
From John Albrecht
Re: New, Very Large Comet Rounding The Sun...By Edgar J. Steele, 2-24-3
There are a few things regarding this and other space observations that can make a big difference in how one perceives these situations. Mr. Steele complains he hasn't seen anything to show how close this comet will come to our planet. To answer this...
For simply the best graphical and analytical representations of comet orbital relationships to the earth, and just about any other astronomical solar system situations, the ONLY site one need go to is found via .
It's a piece of work that will knock your socks off. Truly superior work.
There, one can go to a tracking page that will, for comet C/2002 V1 (NEAT) ultimately take one to JPL page, .
You'll be able to time-progress the comet's approach to earth in complete detail, view it from virtually any angle and magnification, any date, and any vantage point within the solar system (ie; earth, the comet, another planet, the sun, etc.). You can animate it or control it manually. It is slick.
Of course, there will always be events that can't be anticipated (like solar mass ejections, cometary fragmentation, etc.) that will affect calculations and projected relationships in the graphical representations.
As for the perceived absence of media coverage for this comet...
There has been plenty of publicity: just not the major print/broadcast players we might wish. But, dozens of internet sites have covered this event from almost the moment it was detected, and a number of media have covered it, albeit not as many and not to the depth we might like.
This is probably more attributable to the extremely poor showings of the last few "BIG SHOW PROMISED" comets that were terminal busts. Time after time the media dutifully reported several recent comets were going to put on really spectacular shows..."this time for sure", only to disappoint their PAYING readers over and over again.
They simply don't want to go through that again and are leaving it to the internet until something demonstrably spectacular surfaces.
John Albrecht
From James Mortellaro
The end is nigh!
High up in the sky!
My oh my.
Oh my.
I can see it now. There I am, standing on the corner of 52nd Street and Broadway in New York City, wearing a sackcloth burka sans hood, sandals and carrying a stick sign saying ... "Repent! The end is near!"
What a sight that'd be. A near 60 year old perceived abductee, white hair, white beard, overweight, tonsure, not sure ... yeah ... tonsure ... tummy sticking out from my dirty, pasty colored robe, screaming at the damned in my land.
Maybe I should reconsider. After all, think tanks suggest that in order to stave off mass hysteria, our goobers in gooberland, our mistaken voyeurs in Media Land, our fearless leaders hiding in bunkers deep beneath the Capitols of the planet, all stocked up with food, water and porn films (leftover from the Clinton administration) and ready for the worst the universe may hand out, do have our best interests in their collective, don't they?
Whilst the rest of us peons, them what get peed on, remain atop the mountain of destruction.
Our governments are good. They wouldn't lie to us. Would they?
Continue to have faith in our Constitution, our liberties, our freedoms, our rights and especially, our right to die. Bravely. Honorably. Nobly. While our erected officiators ... sorry ... elected officials like Chucky Schumer, Hillary Dickery Doc, President burning Bush et al., all remain safely ensconced, stuck inside of Mobile, with the Memphis Blues again.
"Oh, mama, can this really be then end? To be stuck here inside of Mobile, with the Memphis Blues again." * Dylan of course.... oh yea of little faith.
Jim Mortellaro
From Bill Boyer
As I read the articles on the comet NEAT a few ideas popped in my head. In the past I've read some books and articles on Electromagnetic forces(waves). Perhaps the gov't has known about the comet and the EMF's for some time. Maybe this is a theory behind the chemtrails. Maybe they are trying to replace or alter the affects caused by the comet. Maybe there is a connection with Nicole Tesla and all of this.
Another theory could be that the whole Iraq thing is a big diversion from what the comet could or is doing to our planet. Could be two very paranoid theories as well.
Just a thought.
From Mike D. Murphy 2-26-3
Jeff - As I looked at the photo of the comet, I amused myself with the thought, (so that is what an angel of the Lord looks like). As I sat there blankly staring at the picture ,an image of an animal appeared (above the gas cloud) with what looked like a bolt of lightning emanating from it's snout. The animal resembled a benign almost innocent looking bear. Then I remembered the vision of Dimitri Duduman ( Romanian pastor), where he saw Russia attacking the USA and knocking our planes out of the sky with laser -like beams of light ( Tesla technology?). It also brought to mind the pictures( taken by an amatuer astromomer) that NASA is reviewing of the space shuttle Columbia, being zapped by a lightning bolt. By the way Putin sent his top emissary to Iraq this week for a meeting with Saddam. I fear for troops this time around.
From Jennifer Showker
The article "The mystery of Stalin's death" is an interesting bit of disinformation, and worth studying as such. Like all high-quality disinfo it contains substantial elements of the truth, but then spins them into a larger lie. And like the highest-quality disinfo it appears in a normally quite believable medium -- in this case the BBC.
Beria was indeed Jewish, as were most of Stalin's immediate cronies. Stalin was indeed getting ready to deport Jews. He was about to pull a fast one on the very group which had put him in power! But the notion put forth in the article below that Stalin was going to deport Jews from Russian in order to start WW III, and that Beria the Jewish KGB uber-murderer stopped Stalin, by killing him, to save humanity is utter nonsense.
When Stalin died Beria in fact ordered the KGB to surround the Kremlin, which they did with jeeps mounted with machine guns. Beria and the KGB killed Stalin to attempt a coup. Nikita Kruschev then surrounded Beria's henchmen with Red Army tanks and forced the KGB, and Beria and his Jewish cronies, to stand down.
Kruschev was strong enough to stop the Jewish takeover of Russia and the Soviet Union, but he was not powerful enough to really knock them out of positions of power. Brezhnev did that, and the result is that Jews started abandoning Communism en masse in the 1970s once it became clear that it was no longer going to serve as a lever for more power.
Perhaps you are old enough to remember seeing the heroic Natan Sharansky all over American TV? Natan Sharansky was promoted and glorified by the American Jewish TV media as the spokesman for so-called 'human rights' in Russia during the end of the Brezhnev era, and look where Sharansky is now -- in Israel, leading a right-wing political party which wants to expel all Arabs from the holy Jewish state!
Gee, who woulda thunk it?
So, this BBC piece is interesting, but not perhaps for the reason that its author slyly intended -- it reveals concern amongst formerly Communist Jews that the truth is starting to get out, now, about just how horrible their behavior was during and after the Stalinist period. Nobel prize-winner Solshenytsin has just published a hugely embarrassing book which, by virtue of his own hard-earned credibility after surviving the Jewish KGB Gulags, makes Jews shudder around the world because it [politely] tells the truth about Jewish dominance in the Russian Communist leadership.
Hence the spin in this BBC article by a Jewess about the Jewish Beria, leader of the unbelievably savage KGB killing machine, somehow saving the world by killing his former buddy and stooge, Stalin. Look for a sympathetic biography of Beria in the near future, to be reviewed of course in the NY Times....

From Christine Ross
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for repeating the "prophecies" of Veronica Leuken on the comet. Now that I know that she thought NEAT is the one, I feel a lot better. V.L. was denounced as a fraud and therefore I know the predictions about it are untrue.
As for Nostradamus, his predictions were so vague that they could mean anything, which is why people have been reading meaning into them for centuries.



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