sacrifice our freedoms to protect us from the aesthetic choices of others? Squandering our American heritage of hard-won freedoms never looked better! Fascism won't need to creep in on cat's paws, it will be incorporated into the bread and circuses we consume while the Bush cartel robs our nation and people blind.
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