Super-Improved No Hassle
Civil Defense For The 21st Century

By Judith Moriarty

I was in the second grade, busy coloring, when some God-awful siren shrieked through the small brick schoolhouse on Birdville Street. The teacher, Ms. Minor, a hulking no nonsense woman, her hair pulled back in a tight bun, her doughy features not marred with sinful makeup, bellowed for the children to get under their desks and cover their heads! I turned the page and continued my coloring.
No, I was not intimidated by the fact that she outweighed me by approximately 225lbs, nor that she threatened me with the dire consequences of a failing grade in conduct if I didn't heed this atomic warning!! Me, all of 54lbs, looked up and said, "Ms. Minor, I saw some picture books of the war that my Uncles have and there were no buildings left, no trees, no churches, no people and no school desks. Ms. Minor, I think somebody is pulling a big joke here. I'm going to die coloring." The predictable phone call home and the promised F in conduct followed me down through my school days. I suppose if there is some Great Grader, observing my piss poor attitude today, I'm still getting an F ! I personally take an F grade as a compliment. F, for fortunate, that I have not been rendered mindless and brain dead in believing or fearing the most outrageous of daily pronouncements, warnings or Tales from the Crypt!
I'm just a bit put out and insulted, that in the event of some dire crisis, that authorities haven't included me in their plans for special protections! I suppose they must be trying to teach me not to be 'dependent'? The Cleveland Plain Dealer and Washington Post both reported after the Sept. 11-01 tragedy that a "Shadow Government Is at Work in Secret".
The March 1, 2002, Washington Post article, by Barton Gellman and Susan Schmidt told the story of how 100 federal bureaucrats are hiding in secret bunkers, in case Washington is annihilated by a terrorist attack. It was hardly a secret that Vice President Cheney was spending much of his time in bunkers. According to a White House response to the Post's "scoop", the plan that put 100 other (not us) officials in bunkers was merely "an extension of the policy which has moved Vice President Cheney to various undisclosed bunkers (that WE paid for) away from Washington."
Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) and Senate Appropriations Chairman Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) were claiming ignorance of the so-called "secret government"....reporting loudly that they had been "left in the shadow." Of course they weren't, least of all any U.S. senator. On Sept. 11, Peter Jennings of ABC News reported it to everyone on national television: "Every federal agency had implemented 'Continuity of Operations Plans' to make sure the government continues to function effectively." Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw made similar statements. I personally feel that the good Senators just didn't want their constituents to know that the only plans made for them was 'duct tape and plastic sheeting'!! I could be wrong, but not likely. 
Americans hear all kinds of buzz words and never give them a second thought, let alone questioning. Nobody thought to explain to the citizens "Continuity of Operations Plan".....but Washington 'insiders' know. These plans were originally developed in the Eisenhower era after Congress passed the Civil Defense Act of 1950. A Federal Emergency Management Agency spokeswoman told Human Events Weekly, that FEMA, arranges and executes Continuity plans, with funds appropriated by Congress each year!
Continuity of Government, (COG) was mentioned on Sept. 11, 01, when Veteran's Affairs Secretary Anthony Principi announced to reporters that the "VA's headquarters near the White House was evacuated Tuesday morning, and 'key' management personnel shifted to an undisclosed location." Note, that they did not stay in place and tape up plastic sheeting! On Oct 16, 01, Principi brought up the VA's Continuity of Government once again, before the Senate Veteran's Affairs Committee, "Alternate sites---which serve as command centers and give VA leadership the ability to manage a crisis in the event VA's headquarters is closed down.....were operational and 'key' personnel were deployed within a few hours." of the Sept 11 attacks".
Sabrina Eaton, of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, reported on Oct 17, 01, that government bureaucrats had been working in far-flung bunkers since Sept. 11. Eaton was clued in to the story because a friend of hers in the Interior Department had suddenly disappeared after Sept 11. "I was surprised that I was the first one out with it," said Eaton. Note, we weren't even advised of duct tape and plastic at this time!! Gellman, co-author of the Washington Post story reported that the administration decided to continue Continuity of Government indefinitely, "in late Oct due to a new assessment of the risk that al Qaeda has either fissionable material or a nuclear weapon". Huh!! And we get Duct Tape--plastic sheeting and color code days!! Goofy me!! So, the way I got this figured is; the bureaucrats and politicians, who through their ineptness, incompetence and lack of foresight, with BILLIONS given to them to protect us, are going to be rewarded by being kept safe! Forget the old yada about 'the Democrats are to blame, no it started with the Republicans.....if it weren't for the Confederate flag ballyhoo, etc'. While TV media hirelings are labeling those who have the common sense to want a world without mass bombing and annihilation, as "traitors, liberals, communists, dopers, looney tunes, etc."....their masters are slamming tight the doors to their impenetrable bunkers!! They'll leave all of us to fight out the blame. By the time everyone is through ripping and tearing at each other and maligning every person with a tan or robe, Washington D.C. will be an empty echoing wasteland of throbbing phallic symbols and weeping walls!!!
U.S. News and World Report, Nov. 5, 2001, reported that bureaucrats "have been told to stay in the bunkers indefinitely". The Post identified the term "shadow government". Reporter Gellman said he adopted the term, when thinking of the opposition "shadow cabinet" of British parliamentary tradition. Of course, anyone having a problem with this term are boo, immediately identified as the tried and true, "conspiracy theorists". For myself, since it only takes two to devise a 'conspiracy', I don't follow that conspiracies can NEVER happen! History, proves differently.
There are questions, that in the event of an emergency government, that this Continuity of Government would be entirely of the Executive Branch? Despite the rhetoric about "Continuity of Government", the Bush plan does not appear to be based on presidential succession as defined in the US Constitution? Vice President Cheney, who would succeed in the event of Bush's death or incapacity, is in direct charge of the whole operation. But the third and fourth in the order of succession, House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Senate President Pro Tem Robert Byrd, do not appear, at least publicly, to have been made part of the plans?
Senator Tom Daschle, has stated "I don't know. I don't know what their role is, what their current authority is, because we haven't been informed. You'd think one person in Congress would know, and whether a congressional and judicial component is included." Amazing, that all of this is just spoken of in such a bewildered befuddled, what me worry attitude, by those supposedly minding the store!! Little wonder that billions disappear with no accountability by those passing a 34lb buget without reading it!! And we wonder that they call Washington D.C., Foggy Bottom!!!
Mr.Ridge head of Homeland (American) Defense, did state on TV yesterday that he didn't want people to start taping and sealing their homes with duct tape and plastic!! It was also reported by the FBI that the most recent hysteria was found to be, not exactly credible,as those reporting such things did not pass lie detector tests! Maybe it's me, but wouldn't common sense tell you to maybe give such persons lie detector tests right away, and check out any ulterior motives they might have, before giving out a nation-wide alert? How is it that we never know who these reports come from or hear of any follow up charges for giving false information? It certainly inconvenienced a great many people in New York City in trying to reach the main stage at the Feb 15, 03 Peace Rally. Probably mere coincidence??
There is a Civil Defense "scare" album called THE COMPLACENT AMERICANS. This LP--has as it's cover a bright orange mushroom cloud. It was recorded under the auspices of the Office of Civil Defense, later replaced by FEMA. This album recorded decades ago, seeks to awaken citizens from their apathy and indifference. It's presented as a take off on "It's a Wonderful Life"..(the Christmas story shown every year on what would life have been like if you hadn't been born--or maybe others in your life)!
The record starts with the lament of a man who just didn't heed all the warnings, as he speaks to the witnessing of an H-Bomb attack on a fictional city called (imaginative) "Target City". He is accompanied by sound effects of sirens and explosions in the distance.
"The H-Bomb! The H-Bomb! The H-Bomb! Flash of brightness. A tremendous roar...And I, the complacent American, thinking that no one would ever dare attack an American city. And I told my friends that Nuclear War would never happen...but it did. I always thought I was a good American...patriotic and civic minded. But I was wrong. I failed myself and my country." This sets the tone for our introduction to the NOW deceased Complacent American recalling his last hours......"I had just returned to Target City from an extended business trip. Now I can see how my complacency caused my death!. This trip down memory lane has him remembering all the things he ignored, like important Civil Defense warnings and meetings. "What a waste of time, besides I was going to bowl that night anyway", took for granted tomorrow night's baseball tickets: "I know now there will be no tomorrow night, because Death does not attend a baseball game.....can't those Civil Defense guys sound that siren some other time" (found Civil Defense drills annoying).
This poignant whining through his last moments, also features a number of the "38 sensational and emotional sound effects" featured on the cover of the album. In addition to the blast, the listener is treated to children at play, car horns, crowds, airport announcements etc. Our nuclear George Bailey then has us looking in on those who weren't as complacent as him in fallout shelters. "I can see people alive in the fallout shelters. (NOT BUNKERS) Had I learned the RULES as set forth by the Office of Civil Defense, I would be alive and in that shelter now. How simple it looked...those who knew what to do and where to go are still amongst the living. I had my opportunity, but I was the Complacent American."
The Complacent American anguishes over witnessing the H-Bomb attack: "The streets suddenly became packed with cars, trucks and buses. I remember seeing all those cars just piling up against each other----just wrecking into each other! Panic. They hysterical look in people's eyes! Everyone pushing and shoving each other...I had glanced about me and then I saw a great wail of fright overcoming Target City. How those people were bursting from every building. Sidewalks began to blacken with thousands of men and women gripped in sheer terror and panic! Then there was a man carrying a portable radio? and then the voice saying 'THIS IS A CONELRAD RED ALERT. THIS IS NOT A TEST. THIS IS AN ALERT. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY EVERYONE. I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A TEST, THIS IS CONELRAD. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK."
The Complacent American regrets being complacent, wishing he'd have taken life just a bit more seriously when he had the chance!! "I'm afraid. Because THIS IS real. The voice said it wasn't a test. Take cover immediately? What kind of cover? To where? Where will I go? I wished that I had attended the Civil Defense meeting...What shall I do? What shall I do? Shall I pray? My God I guess it's too late for even prayers now." Note: this reference to prayer and God deleted in modern day version of Homeland (Civil) Defense!
Side two brings us that comforting voice of disembodied authority. Gone the irresponsible complacent citizen and in enters Mr.Civil Defense! "The devastation of Target City was mythical however it could happen. The reasons are many that it hasn't. There are many Complacent Americans and as a result of their complacency they FAIL both themselves and OUR country! After this admonishment to straighten up the listener is given a tour of our "mammoth military installations." Jack Fuller, Civil Defense Coordinator, comes on to give us instructions on how to survive! "First there are two types of sirens. Next we learn about CONELRAD and the emergency frequencies on your radio dial. Now everyone, whether he lives in Target City or any other city should act instantly when an attack is threatened. Lastly we are advised......"Follow all of these RULES and you WILL SURVIVE." Note: Looks like Ms.Minor was right!
Now, as we fast forward these many decades, from this Civil Defense, Long Playing record, we will note that many of today's youth have no idea of what a record is let alone something called Civil Defense? No matter, things have gotten a lot more simplified. The Duck and Cover, educational film, (1951) that introduced the world to Bert the Turtle, with a boy jumping off his bike in mid-ride realizing an A-bomb has gone off, has been replaced with "Duct and Cover". No more of this guilt having to be bore by the Complacent American. Gone are the days of meetings and sirens! Phew! No more worry of digging holes for Fallout Shelters! Continuity of Government has super-improved on that silliness!
We can remain 'Complacent', assured that government will go on, (without us) in the bowels of the earth or mammoth mountain caverns! A simple, unobtrusive silent color code, will mark the day that we should pick up that duct tape and plastic sheeting on the way home from Blockbusters. A couple jugs of water, some chips, a flashlight, telephone and we're all set. President Bush gave us all a good example of how one should respond in the face of attack. He, reading a book on the antics of a goat, on Sept 11, 2001, went right on calmly reading.
As planes fell from the sky, towering buildings imploded, and citizens unlucky enough to live in 'Target City' went racing down concrete canyons to escape the cloud of ash, the President's unhurried exit to Air Force One, gave a surreal wonderment to that horrific disaster! Vice-President Cheney, upon hindsight , obviously won the draw on being Selected to carry on the government, as he was bunkered down and not to be seen or heard from!!
And so, while other nations have elaborate civil defense plans, detailed instructions for their citizens, gas masks, and even evacuation plans, we here are not so self-centered and selfish! Thinking only of our 'impotent' officials, we have spent billions upon billions of untold billions to assure their protections, their physical and mental well being; so that Truth-Justice-and the American Way will not perish from the earth! In our plastic duct taped shrouds, we will not share the lament of the "Complacent American," "But I was wrong. I failed myself and my country". No, we've been assured that if we if just obey and "Follow all the rules we WILL SURVIVE".



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