Brits Say Injured Saddam
Needed Blood After US Attack
By Sean Rayment and Colin Brown
The Telegraph

Tony Blair's War Cabinet was told by intelligence chiefs yesterday that Saddam Hussein survived last week's missile attack on his bunker in Baghdad, but sustained serious injury.
The Telegraph has learned that ministers were told at a special 40-minute briefing that the Iraqi leader had been so badly wounded he needed a blood transfusion.
His son, Uday, is also thought to have been injured and may even have been killed. Some American officials also claimed yesterday that another of Saddam's relatives, Ali Hassan al-Majid - known as "Chemical Ali" for his involvement in the infamous Halabja chemical weapons attacks - had been killed.
A British official said: "Saddam Hussein was badly injured. He was so badly injured he needed a blood transfusion. Unfortunately, he was not critically injured. We think he is still alive. We also think his son Uday was killed or badly injured."
Last night, Iraqi state television broadcast footage of Saddam purporting to meet officials. He apparently praised his troops and said he was "satisfied" with their efforts against the coalition, but there was no indication of when it had been filmed.
The news of Saddam's injuries emerged as Iraq's second largest city, Basra, was in the grip of coalition forces last night after most of its defending garrison fled in the teeth of British and American attack. The strategically important southern port city was encircled, with helicopter gunships joining the battle on the outskirts.
The fall of Basra will free more forces to join the rapid push north towards Baghdad.
Last night the 20,000-strong 3rd US Infantry (mechanised) Division was understood to have crossed the Euphrates and to be only 100 miles from the Iraqi capital.
They clashed with Iraqis in the desert around the town of Najaf, and Iraqi television said that the leader of Saddam's Baath party there had been killed. Najaf is the closest point to Baghdad that ground fighting has been reported since hostilities began.
Baghdad and other cities were hit by a second night of bombing, and large parts of the capital were plunged into darkness. In an attempt to thwart allied aircraft dropping laser-guided bombs, Iraqi troops set fire to dozens of oil-filled trenches around Baghdad.
As coalition forces advanced rapidly towards the city, there were warnings yesterday that an increasingly desperate Saddam may soon unleash his chemical and biological weapons against them. Mr Blair warned the Cabinet that Saddam's forces might use their banned weapons in the final stages of the war. British intelligence officers regard the crossing of the Euphrates as a possible trigger for such an order.
Major Patrick Trueman, a military intelligence officer, said: "It would have been madness for Iraq to use chemicals near the border because that would have turned world opinion against them immediately. But the Euphrates is a key decision point for Saddam. Once it is crossed the route to Baghdad is fairly clear.
"We have always feared that this may be the time when he decides that he has nothing to lose and uses chemical weapons to inflict as much damage as possible upon us."
The fall of Basra was also a significant milestone. Most of the Iraqi forces based there fled as the allies advanced. Those that chose to fight were destroyed by US marines, supported by British Desert Rats, in a fierce tank battle to the west of the city. Reports spoke of the road to Basra being littered with Iraqi bodies.
Basra, which has a population of 1.6 million people, mostly Shi'ite Muslims opposed to Saddam, is about 300 miles from Baghdad. Vast oilfields surround it. Thousands more Iraqi soldiers surrended and were taken prisoner as the war entered its fourth day.
According to Iraqi exiles in Jordan, the US is using Nazar Khazraji, a former Iraqi army chief of staff who defected in 1996, to help secure the defection of senior army officers. Gen Khazrajiis said to be playing a key role in contacting officers and persuading them to turn against Saddam.
There were some setbacks for the Allies, however. Four soldiers of the US 3rd (mechanised) Infantry Division were killed in an ambush in central Iraq, shortly after elements of the unit secured the town of Nassiriya, next to the Euphrates. It is understood they were part of the division's reconnaissance unit travelling in lightly armoured Humvee vehicles towards Baghdad when they were hit by rocket-propelled grenades.
Six British servicemen were killed in a mid-air collision between two Royal Navy helicopters in the Gulf, pushing the number of UK deaths to 14 following another aircraft accident on Friday.
It brought the total coalition death toll to 25.
In a separate development, there was increasing concern for three members of an ITN team, led by the British reporter Terry Lloyd, who went missing on the road to Basra. An Australian cameraman, Paul Moran, 39, was killed in a car bomb in northern Iraq.
In another setback, the Pentagon finally gave up hope of persuading Turkey to allow troops through to open a separate front in northern Iraq. Forty supply ships waiting for weeks in the Mediterranean will now be sent through the Suez Canal to the Gulf.
There was also confusion over whether Turkish commandos had moved into northern Iraq. It was reported that 1,500 crossed the border to control a possible influx of refugees but Turkey denied any such operation.
Despite this, General Tommy Franks, the US commander of the coalition forces, said that the war was going well, with coalition forces having covered the distance of the longest manoeuvre of the 1991 Gulf War in a quarter of the time.
He said at his headquarters in Qatar : "This will be a campaign unlike any other in history. It will be characterised by shock, by surprise, by flexibility, by the employment of precise munitions on a scale never before seen, and by the application of overwhelming force. The outcome is in no doubt.
"There may be difficult days ahead but the forces in the field will achieve the objectives that have been set out. "
In his weekly radio address, however, President George W. Bush warned "A campaign on harsh terrain in a vast country could be longer and more difficult than some have predicted."
Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, the Chief of the Defence Staff, said that the entire Iraqi oil and gas fields were in the control of coalition forces but had been booby-trapped by the Iraqis.



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