Water Is Becoming
Scarce In Basra

From Der Spiegle
Translation by Martin S. White

The UN, aid organizations, and Russia's President Putin have warned on Monday of a humanitarian catastrophe in Iraq. Before all in the besieged city of Basra is the situation very critical: Water is running out, the people are trying to flee.
Moscow/Berlin - The Russian President has warned his US colleague George W. Bush on Monday concerning a possible humanitarian catastrophe in Iraq as consequence of the battle developments. In an afternoon telephone conversation Putin called upon the US President to prevent this threatening catastrophe. "The emphasis of the conversation lay by the humanitarian aspect of the military actions," said the Press office of the Kremlin.
Full article at:,1518,241932,00.html
Das Wasser wird knapp
Uno, Hilfsorganisationen und Russlands Präsident Putin haben am Montag vor einer humanitären Katastrophe im Irak gewarnt. Vor allem in der belagerten südirakischen Stadt Basra sei die Situation sehr kritisch: Das Wasser geht aus, die Menschen versuchen zu fliehen.
Moskau/Berlin - Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat am Montag seinen US- Kollegen George W. Bush vor einer möglichen humanitären Katastrophe im Irak als Folge der Kampfhandlungen gewarnt. In einem am Abend geführten Telefongespräch rief Putin den US- Präsidenten auf, diese drohende Katastrophe abzuwenden. "Der Schwerpunkt des Gesprächs lag beim humanitären Aspekt der militärischen Aktionen", teilte die Kreml-Pressestelle mit.
Martin S. White
National Alliance for Individual and Constitutional Rights
Children 'Likely To Die In Basra'
From Correspondents in Amman, Jordan
Sunday Times - London
AT least 100,000 small children in Basra are at risk of disease after water supplies were cut following US-led air strikes on the besieged southern Iraqi city, the United Nations Children's Fund has warned.
UNICEF said it was concerned over frequent power cuts and the consequent cutting of water supplies to Iraq's second largest city.
"There must now be a threat of disease as tens of thousands of people in their homes, hospitals and care institutions attempt to cope and find what water they can from the river and other sources," it said.
"Unfortunately the river is also where sewage is dumped."
It said children were most vulnerable to contaminated water.
"Not only are they suffering from high rates of malnutrition, in Basra there is the very real possibility now of child deaths, not only from the conflict, but from the additional effects of diarrhoea and dehydration."
UNICEF said it estimated that "at least 100,000 children under the age of five are at risk".
The warning was issued in Amman. Foreign aid workers were evacuated to the Jordanian capital from Iraq last week.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan also said Basra "may be facing a humanitarian disaster".
Fadela Chaib, a spokeswoman for the World Health Organisation in Amman, said teams from the International Committee of the Red Cross had restored the water supply for about 40 per cent of Basra's population.
However, she said this only partially met the city's needs.
"The WHO is worried about the impact that the lack of access to potable and clean water will have on the health situation, which could deteriorate quickly."
British forces attacking Basra were forced to withdraw to regroup after coming under attack with mortars and by Iraqi irregular forces disguised in civilian clothes, the British military said today.,7034,6184428%255E25778,00.html



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