Some US-UK Troops
Refuse To Kill Civilians
Targeting Civilians Creates Rift In
Anglo-American Troops
The Balochistan Post

CANBERRA: No matter how much disinformation the media of invading countries is spreading, some people cannot simply kill innocent civilians. These soldiers, though hard to find among Anglo-American troops, will inform their commanders that what they are doing is cruel and inhuman.
According to a report published by New Zealand Herald, an Australian FA/18 Hornet pilot refused an American command to bomb a target in Iraq when he could not see any rationale to hit a civilian target.
Although Prime Minister John Howard said the incident during the coalition's drive towards Baghdad was not evidence of tension between the two commands, the prospect of a clash of rules was clear from the start.
Australia operates under a tougher set of rules of engagement than the US because Canberra has ratified more international agreements than Washington. While Washington only cares about the international law that suit it for its expansionist designs.
"The crew's decision reflects the ADF's strong commitment to the laws of armed conflict and its support of the Government's targeting policy, right down to the lowest levels," said a military spokesman.
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