Masters Of Death...
Liberation By Death
From Judith Moriarty

News, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing. At least the public relations packaged corporate media of gleeful sterility. These supposed "experts" that you see belong to Public Relations stables and are assigned to various major media to give the prescribed spin. Much like Gulf War (fiasco) I, when we got the Pentagon News.
And now the dying has started. When missiles were flying yesterday it was reported that President Bush and Vice President Cheney were lunching. Lest we forgot one of the very first things GWB said upon his 'selection' to the highest office in the land was that he was really happy because he heard the food was great, most especially the desserts. Oh, yawn, he's a bit tuckered out from all this war stuff and will be taking off today for Camp David. It puts me in mind of Waco when the children were being gassed and incinerated, Janet Reno went to a luncheon in Maryland.
Democracy can listen if you don't have satellite: reported last night the words from a citizen of Baghdad from his home. Gazwan Al Mukhtar, a retired engineer-educated in the U.S. was extremely distraught. When asked what he was doing to protect himself and family he replied, "What can we do nothing. We wait inside and can do nothing. Why is America doing this? I can tell you for oil. We do not wish for this liberation and we will die first, this is our country."
Arudhati Roy the great Indian peace activist and writer "God of Small Things" was quite upset in her interview. Her voice trembling she remarked that people do not know what to do with their rage. They feel like they are in a mad house and are being told there is something wrong with them for caring. She went on about the lunacy of first bombing a country for 12yrs., forcing it to disarm and then going in and attacking it.
Note: I for one, having listened to all the Hearings after Gulf I, and the lies, subterfuge and propaganda that was revealed, but oops, never made the mainline news, do not believe for one instant these air raids, incoming missiles BS. I mean, please, they have to have it LOOK like a WAR. It's just like the reports of Iraqi soldiers throwing babies out of incubators. NOT. In Senate Hearings it came out that the Kuwaiti's ambassador's daughter was used for this one, manufactured by the Public Relations firm Kuwait had hired here in the U.S. Howard and Knowles.
Today's supposed "news" is totally under the control of the Pentagon. The corporate media has "embedded" (new war term) hundreds of journalists with the military. But not one with an Iraqi family. The journalists are all assigned handlers and are on the bombing part of the "news" not the receiving end. Twelve time Emmy Award winning TV journalist Jon Alpert wanted to create dialogue and bring the voices of ordinary Iraqis to ordinary Americans. He traveled to Baghdad last month to set up a video conference with Iraqi students in Baghdad and American students in New York. The American Museum of Radio and Television was sponsoring the event. But as Jon Alpert drove from Amman, Jordan on the road to Baghdad, they called him, and backed out. He produced the video dialogue anyway. When he returned to the US, not ONE network would air his peace. It is called Bridge to Baghdad. Democracy Now will be airing it as will World-Link. Jon says that the thing of it is, you can't have the 'enemy' humanized...they need to be seen as deserving of death. I saw part of it last night on Democracy Now...the youngsters; Iraqi and Americans are a helluva lot brighter than those who've come to town with their cheap carny show.
Swartzkoff looks fit, but then a 5 million dollar book deal when he came home helped things, along with his lucrative salary of 60,000 per speech when he goes out, plus his working for a Public Relations firm as an "expert". Oops, too bad about the Gulf War I vets, who had to go on welfare for medical care. He gave the lowdown last night on "decapitation" and taking out "the center of gravity". Yep, if you can do that the game is just about over. Center of Gravity refers to Saddam and his royal guard. General McCaffrey, responsible for the Highway of Death, incinerating peasant cannon fodder AFTER the so called war was declared over, has himself a job as "expert'. The man makes one want to wretch with his coffin-eyes and glee at death.
And now and now the War of The Worlds..the end forever of all that's been. Mushroom clouds, Rumsfeld's "A" Day as he refers to it. Peter Arnett reporting, does not realize that his laughter can be heard as he reports the carnage. One feels shattered in every part of their being at the booming fire storms and the cackling chuckes with Peter saying, "It's just like an action movie only this is real. Ha ha, was that the palace?" My God-My God what has been unleashed this day brings the end of all that's ever been. And the clowns with hatchets are now gone completely mad in front of the whole of the world...and none to stop them. The children? The terrified-screaming-incinerated children that we would not dare expose to cigarette smoke, unsafe swings, or intolerance! What of our 80 year old Iraqi grandmother this night-with her poetry? Did we murder her words with our video war games? "The wind asks, who am I? I am its confusedd spirit, whom time has disowned. I, likeit, never resting continue to travel without end/ continue to pass without pause/ should we reach a bend/ We would think it end of our suffering/and then----void/ Time asks who am I?" Nazik al Malaika. Did we murder her this night? Could she not wait, did she not comprehend, we came to liberate her...all of them?
Masters of War
By Bob Dylan
Come you masters of war
 You that build all the guns
 You that build the death planes
 You that build the big bombs
 You that hide behind walls
 You that hide behind desks
 I just want you to know
 I can see through your MASKS
 You that never done nothin'
 But build to destroy
 You play with my world
 Like it's your little toy
 You put a gun in my hand
 And you hide from my eyes
 And you turn and run farther
 When the fast bullets fly
 Like JUDAS of old
 You lie and deceive
 A world war can be won
 You want me to believe
 But I see through your eyes
 And I see through your brain
 Like I see through the water
 That runs down my drain
You fasten the triggers
 For the others to fire
 Then you set back and watch
 When the DEATH count gets higher
 You hide in your MANSIONS
 As young people's blood
 Flows out of their bodies
 And is buried in mud (or sand jm)
 You've thrown the worst fear
 That can EVER be hurled
 FEAR to bring children
 Into the world
 For threatening my baby
 Unborn and unnamed
 You ain't worth the blood
 That runs in your veins
 How much do I know
 To talk out of TURN
 You might say that I'm young (or woman)
 You might say I'm unlearned
 But there's one thing I KNOW
 Though I'm younger than you
 Even Jesus would never
 Forgive what you do
 Let me ask you one question
 Is your money that good
 Will it buy you forgiveness
 Do you think that it could
 I think you will find
 When your death takes its toll
 All the money you made
 Will never buy back your soul
 And I hope that you die
 And your death'll come soon
 I will follow your casket
 In the pale afternoon
 And I'll watch while you're lowered
 Down to your deathbed
 And I'll stand o'er your grave
 'Til I'm sure that you're dead
...Bob Dylan



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