Bush's Best Evidence
Against Iraq Is Fake

By Dan Steinberg

Before Congress, and in his State of the Union address, Bush claimed to have proof of Iraqi efforts to build nuclear weapons.
The most important evidence were documents purporting to show that Iraq had purchased uranium from Niger. These documents were also used to convince Congress to approve military action. However, these documents have since been proven to be forgeries; the Bush administration now concedes this fact. The FBI has been asked by Congress to investigate the source of these fake documents. The world knew on March 7 that the documents were fake, and this is one reason why the UN would not approve of the war.
In a separate incident, in February, Powell presented to the UN a report, prepared by the British, that was advertised as containing "irrefutable" evidence of WMD programs in Iraq. It was anxiously awaited. However, upon scrutiny, the report was revealed to be a pasting together of 12-year old academic and military journal papers, from the public domain, complete with the original typographical errors. They contained no new information; the "evidence" was obsolete!
What about those aluminum tubes? The International Atomic Energy Agency of the UN has flatly and forcefully contradicted Bush's allegation that the aluminum tubes can be used for uranium isotope separation (required for weapons manufacture, as alleged by Bush). There is no evidence of a nuclear weapons program in Iraq, although Hussein in the past did have an unsuccessful one. The aluminum tubes were destined for use in low-tech rockets. All the sites identified by Bush have been searched by the UN inspectors, and no chemical or biological weapons, or nuclear weapons materials have been found. There is no evidence to support Bush's phony WMD reasons for this war. These are primary reasons why other nations have opposed this war. Rep. Waxman is starting an investigation of the fake documents.
See his letter to Bush at See "Who Lied to Whom?" at and "A Spurious Smoking Gun" at
About 45% of Americans falsely believe that some of the 9-11 hijackers were from Iraq. In fact, none of them were. There is no link between Iraq and 9-11, and no link between Iraq and Al Qaeda. Even the CIA has insisted there is no connection. Al Qaeda, in fact, bitterly oppose the Hussein regime. Bush has exploited these common misconceptions by frequently mentioning 9-11 and Iraq together, and suggesting connections that have no basis in evidence or fact.
A secret document written in September 2000 by Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz and others at the Project for the New American Century lays out a plan for domination of the Persian Gulf Region, and Iraq, specifically. It states: 'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein." The document details a plan for "global US preeminence", enforced by military might and control over a commodity of critical importance: oil. Iraq has the second-largest reserves in the world, 112 billion barrels, or 11% of the worlds total.
The domination objective is also described by Cheney in his 1990 testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Cheney argued: whoever controls the flow of Persian Gulf oil has a "stranglehold" not only on our economy but also "on that of most of that of the other nations of the world as well." This is a powerful image, and perfectly describes the administration's thinking about the Gulf area, except in reverse: by serving as the dominant power in the Gulf, the US maintains a "stranglehold" over the economies of other nations. Terrorism is not the reason for invading Iraq; oil is the reason, and the people in control have said so. See "The Thirty Year Itch" at
The Pentagon claims to have a "coalition" of 46 countries supporting the war, but only 2 have provided significant troops: Britain (40K) and Australia (2K). Other nations of the "coalition" are a who's who list of countries dependent upon US military aid, or access to US markets for survival. Examples include the tiny nations of Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Palau, which receive much money from the US Congress. They have no foreign policy or military of their own. Another laughable member of the coalition is Uzbekistan, one of the most vicious and tyrannical regimes outside Iraq. Bulgaria, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia are urgently seeking US support for entrance into NATO to protect them from Russia. Other ridiculous members of the "coalition" include the US puppet Afghanistan, Rwanda, Colombia, Nicaragua, and Turkey. Some countries are unaware they are part of the "coalition", apparently having been drafted by the Bush Administration. In most coalition countries, large majorities oppose the war (e.g. 95% of Turks).
The "coalition" is merely a group of bribed, blackmailed governments, mixed with Pentagon hype. It is more revealing of concealed Machiavellian geopolitical power strategies and the desire to appease the US than moral support for the war. See "The Precarious Coalition" at and "A Coalition of Weakness" at
The plain truth is that when people are attacked, they fight back (rational or not). Islamic fascists throughout the Arab world are gaining power and public support as a result of this war. Brutal US bombing of civilians and US lies at the UN (e.g. the fake documents) are the final proof to billions of people that the United States is a vicious, dangerous, imperial power. Al Qaeda will soon have more money, weapons, hiding places and sympathy than ever. Pakistan and other Arab nations are already resisting cooperating with US investigators trying to find Al Qaeda terrorists. Already, 4 diplomats at the State Department have resigned to voice opposition to the damage Bush is causing to international relations. The top anti-terror official at the NSC, Rand Beers, has also resigned as a result of the war, citing the counterproductive effects on terrorism prevention.
Islamic fascists in Pakistan are trying to have the FBI evicted from their country, where Bin Laden is in hiding. On March 27, 5 FBI agents looking for Bin Laden in Pakistan were killed. There is a predominant belief in the intelligence community that an invasion of Iraq will cause more terrorism than it will prevent. However, they are again not being listened to. We have sacrificed a war on terror for a war with Iraq. "The main problem Al Qaeda is going to face after this war," predicted one Jordanian, "is the competition." "American policies are breeding extremism and if these policies continue as they are, then there will be no moderate Muslims left."- Sheikh Maher Hammoud, a prominent Muslim cleric in Lebanon. This may be part of Bush's plan, since more terror attacks will fuel hatred in the American public, providing support for more invasions. Like Israel, America is embracing a cycle of violence that will produce endless warfare.
Already, the bill is over $150 Billion. With the US economy in terrible condition, and the US government already running the largest deficits in history ($96 Billion in February alone), this war will increase taxes and take real money out of your pocket. It will also cause your precious saved dollars to lose value as the Government prints more dollars to pay for the war. Cost estimates for the war and occupation range to over $1 trillion. That's about $5000 for every working person in this country. We will pay in blood and treasure.
The Shiites (60% of Iraq's population) in southern Iraq, brutalized by Saddam for decades, were supposed to greet US troops with cheers of liberation, according to the quickly-forgotten hype of Bush and Rumsfeld. But now, every ethnic group in Iraq is promising resistance to any US occupation. Sunni Arabs (Saddam's tribe) are bitterly opposed to occupation, and Shiite leaders in Iraq have vowed armed resistance if the US stays after Saddam falls. This is now a guerrilla war, which makes a mockery of US technological superiority.
The US cannot win a guerrilla war, especially against the highly-motivated and fierce Iraqis. Like the Russians invading Afghanistan, and the US invading Vietnam, US troops will not be able to hold ground, and will slowly be worn down and killed. Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector and 12-year US intelligence expert, says "We find ourselves... facing a nation of 23 million, with armed elements numbering around 7 million -- who are concentrated at urban areas. We will not win this fight. America will loose this war." Eventually, the US will be forced to leave, disgraced, and with traumatized troops. Remember Cheney's words spoken on March 16: "We will in fact, be greeted as liberators". See "Liberation or Conquest" at
US forces are using munitions made from 'depleted' uranium (DU), a byproduct of nuclear weapons manufacture. When these shells explode, they leave a fine powder of slightly radioactive, carcinogenic, and toxic uranium oxide. This powder lasts for years, and is inhaled or ingested when wind-blown. First used in Gulf War I, DU has already left a horrible legacy of birth defects and cancer in southern Iraq and Kosovo. Many NATO troops have refused to serve in Kosovo for this reason, and an unexplained surge in leukemia has occurred among NATO vets from Kosovo. DU has also been implicated in Gulf War Illness. Now, the Pentagon is again poisoning the Iraq countryside and our own troops with DU. Depleted uranium munitions are in effect the "dirty bombs" so feared and sought after by terrorists. See depleted uranium education project at
Last year, Bush invented a new doctrine of "pre-emptive" war, boldly stating the US would start wars with other countries based on suspicion alone. This is a direct violation of the UN charter and international law. This outrageous doctrine will embolden nations like China or Russia to pursue wars of conquest as well, and encourage smaller states to protect themselves with nuclear weaponry. This will encourage nuclear weapons proliferation, militarism and more wars. Preemptive war is criminal on its face, and has been rejected many times in American history. Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy all rejected the doctrine of pre-emptive war as being un-American, unwise, and dangerous. German Nazis and Japanese fascists also employed the doctrine of "pre-emption" to justify the invasions and attacks that became WWII.
The US has opposed international treaties on land mines, biological/chemical weapons, the International Criminal Court, global warming, money-laundering, clean energy, the nuclear test ban and child labor (together with Somalia). The US has developed weaponized anthrax in violation of treaties the US has signed. The US has also recently been illegally wiretapping diplomats at the UN. It is dishonest and unprincipled to ask for other nations to respect international law and then arrogate for one self the right to violate it. But the United States has done exactly this, and is now a rogue state, inflicting war and outrageous, arrogant behavior on the world with impunity. This is why the US is now scorned and deeply hated by Iraqis, Europeans and others. The world has become alarmed by the United States and the Napoleonesque behavior of the current administration. Rumsfeld has even threatened Syria and Iran with war, which would expand the violence to a population approaching 100 million. The world is deeply frightened by this war. King Abdullah II of Jordan has described it as a "potential Armageddon." See and "Global Dispatches" at
The images you see on TV are all censored by the Pentagon to assure public compliance and support for the war. All US broadcasters have agreed to such censorship in exchange for access. Further, NBC, CBS and CNN have financial ties with, or are subsidiaries of weapons manufacturers and so have a vested interest in long-lasting and expensive warfare. Also, in the Kosovo war, military Psychological Operations officers were busted working in the newsroom at CNN. We have no assurances they are not still there. News outside the US shows a very different picture of the war that Americans are just not seeing; the truth is somewhere in-between. In reality, the bombs falling on Iraq are not 'spectacular' or 'awesome'; they are deadly, and violent, mutilating innocent civilians and inspiring ferocious revenge against the United States and Americans everywhere. If we were allowed to see the results of the bombs, the screaming women and dead children, there would be even more opposition to this war, and that's what the Pentagon is really worried about. On March 26, bombs exploded in a Baghdad market, killing over 50 civilians and injuring many others. CNN stated, without evidence, it was "probably not" a US bomb, and refused to show images, despite a US bombing campaign at the time, and may eyewitness accounts of US planes. "Precision" bombs are known to miss their targets; some have landed in Iran and Turkey. But the Pentagon arrogantly refuses to accept responsibility for any civilian deaths by stating: "Any casualty that occurs, any death that occurs, is a direct result of Saddam Hussein's policies". Iraqi civilians emphatically do not agree. Outside the US, world opinion is typically 80-90% opposed to this war, but in the US, about 30% are opposed. This is a result of the extreme disparity in media content. Find out what you are not being told or shown!
For an informed, skeptical perspective on the war: see or or (Aljazeera has been the target of persistent hacking attacks, and so may be unavailable)
"To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good... Ideology - that is what gives devildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes, so that he won't hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors."
-- Alexander Solzhenitsyn Russian dissident and Nobel-prize winning author
"Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
-- Herman Goering Nazi Luftwaffe Commander, at Nuremberg prison X-Sender: Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 17:20:46 -0800 To:,, From: Subject: Bush's Best Evidence Against Iraq Is Fake X-RAVMilter-Version: 8.4.2(snapshot 20021217) (nagasaki)
Bush's Best Evidence Against Iraq Is Fake
By Dan Steinberg 3-30-3
Before Congress, and in his State of the Union address, Bush claimed to have proof of Iraqi efforts to build nuclear weapons.
The most important evidence were documents purporting to show that Iraq had purchased uranium from Niger. These documents were also used to convince Congress to approve military action. However, these documents have since been proven to be forgeries; the Bush administration now concedes this fact. The FBI has been asked by Congress to investigate the source of these fake documents. The world knew on March 7 that the documents were fake, and this is one reason why the UN would not approve of the war.
In a separate incident, in February, Powell presented to the UN a report, prepared by the British, that was advertised as containing "irrefutable" evidence of WMD programs in Iraq. It was anxiously awaited. However, upon scrutiny, the report was revealed to be a pasting together of 12-year old academic and military journal papers, from the public domain, complete with the original typographical errors. They contained no new information; the "evidence" was obsolete!
What about those aluminum tubes? The International Atomic Energy Agency of the UN has flatly and forcefully contradicted Bush's allegation that the aluminum tubes can be used for uranium isotope separation (required for weapons manufacture, as alleged by Bush). There is no evidence of a nuclear weapons program in Iraq, although Hussein in the past did have an unsuccessful one. The aluminum tubes were destined for use in low-tech rockets. All the sites identified by Bush have been searched by the UN inspectors, and no chemical or biological weapons, or nuclear weapons materials have been found. There is no evidence to support Bush's phony WMD reasons for this war. These are primary reasons why other nations have opposed this war. Rep. Waxman is starting an investigation of the fake documents.
See his letter to Bush at See "Who Lied to Whom?" at and "A Spurious Smoking Gun" at
About 45% of Americans falsely believe that some of the 9-11 hijackers were from Iraq. In fact, none of them were. There is no link between Iraq and 9-11, and no link between Iraq and Al Qaeda. Even the CIA has insisted there is no connection. Al Qaeda, in fact, bitterly oppose the Hussein regime. Bush has exploited these common misconceptions by frequently mentioning 9-11 and Iraq together, and suggesting connections that have no basis in evidence or fact.
A secret document written in September 2000 by Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz and others at the Project for the New American Century lays out a plan for domination of the Persian Gulf Region, and Iraq, specifically. It states: 'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein." The document details a plan for "global US preeminence", enforced by military might and control over a commodity of critical importance: oil. Iraq has the second-largest reserves in the world, 112 billion barrels, or 11% of the worlds total.
The domination objective is also described by Cheney in his 1990 testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Cheney argued: whoever controls the flow of Persian Gulf oil has a "stranglehold" not only on our economy but also "on that of most of that of the other nations of the world as well." This is a powerful image, and perfectly describes the administration's thinking about the Gulf area, except in reverse: by serving as the dominant power in the Gulf, the US maintains a "stranglehold" over the economies of other nations. Terrorism is not the reason for invading Iraq; oil is the reason, and the people in control have said so. See "The Thirty Year Itch" at
The Pentagon claims to have a "coalition" of 46 countries supporting the war, but only 2 have provided significant troops: Britain (40K) and Australia (2K). Other nations of the "coalition" are a who's who list of countries dependent upon US military aid, or access to US markets for survival. Examples include the tiny nations of Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Palau, which receive much money from the US Congress. They have no foreign policy or military of their own. Another laughable member of the coalition is Uzbekistan, one of the most vicious and tyrannical regimes outside Iraq. Bulgaria, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia are urgently seeking US support for entrance into NATO to protect them from Russia. Other ridiculous members of the "coalition" include the US puppet Afghanistan, Rwanda, Colombia, Nicaragua, and Turkey. Some countries are unaware they are part of the "coalition", apparently having been drafted by the Bush Administration. In most coalition countries, large majorities oppose the war (e.g. 95% of Turks).
The "coalition" is merely a group of bribed, blackmailed governments, mixed with Pentagon hype. It is more revealing of concealed Machiavellian geopolitical power strategies and the desire to appease the US than moral support for the war. See "The Precarious Coalition" at and "A Coalition of Weakness" at
The plain truth is that when people are attacked, they fight back (rational or not). Islamic fascists throughout the Arab world are gaining power and public support as a result of this war. Brutal US bombing of civilians and US lies at the UN (e.g. the fake documents) are the final proof to billions of people that the United States is a vicious, dangerous, imperial power. Al Qaeda will soon have more money, weapons, hiding places and sympathy than ever. Pakistan and other Arab nations are already resisting cooperating with US investigators trying to find Al Qaeda terrorists. Already, 4 diplomats at the State Department have resigned to voice opposition to the damage Bush is causing to international relations. The top anti-terror official at the NSC, Rand Beers, has also resigned as a result of the war, citing the counterproductive effects on terrorism prevention.
Islamic fascists in Pakistan are trying to have the FBI evicted from their country, where Bin Laden is in hiding. On March 27, 5 FBI agents looking for Bin Laden in Pakistan were killed. There is a predominant belief in the intelligence community that an invasion of Iraq will cause more terrorism than it will prevent. However, they are again not being listened to. We have sacrificed a war on terror for a war with Iraq. "The main problem Al Qaeda is going to face after this war," predicted one Jordanian, "is the competition." "American policies are breeding extremism and if these policies continue as they are, then there will be no moderate Muslims left."- Sheikh Maher Hammoud, a prominent Muslim cleric in Lebanon. This may be part of Bush's plan, since more terror attacks will fuel hatred in the American public, providing support for more invasions. Like Israel, America is embracing a cycle of violence that will produce endless warfare.
Already, the bill is over $150 Billion. With the US economy in terrible condition, and the US government already running the largest deficits in history ($96 Billion in February alone), this war will increase taxes and take real money out of your pocket. It will also cause your precious saved dollars to lose value as the Government prints more dollars to pay for the war. Cost estimates for the war and occupation range to over $1 trillion. That's about $5000 for every working person in this country. We will pay in blood and treasure.
The Shiites (60% of Iraq's population) in southern Iraq, brutalized by Saddam for decades, were supposed to greet US troops with cheers of liberation, according to the quickly-forgotten hype of Bush and Rumsfeld. But now, every ethnic group in Iraq is promising resistance to any US occupation. Sunni Arabs (Saddam's tribe) are bitterly opposed to occupation, and Shiite leaders in Iraq have vowed armed resistance if the US stays after Saddam falls. This is now a guerrilla war, which makes a mockery of US technological superiority.
The US cannot win a guerrilla war, especially against the highly-motivated and fierce Iraqis. Like the Russians invading Afghanistan, and the US invading Vietnam, US troops will not be able to hold ground, and will slowly be worn down and killed. Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector and 12-year US intelligence expert, says "We find ourselves... facing a nation of 23 million, with armed elements numbering around 7 million -- who are concentrated at urban areas. We will not win this fight. America will loose this war." Eventually, the US will be forced to leave, disgraced, and with traumatized troops. Remember Cheney's words spoken on March 16: "We will in fact, be greeted as liberators". See "Liberation or Conquest" at
US forces are using munitions made from 'depleted' uranium (DU), a byproduct of nuclear weapons manufacture. When these shells explode, they leave a fine powder of slightly radioactive, carcinogenic, and toxic uranium oxide. This powder lasts for years, and is inhaled or ingested when wind-blown. First used in Gulf War I, DU has already left a horrible legacy of birth defects and cancer in southern Iraq and Kosovo. Many NATO troops have refused to serve in Kosovo for this reason, and an unexplained surge in leukemia has occurred among NATO vets from Kosovo. DU has also been implicated in Gulf War Illness. Now, the Pentagon is again poisoning the Iraq countryside and our own troops with DU. Depleted uranium munitions are in effect the "dirty bombs" so feared and sought after by terrorists. See depleted uranium education project at
Last year, Bush invented a new doctrine of "pre-emptive" war, boldly stating the US would start wars with other countries based on suspicion alone. This is a direct violation of the UN charter and international law. This outrageous doctrine will embolden nations like China or Russia to pursue wars of conquest as well, and encourage smaller states to protect themselves with nuclear weaponry. This will encourage nuclear weapons proliferation, militarism and more wars. Preemptive war is criminal on its face, and has been rejected many times in American history. Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy all rejected the doctrine of pre-emptive war as being un-American, unwise, and dangerous. German Nazis and Japanese fascists also employed the doctrine of "pre-emption" to justify the invasions and attacks that became WWII.
The US has opposed international treaties on land mines, biological/chemical weapons, the International Criminal Court, global warming, money-laundering, clean energy, the nuclear test ban and child labor (together with Somalia). The US has developed weaponized anthrax in violation of treaties the US has signed. The US has also recently been illegally wiretapping diplomats at the UN. It is dishonest and unprincipled to ask for other nations to respect international law and then arrogate for one self the right to violate it. But the United States has done exactly this, and is now a rogue state, inflicting war and outrageous, arrogant behavior on the world with impunity. This is why the US is now scorned and deeply hated by Iraqis, Europeans and others. The world has become alarmed by the United States and the Napoleonesque behavior of the current administration. Rumsfeld has even threatened Syria and Iran with war, which would expand the violence to a population approaching 100 million. The world is deeply frightened by this war. King Abdullah II of Jordan has described it as a "potential Armageddon." See and "Global Dispatches" at
The images you see on TV are all censored by the Pentagon to assure public compliance and support for the war. All US broadcasters have agreed to such censorship in exchange for access. Further, NBC, CBS and CNN have financial ties with, or are subsidiaries of weapons manufacturers and so have a vested interest in long-lasting and expensive warfare. Also, in the Kosovo war, military Psychological Operations officers were busted working in the newsroom at CNN. We have no assurances they are not still there. News outside the US shows a very different picture of the war that Americans are just not seeing; the truth is somewhere in-between. In reality, the bombs falling on Iraq are not 'spectacular' or 'awesome'; they are deadly, and violent, mutilating innocent civilians and inspiring ferocious revenge against the United States and Americans everywhere. If we were allowed to see the results of the bombs, the screaming women and dead children, there would be even more opposition to this war, and that's what the Pentagon is really worried about. On March 26, bombs exploded in a Baghdad market, killing over 50 civilians and injuring many others. CNN stated, without evidence, it was "probably not" a US bomb, and refused to show images, despite a US bombing campaign at the time, and may eyewitness accounts of US planes. "Precision" bombs are known to miss their targets; some have landed in Iran and Turkey. But the Pentagon arrogantly refuses to accept responsibility for any civilian deaths by stating: "Any casualty that occurs, any death that occurs, is a direct result of Saddam Hussein's policies". Iraqi civilians emphatically do not agree. Outside the US, world opinion is typically 80-90% opposed to this war, but in the US, about 30% are opposed. This is a result of the extreme disparity in media content. Find out what you are not being told or shown!
For an informed, skeptical perspective on the war: see or or (Aljazeera has been the target of persistent hacking attacks, and so may be unavailable)
"To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good... Ideology - that is what gives devildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes, so that he won't hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors."
-- Alexander Solzhenitsyn Russian dissident and Nobel-prize winning author
"Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
-- Herman Goering Nazi Luftwaffe Commander, at Nuremberg prison



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