Census Projection - US Population
At 420 Million by 2050
FAIR - Federation For American Immigration Reform

New population projections from the Census Bureau show U.S. population will grow to 420 million by 420, not 404 million as projected in its last estimate five years ago. The higher projection is based on Census 2000 data.
In its last projection, the Census Bureau projected that without any change in immigration trends, the U.S. population would reach 403 million by 2050 (compared to today's 290 million). According to this new projection, the U.S. population will grow by another 130 million-49 percent-before the next 50 years have passed.
That's another 130 million people needing schools, jobs, and housing-as well as water and other natural resources. Already, communities throughout the U.S. are struggling to accommodate ballooning populations, as population growth overcrowds schools, clogs roads, swallows up open space, taxes the environment, and raises the cost of living.
The new projections are from the Census Bureau's International Programs Center's (IPC) international database (available at <>
The Census Bureau is scheduled to release more detailed projections later this year. Those projections will use more sophisticated methodologies and several different immigration scenarios and will also provide projections for each state.
** This email is from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the nation's largest immigration reform organization. Visit our web site at for much more information on immigration and population trends in the U.S. **



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