Afghanistan - So Much
For Security And Peace

From Mohammed Daud Miraki

Dear Mr. Rense:
The emergence of Taliban in 1994 was a reaction to the lawlessness and disaster brought upon Afghanistan by warlords of the Northern Alliance. Today as the following article confirms, thanks to the US 'liberation', Afghans live in fear, agony and insecurity. In fact, the blatant disregard for human life and individual property has created an atmosphere of terror compelling many to be imprisoned in their houses, while during the era of Taliban's rule people would travel day and night without any concerns for their safety, dignity and property, but only to face anarchy and terror again, perpetrated by the US allies, the criminals of Northern Alliance.
Afghans appreciate civil liberties as other people do worldwide, however, civil liberty is of no use when their lives are in danger, and are faced with hunger and disease. The illnesses caused by uranium--non-depleted uranium and depleted uranium-- have risen tremendously all over the country, in particular in Eastern, Southeastern and southern Afghanistan.
Individuals worldwide realize that development is a lot more than just having Internet Cafes in Kabul. In fact, as a student of development,  I learned that development could only be realized if it is viewed as a socioeconomic phenomenon rather than some odd symbolism of modernity such as Internet Cafes.
The tragedy is this, since the US occupation, diseases resulting from uranium weapons, unclean water, and lack of healthcare have risen a lot; murder and looting have gone up by several hundred percent compare to the Taliban era; infrastructure--roads, electricity and water, education and healthcare--- is untouched, hence, non-existent, with some minor work undertaken here and there.
If people here call this disaster 'liberation', I have to simply wonder what do they understand  by 'liberation' ? Is total anarchy liberation? If that is the definition, why were there concerns about the riots in South-central Los Angles? People all over the US should have cheered for the 'liberation'  exercised by the citizens of South-central Los Angeles?
I suppose the good people in this country have to be in the shoes of the 'liberated' in Afghanistan to fully appreciate and understand it!!!
Mohammed Daud Miraki, MA, MA, PhD
Warlords Terrorise Afghanistan
Warlords in Afghanistan are said to be terrorising the population with a climate of fear and religious fundamentalism is rising.
The trends are emerging 18 months after US forces toppled the ruling fundamentalist Taliban regime.
The New York-based Human Rights Watch says the opening of schools and colleges for women is also under threat.
It says the international community has allowed warlords and local military commanders to take control of much of the country.
Instead of providing security, the warlords are terrorising the local population with kidnappings, arbitrary arrests and extortion.
Political opponents, journalists and ordinary Afghans are attacked and intimidated into silence.
Human Rights Watch submitted evidence to the UN Human Rights Commission's annual session in Geneva.



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