UK 'Babyholic' Gives
Birth To 15th Child

A British self-confessed "babyholic" has given birth to her 15th child and is already planning number 16.
Sue Povey, 43, gave birth on Friday (local time) to daughter Isabelle, 23 years after delivering her first child.
"I really adore newborn babies. I suppose you could say it's like an addiction," she said from her hospital bed in Swindon, western England.
"It's like a drug. I definitely want another one. I think having babies keeps me young ... I'd still love to have twins, always have done. We might try again some time. I don't know how I'll cope when I can't have any more."
Mrs Povey's husband of 25 years, Ian, says all good things must come to an end.
"I don't know if we will set a limit, it's a bit early to say. But we can't go on forever," he said.
"Nature will eventually take its course."
He added he was "really, really pleased" to have another daughter, in addition to his six sons.
The couple will now live in their six-bedroom house in the town of Swindon with 13 of their children, with two having flown the nest.
From Alfred Lehmberg
Frankly? I'm not a little appalled and certainly revolted at the ZEST with which this (apparently thoughtless) woman contributes so -gleefully- to the waste, misery, terror, and destruction festering on the planet presently... remembering that every bit of it is rooted in the horror of our suffocatingly complacent human overpopulation.
Doesn't this irresponsible woman understand that the more children she has the less any -one- of them has to be respected (by a culture marching to the easy tyranny -caused- by that aggregate disrespect)? She blithely, happily -- mindlessly... devalues the quality of life for her descendents with her consumptive behavior and an airy wave of her fatuous hand.
This woman should get some kind of "Darwin" award... some public recognition as a puddle deep insentient, forgetting for a moment that I'm sure she and her 'contributing' husband are -fine- people. It's disgusting human displays like this (Yes! Like -this-!) that keeps the saucers from landing... among other injustices.



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