Food coloring (cereals and candies)is just one of the growing sources by which Aluminum is being put into our bodies>

Have you ever seen the following items on the ingredient label of the food you are preparing or about to eat?

If you have not seen these ingredient, you are probably not reading the labels of your salt, cake mixes, bakery products, baking powders, candies, etc.

Should you be concerned with reading the ingredients labels, with regard to the above mentioned forms of Aluminum? My research, initiated by watching the insidious progression of Alzheimer's Disease leading to a family member's death, would indicate we all should be very concerned, well informed, and quite alarmed at all the avenues through which Aluminum is being introduced into our bodies. It is toxic and is being processed into a variety of our foods, and other consumables.

I'm sure you have heard the news and rumors of the Aluminum cans, anti- perspirants, and pots & pans. Some is fact and some is false, but the truth in regards to all the different ways Aluminum is introduced into our bodies will give you the creeps! Most likely you have no idea how many foods have Aluminum as part of the ingredients.

First, we should ask:

Studies investigating the relationship between ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE and ALUMINUM in the brain:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
1965KlatzoNIHInjection of animal salts produced changes in the animal brains.       J.Neuropathol Exp Neurol 24:187-199, 1965.
1970WisniewskiEinstein Medical CenterChanges in animal brains different from those in Alzheimer's Disease.       J.Neuropathol Exp Neurol 29: 163-176, 1970.
1973McLachlan University of TorontoBrains of Alzheimer's Disease victims have higher Aluminum   content.
1976AlfreyDenver V.A. HospitalDialysis dementia attributed to Aluminum. NEngl J Med 294: 184-188,       1976.
1979EllisUniversity of SheffieldAluminum affects bones of dialysis patients
1980PerlUniversity of VermontAluminum in Alzheimer's Disease "tangles" in brain. Science 208:       297-299, 1980; Neurotoxicoloy 1: 133-137, 1980.
1981MarkesberyUniversity of KentuckyAluminum not elevated in Alzheimer's Disease brains. Ann Neurol 10:       511-516, 1981
1982PerlUniversity of VermontALS and Parkinson dementia on Guam associated with Aluminum.       Science 217: 1053-1055, 1982.
1985GregerUniversity of WisconsinMetallic Aluminum contributes very little to dietary intake
1986EdwardsonNewcastle General HospitalAluminum in core of senile patient plaques
1986DreznerDuke UniversityAluminum may not cause bone disease
1987PerlMt.Sinai HospitalRoute of entry of Aluminum into body may be inhalation. Lancet1987:       1028
1988WisniewskiN.Y. State Institute for Basic ResearchAluminum not found in cores of senile patient plaques
1989MartynUniversity of SouthhamptonFrequency of Alzheimer's Disease related to Aluminum in drinking     water
1990McLachlanUniversity of TorontoLoss of cognitive function from exposure to McIntyre powder
1990McLachlanUniversity of TorontoAluminum can be chemically extracted from brains of Alzheimer's       Disease patients, clinical results being evaluated

I've provided this information of the above medical studies on the association of Aluminum and Alzheimer's Disease for your own investigation. I have included other sources of the information I have gathered that has enhanced my knowledge on this subject, at the end of my Web page. In addition, you will find both important and provocative information scrolling at the bottom of the page.

There are many studies focused upon the Aluminum/Alzheimer relationship, the above are major studies upon which the rest of the studies revolve. All the studies are from professional medical and science periodicals. You see for yourself, under the column "Findings" that 11 out of the 16 studies pointed towards a connection of Aluminum and Alzheimer's Disease. I learned of these studies from materials provided by the Alzheimer Association. They provide a wealth of information about Alzheimer's Disease. However, all "scientific" studies are dependent upon the integrity of those who provide the information to them. Unfortunately, the medical and science fields are extremely competitive in jobs and funding. As a result we get both good and bad science. At the time of my initial research was being done, I had a lot of time on my hands to read and research these and other articles to find they pointed to still more studies and articles.

If this informative leads you do a little research of your own, a good place to start is on the World Wide Web. You will find disagreement exists concerning the actual role Aluminum plays in it's connection with the disease but most agree it is found in damaged areas of the brain. However, you will find some early studies claimed they didn't find the Aluminum in Alzheimer's Disease victims. At first glance it appears the participants of the study or studies, replicate previous experiments that found Aluminum in the brain of victims. Later in the paper it is announced that some changes are made. Apparently the devices that identify and measure the brain samples are not always available, for whatever reasons. This leads to changing part of the study because the various devices read brain matter differently, and require different amounts of brain matter for it's analysis. While the intentions are good, the results are illegitimate, under traditional scientific method! I know these are strong words, but I've always been taught that it is necessary to replicate an experiment in order to verify, challenge or disqualify the initial findings. I was after plain truth; time after time 2+2=4, unless you are seeking attention.

But that is altogether another story, perhaps better discussed under the heading of intellectual entropy.

So what makes me think I am on the track of the truth? While researchers have speculated diverse pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, the association between Aluminum and Alzheimer's has persistently risen to the surface over many years of many studies. Another reason is the fact it is cited as a neurotoxin.

One of my sources pointed out that there were fewer than 5 articles in 1975 that regarded Aluminum as the culprit as a general physiological and neurotoxicant, yet by 1985 more than 35 articles were published! (G.H.Mayor-commentary) Mayor, in his commentary, also points out, "Perhaps the time has come to emphasize lessons learned from the azotemic populace. In this population, aluminum has been incriminated in endocrine suppression, anemia, osteopathy, renal dysfunction, ferritin metabolism, and altered calcium metabolism. Many of the changes in aging also involve endocrine dysfunction, anemia, bone disease (osteoporosis), renal dysfunction, altered ferritin metabolism, and particularly altered calcium metabolism. Could these parallels be merely coincidental.....?"

What measures are being taken to combat Alzheimer's Disease? There are those who have taken the route of pharmaceutical endeavors to alleviate or cure Alzheimer's Disease, although most all of those have been strictly intended to slow down the progress. Unfortunately, most every concoction that claims to have been a proven success in dealing with Alzheimer's patients, eventually, has been has been taken off the market after millions, if not billions of dollars in profits were taken from those desperately trying help their loved ones. Why? Because these medicines did not work! How can that be! How many years are we told it must be tested on animals? And then, after that how many years it must be tested on humans, before the authorized medical and or government institutions approve its use as a prescribed drug? What about all the case studies that showed promise? What about all those years of testing, approved by the "authoritative" institutions? The reasons could be many folded, you name it: money, incompetence, dishonesty, lousy public school and-or college education, and-or dishonesty? But there is another question!

Why do they ignore the basic strategies in combating all sickness and ill-health that may be caused by something in the environment: - PREVENTIVE MEDICINE - warning, informing, educating, advising people of the exposure to aluminum? Isn't the public advised about possible problems with eating foods high in fat, cholesterol, salt, and black pepper? Why does the doctor and the hospital want you to fill out forms for identifying your known allergies? Because you may have dangerous reactions to some medications that are harmless to another person. Aren't those same scientists, who are hoping to find a human gene responsible for obesity still, warning people about their diets? How did saccharine end up being on a 'known carcinogen' list for decades and now it is removed from that list. I would bet millions of dollars were lost in this sweetener scare, and millions were made by medicines that did nothing! We can understand mistakes are made, but what about whoppers like these.

I just did a quick web search, (at the time of this update of my information), to find a study report dated 09/05/00 that examined a study in France which was being expanded to verify their findings of a relationship between high levels of Aluminum measured in the drinking water in areas that report a higher incidence of Alzheimer's. Unfortunately, they need to involve a greater population to make the indications conclusive. Does this mean that more people need to be put at risk, even though there is some indication of historical significance under similar scenario?

My information gathering took place over a period of few years, and is ongoing. I have included some of the periodical sources I managed to save. I regret not having saved all of it, but I had no idea I would pursue this as much as I have, and there was so much additional information that helped in educating me, that I cannot remember but would have loved to share with you.

My mother dealt with this disease for many years, as did her sister, my grandmother, and, by all indications, my great-grandmother. When I inquired about the disease I found that the medical community's knowledge was fragmented and dis-apportioned. They would like to describe it as 'specialized'. When I had the opportunity to meet those in the medical community who were involved or related more than casually with some facet of Alzheimer's Disease, I would inquire and probe to find out what I could, or to seek out new directions for information. I was quite surprised, when I inquired for opinion and-or insight on various studies and informational articles about Alzheimer's Disease, to find some were unaware or less aware than others were. Even when I spoke to doctors who were involved in an Alzheimer's Disease special program, regarding developing and-or testing medicinal treatments at the University Hospital in Denver, they had no idea of all the avenues aluminum may enter our bodies, nor were they familiar with the work of some of the leading studies investigating the aluminum relationship! Is everyone too busy to gather all the available information? I realize that their focus is narrowed upon a particular solution. But without 'all' the information, what makes them think their solution is relevant? Perhaps they are dependent upon the little time made available around the schedule due to their own practice? Is the art of funding, which is a legitimate function, so important that it robs participants of precious research time, in order that they may produce 'apparent' results?

Getting those research dollars is a competitive necessity. I embrace competition as a healthy endeavor that feeds our progress towards many areas that benefit mankind. To be sure, it is not without corruption, but competitive people usually want to be first and competitive people usually hate being wrong.

I am not trying to insult the medical community; I am looking for explanations. Without a proper explanation, I am forced to look around the world, to find similar situations and find out why it exists. And guess what! There are 'apparent' similar situations. These other situations, found on the European continent, revolve around medical costs and the elderly. Maybe the cost for helping our senior citizens, those most as risk for developing Alzheimer's Disease, is to heavy a burden on society? These scenarios tend to sound 'sci-fi' and - or conspiratorial. I will touch upon them at the end of this report.

Recent studies, as well as past studies agree, the majority of findings point to an Alzheimer's Disease - Aluminum connection. However, with the advancement of genetics, a new banner of a new approach has been raised, to find a genetic condition associated with Alzheimer's Disease.

There has been the announcement in the news several times over many years of a gene being found that is in some way responsible for the disease. I find it hard to believe they will find a gene whose singular function is to cause Alzheimer's Disease. Once they do find a gene with some association with the condition, they will then have to map the millions of bits of DNA information which designate it's function(s). Which could put off a cure for years, if there is a cure from this approach!

The recent announcement regarding the completion of human genome mapping would tend to be at odds with the idea that all we have to do is find the responsible gene. To begin with, only one third of genes have been classified by function (Patrizio). The DNA's molecular coding dictates the all the information on the genome level. This is an incredibly complex coding system that carries it's information digitally, it is self replicating, it is redundant, and apparently error correcting! Because of the repeating information this is sometimes referred to as junk DNA. I must admit I do not know if this creates more hurdles for those using genetic manipulation to find a cure.

This high-tech razzle-dazzle approach has over-shadowed the substantiated possibility of the Aluminum exposure a contributing factor. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but the elimination of the cause or conditions required for the proliferation of a disease was a goal through out most of history. I'd like to have an explanation of how genetic engineering is more desirable than eliminating the adding of Aluminum to our food.

Why or what made the scientists look at Aluminum as a factor? It is because of the effects on those exposed to aluminum dust explosions at mines sites, and the side effects on patients of early dialysis machines. There were similarities noted in the condition of people exposed to aluminum in these manners, and the conditions in Alzheimer's disease patients. Like tobacco, why isn't everyone affected the same way from the same amount of exposure?

Upon my first knowledge of Alzheimer's Disease and the association with Aluminum, I heard we were getting aluminum from pop cans, anti-perspirants, cooking utensils such as pots and pans. Scientists heard about these things too, and on that basis they made statements that these sources were not enough to blame aluminum, or that we couldn't possibly absorb enough from these items. The uses found, and realization of money saved by adding Aluminum into various foods and consumable products is ever increasing. Unfortunately, in this case, people whom we depend upon for their knowledge and expertise were unable to keep up with the growing possibilities of our exposure to Aluminum. Apparently they relied upon the same information to which all of us had been exposed.

Aluminum is the third most plentiful substance in the crust of the Earth. It has been a blessing in construction and building the largest to the smallest devices we all use, and at a reasonable cost.

My research indicates it could also be playing a major roll in making the food we eat more affordable. I am not speaking of packaging, shipping, or such.

The Aluminum, which is used in manufacturing, creates waste products that are Aluminum compounds. Perhaps it is coincidence, but these Aluminum compounds which are a by-product waste are the same forms of Aluminum being added to our foods!

Next time you use a non-dairy creamer in your coffee, or a package of salt at the fast food restaurant, look at the ingredient label. Most likely you will see the word 'aluminum' or part of the word 'aluminum' hyphenated with a different ending. What about the pop/soda cans? I believe they all have coatings on the inside preventing you from getting Aluminum. What about the anti-perspirants? This is most definitely a way for aluminum to get into your body! I advise you to lookup, on the Internet or in books, and see how anti-perspirants work, and then look up the theories of how, why, and what the aluminum does in the brain works..It will freak you out! Pots and pans made of aluminum? Yes, this can be a good way to consume aluminum that is coming from the pan, especially when cooking acid fruits and/or vegetables. Personally I do not use any Aluminum cooking products! Many folks ask me about the Aluminum pans with the different coatings. I have no information regarding the coatings, of various Aluminum pots and pans, nor whether it adds to or blocks the aluminum from the food. I never received definitive information from the manufacturers I contacted.

I have 12 pages of grocery items most by brand name and by specified product. Some times I can only give you a group which you must read the labels yourself. It is wise to always keep up with the ingredient labels. As an example, in the past I found, by reading the label, a salt I used added a form of Aluminum to their salt, as an anti-caking agent. However, during my early years of research, the label of salt that I had used stopped using the Aluminum. Meanwhile, I had decided to use brands of sea salt. Some brands of aspirin have added aluminum as a buffering agent. Some did in the past and some my still.

I provide my research information, for the purpose of knowledge.

This research, spawned from my continued collection of information and studies of Alzheimer's Disease, led me to the point of reading the labels of everything in the grocery store that was consumable. I have collected food category 'types' and brand names of consumables that contain aluminum and (or) forms of Aluminum, which I identify. When possible, I recommend by brand name, non-Aluminum substitutes. Obviously, across the world brand names change, and some company names are unfamiliar. In that case, my research provides you the ability to compare your preferred brand names to the list of food items I provide, so that you know when to be suspicious of foods that might contain Aluminum.

A minor draw back is the continually changing product choices, as well as new brand names. However, I established very plain and simple guidelines by which we can recognize when to suspect that a consumable may have aluminum in them.

I do not believe that laws are the answer to make the changes in matters such as these. It is your own responsibility to take care of yourself. The people who provide these aluminum containing products are not trying to hurt you. Quite the contrary, they are trying to keep down the price of foods and improve our standard of living. In addition, the ability for them to continue is dependent upon profits to keep the businesses operating. You will find that some of the non-Aluminum substitutes do cost a little more. However, if larger quantities of these products are bought prices may even drop!

Further we must consider, why do some people who smoke live long lives while others fall victim to the diseases caused by their habit? It could be that not all people will react to the Aluminum in their diets in the same way. Is Alzheimer's Disease really a blood brain barrier disease? In fact, some amounts of Aluminum have been found in healthy brain tissues! Perhaps it is here, that genes could make a difference. However, it may be far more complicated than anyone can imagine. It could be one gene that is directly responsible for being prone to Alzheimer's Disease, or it could be a vast domino effect from gene(s) whose full code of instructions and properties as yet to be unraveled! Then we must determine could other things happen as a result of re-programming that specific gene. Maybe it has multiple functions or gate functions?....Recently it was announced that scientists were able to cultivate tissue from fat that could be used in the brain to replace the function of the damaged tissue in Alzheimer's patients. They added it is not a cure, it will merely slow down progress.

If you want my 12 page list of everyday consumables that is putting Aluminum in your body, send a - $4.50 U.S.A. dollars - check or money order to:

John Enright
200 6th St.
Ft. Lupton, CO 80621


I have harped on the area of practicing preventative medicine, regarding Alzheimer's Disease, in the light of medical knowledge and reported scientific observation. In the process I have criticized the medical community for not prescribing preventative medicine for Alzheimer's Disease, in the same way it does for other ailments, diseases, and conditions of ill health, that hint to behavioral or environmental exposure factors. There are some things I wish to repeat as you read this section of my web page. Most all the research to treat Alzheimer's is intended to slow down the progress of the disease, not cure it! The researchers make this clear. The only area of treatment being persude as a possible cure is in the area of genetics. At this point, technological abilities are limited to neurosurgery invovlving the implantation of cells engineered to produce nerve growth factor, which you will read about below. Even this sort of therapy is intended to slow down the devastation of the disease, though it is hoped that success in this area may lead to new and better treatments. However, if it is the best treatment going, reality is too sobering. Bill Thies is vice president of medical and scientific affairs for the Chicago-based Alzheimer's Association. He has said the complexity of the procedure may prevent neurosurgery on the 4 million people who are now victims.

Now I will, to the best of my ability, discuss the paths science is taking in combating Alzheimer's. Unfortunately, it appears to be a totally defensive strategy.

Most all the research, regarding treatments for the victim, is in pharmaceutics, genetics, and care methods.

I will mention some of the pharmaceuticals that are being tested, and or being prescribed, and then the area of genetics.

First is the cholinomimetics family of drugs. Cholinomimetics substances are not a cure. Cholinomimetic drugs are usually administered to patients in the early to middle stages of Alzheimer's Disease, to increase a natural chemical in the brain called ACH.

Acetylcholine, {ACH} the first known neurotransmitter, was discovered in the 1920s. It is believed that because most the acetylcholine in the neocortex is manufactured in the basal forebrain, that cholinergic synapses are the sites for memory storage. Research studies have claimed limited effectiveness in some victims. But even as a way of slowing down the progress of the disease it has been disappointing.

The use of Acetylcholinesterease inhibitors, also known as anti-inflammatory agents, for example 'NSAIDS', relates to the previous approach in that it centers on the fact that low Acetylcholine {ACH} levels are found in Alzheimer's victims. Since acetylcholinesterease lowers the amount of Acetylcholine {ACH} (remember low levels of this ACH is found in deceased Alzheimer's victims) then, we should lower (inhibit) the acetylcholinesterease. This would, theoretically, raise the levels of Acetylcholine {ACH}. Some studies claimed to have indications of some success, but it apparently isn't scientifically significant and requires more study and observation. Again, it must be stressed these substances are not a cure.

While not all the findings have been consistent, there have been some positive reports with regard to those taking NSAIDS. I know it sounds like a complex oxymoron, but all these studies have the same positive and negative results.

If you are confused read it a few times and you will get it. I also underlined the root part (choline) of the words above to help you get a handle on the words.

Calcium channel blockers are another area scientists are looking towards. Calcium , as well as Aluminum, silicon, and some other elements have been found in the brain matter of victims in some of the studies. Too much calcium causes the death of a cell. Obviously, blockers would prolong the life of cells that die from this situation.

Anti oxidants such as Vitamin E has also been a venue of study because of the possibilities that free radicals play a part in the initial stages of damage in the brain that lead to Alzheimer's Disease. Different studies are still underway, such as starting the Vitamin E doses (about 2.2 times recommended dosage) at earlier stages of the disease.

While I hope it becomes a promising lead, it seems the study requires the interjection of subjective elements that can play havoc with studies. The study might require an indecisive length of time. The reason I suggest this is because the studies have been based on patients' length of time to reach certain degenerative "milestones" of behavior. They may be able to establish some sort of average time table for the 'milestone behavior' however, working with a treatment that has inconsistent findings to begin with is going to make this another Vitamin E recommendation that may not work for everybody, due to individual physiology's. When I speak to others who have Alzheimer's strike in their family, I have heard a wide range of time scales in the disease's progressions.

Estrogen is another factor that has been looked at. Estrogen promotes cell metabolism and viability. It was reported that women, at a retirement home, who took estrogen after menopause, had lower rates of Alzheimer's disease than those who did not take estrogen. However, estrogen replacement therapy may be selective in its beneficial effects, if it is effective at all. You can find more information on this in a National Institute of Aging: "Press Release" - Estrogen Replacement Therapy Not Effective For Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease in Some Women - February 22, 2000 URL: "Summary: Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) does not improve the memory or function of hysterectomized women with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD), according to a new research report."

I have forgotten where I read this, but I should add, recent studies have indicated that estrogen substitutes had no effect. Because it had an impact on my family, all articles on Alzheimer's catch my attention.

Gene therapy is another approach that opens the doors to new possibilities. As technology advances we have learned that cells from many parts of the body can be programmed to excel in particular functions. The individual cell is very complex with millions of bits of information regulating an incredibly complex piece of machinery. One of the functions is production of a protein of nerve growth factor material. Which as its name says aids in the growth and production of nerve cells.

Cells have been taken from a woman's hand and then somehow are stimulated to produce the nerve growth hormone. They are then placed in the brain.

I saw a television report that said it might be possible to use fat cells, like those removed during liposuction, in the same manner. In fact, it may work better than other types of cells!

Another area that is being approached, now that the human genome has been mapped, is the programming or re-programming of cells to repair or eliminate the genetic message that make people prone to Alzheimer's.

Excluding the dollars being spent every year to find cures and alleviate the suffering of the victim and their families, it is estimated that billions of dollars are lost to businesses each year in the economy, by the absenteeism of caregivers of Alzheimer's patients according to - (1998 media release from the Alzheimer's Association, September 8, 1998, "AlzheimerΉs Disease Costs Business $33.3 Billion a Year in Caregiver Loss and Medical Expenses, Study Shows".)

At present, about four million Americans now suffer from Alzheimer's disease, and an estimated 360,000 new cases occur each year. If you have been reading the scrolling at the bottom of the page, the first message is - Alzheimer's Disease afflicts over 1/10th of the American population over 65 years of age and about 1/2 of those over 85...- Starting around 2010, the majority of "baby boomers" will begin to turn 65. This group makes up the largest percentage of the population, in the U.S. Add to this the fact that projections that indicate there will be 20 million people in the United States aged 85 or older by 2050, due to the ever climbing life expectancy. If no way is found to halt Alzheimer's Disease, there is going to be unbelievable turmoil to face. Economically speaking, solving the social security problem is just a primer.

Slowly but surely, over a good length of time, there has been an advancing semblance of bigotry or prejudice against senior citizens.

This type of class prejudism and the measure to which it has grown, has not always existed. Literature from the past has provided us with examples of the respect, reverance, and richness with which the wisdom of elders was recieved and contemplated. After all, there are no new situations or circumstances under the sun that have not been experienced by those before us; only our material world inventions, legislation, and morals change the scene. Whether worldly or religious most changing legislation is based upon someone's moral outlook and or opinion.

Perhaps it began to blossom most assertively as the baby boomers became an economic power. It did not go unnoticed as baby food companies flourished. Others saw that catering to the needs this 'baby boomer' generation, which included making the lives of their parents easier, was a gold mine in the making! Cartoons, movies, music recording, TV shows, bicycle companies (now that the population shift, along with abortion has had a dramatic effect reducing child oriented buying - did you see Schwinn was bought out by another company as it collapsing sales) , clothing manufacturers, pharmaceuticals, housing industries, just to scratch the surface, all realized the potential in making themselves a "household name" to these baby boomers.One result, though I would hope it was tongue in cheek, was a movie that came out in the late 1960's called WILD IN THE STREETS. In that movie everyone over thirty years of age was put in camps and given a daily diet that included LSD. The slogan of the day was "never trust any one over 30". And we can't forget the so-called mind expanding movement using various hallucinogens. They were convinced that previous generations could never have thought the thoughts they realized while they were high. The power wielded by by the boomers 'high' inspired Universities, drug manufactures and even the government to experiment with these so-called mind expansion substances. This whole generation became, more or less, instinctively conceited because they thought they were on the edge of never before thoughts and experiences. Ironically, for the vast majority the mind expansion drugs became party favors for dulling the senses.

Naturally, riding such a wave above the rest of the world, the importance of the older generation was degraded. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. This younger boomer generation conceived that a Utopia could be achieved on earth...all they had to do was think and talk about it hard enough and it would happen. Unfortunately, this situation hasn't changed.

The generations that have followed the post war boomers, at first were envious of the delinquent aspects and actions of the drug and war protesting generation. They then sought to carve out an identity for themselves. This put a defining wedge between the 'baby boomers' and the younger generations. Musical expression has been a thermometer reflecting these changes, as it has since the turn of the century in America.

When interviewed on topics such as social security, the group following the baby boomers is already concerned about the hours they will need to work, so that the social security tax deducted from their page check will support the retired boomers. What about those who are already incurring expenses due to Alzheimer's? Sure, they may have insurance, but the insurance companies aren't philanthropists, and they will not operate without making profit. I am not saying anything bad about them; they are, after all, a business. Business must have a rewarding aspect or there is no incentive to provide what they have to offer, and they wouldn't be around if people were not attracted to what they had to offer.

If you read science fiction, you will note many stories are built around ideas of how a perfect society would be operating. In many of these stories, such as "Logan's Run", the burden on society in supporting the elderly is eliminated, by eliminating the elderly. In other stories the elderly are isolated. Clearly this could not be done without a consensus, or social ignorance similar to the evolution of the NAZI movement in Germany in the last century or even the events leading to the idea of slavery based upon skin color, which was supported by the early science of evolution.

It is not a recent phenomenon to see the elderly as an economic burden, on individual families, but forces are coming together that could make it a national trend; possibly worldwide. In economic terms it is a growing trend to add the adjective "non-producers" when referring to the retired senior citizen. It is my understanding, from various media, that there are some countries that put the medical needs of the senior citizens after the needs of the younger "producers".

The parameters that define the "nuclear" family have shrinking borders. The trend of a two parent working households is a clear indication that many do not believe they can support their lifestyles on one income, let alone take care of their parents. The growing number of single parent households may also prove to be a factor as it obviously further shrinks the definition of the "nuclear" family.

The majority of two parent-working households, with school age children, require daycare facilities. Obviously, the same is true of single parent working households. When I was young, since there was not a great demand, there weren't as many of these daycare facilities available, so a parent, relative, or babysitter was needed until the child reached 'latch-key' age. The 'latch-key' children was frowned upon, obviously, the children coming home to an empty house after school, were at a certain relative risk. Certain social movements encouraged both parents to work even if it were not an economic necessity. Those who do not do it out of economic necessity soon become slaves to the income and style of living they've established. Day care facilities became a full-blown institution.

In much the same way, as economic trends set the pace, facilities for the mature citizens are flourishing. However, there is a striking difference. As the child grows out of daycare, his time at home increases, as does his interaction and socialization with the family unit. The senior citizen, when admitted to a facility, is on a one way journey of separation. A place where the inevitable is the decreased interaction and complimentary exchange, with the full array of society.

There are senior's who's affluence allow them unbounded choice in place of residence and lifestyle, and there are families who desire their elders to reside with them. However, most of our older generation the lifestyle choices range from planned communities, totally geared to the mature lifestyle, to facilities defined by health and/or economic position. Understandably, we all have the right to work towards goals that allow us to make choices in place of residence. But, in this situation in which age is a factor, I would suggest there seems to be forces of social engineering defining segregation based upon physical appearance! I am not saying there is one individual in the physical universe who has conspired to bring this about. In computer terms, I would call it some sort of a corruption. The inevitable outcome of social problem solving through government legislation and regulation, in an attempt to create an idealistic social condition.

I am hoping to put up a discussion board, when this part is finished, where this subject can be dissected.

When people are illiterate of the functions of good government, then the governing party's main itinerary is to stay in power through popularity or by tyranny. We can use a broad brush to say our government, for the most part, believes in the popularity method. They have hearings and make legislation for the sake of popular opinion instead of, the apparently outdated, notions of what is right and what is wrong.

Since government may or may not know it's hand in bringing about this situation, that of the growing chasm between age groups that may become a new form of class welfare, solutions will be examined by how it will benefit the popularity and endurance of those in power or the leaders. If the populace is satisfied, there is less reason to pay close attention to the legislation produced by their leaders.

The "TREATMENT CONTROVERSY" part of this paper is still under construction, but will be here soon.

In addition to the references in the table at the beginning of my research report, I have to give credit to the following sources.

All the sources, in total, helped my understanding of things I would not have understood without the ability to read the same topics with the variety of view points, observations, and descriptions provided by the professionals who have contributed to the growing knowledge and information regarding Alzheimer's Disease.

If you investigate you will find not all the sources agreed in their viewpoints, which in itself is a tool of understanding. Learning all sides of an issue to the point of being able to debate each view pro and con is the only way to get closer to truth. Some of the following sources were discussion papers reviewing other reports, and some for conferences. Some of the sources were provided by materials I received from the Alzheimer's Association. The materials led me to still more information by the references of their sources.

The following are commentaries in response to research paper(s)by Dr. D. R. Crapper McLachlan, who has contributed much research in the Alzheimer - Aluminum connection. Dr. McLachlan's research suggests a strong relationship.

B.Ghetti and O Bugiani. "Aluminum's Disease" and Alzheimer's Disease. Indiana Medical Center, Department of Pathology

Z. S. Khachaturian. Aluminum Toxicity Among Other Views on the Etiology of Alzheimer's Disease. Office of Alzheimer Disease Research, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.

Jay W. Pettegrew. Aluminum and Alzheimer's Disease: An Evolving Understanding. Neurophysics Laboratory, University of Pittsburg, School of Medicine.

Richard S. Jope. Aluminum Toxicity: Transport and Sites of Action. Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience Program, University of Alabama.

Allen C. Alfrey. Systemic Toxicity of Aluminum in Man. Renal Section, Denver Veterans Administration Hospital.

Daniel P Perl. The Aluminum Hypothesis of Alzheimer's Disease: A Personal View Based on Microprobe Analysis. Neuropathology Division, Mount Sinai Medical Center NY.

American Public Health Annual Meeting. New York City. Sept.30 - Oct. 4, 1990
Record of discussion panel meeting October 1, 1990 ; 4- 5:30 pm.

Participating speakers:
Dr. Dan Perl, Director of Neuropathology and Professor of Pathology, Mt Sinai Medical Center, NY.
Dr. Zaven Khachaturian, Associate Director for Neuroscience and Neuropsychology of Aging, and Director of the office of Alzheimer's Disease Research, NIH, Bethesda, MD. .
Dr. David Wekstein, Professor of Physiology and Biophysics and Associate Director of Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, University of Kentucky. .
Dr. John Kelly, Vice President for Occupational Health and Safety, Alcan Aluminum Ltd., Montreal. .


S.S. Krishnan, D.R. McLachlan, B. Krishnan, S.S.A. Fenton, and J.E. Harrison. Aluminum Toxicity to the Brain Toronto General Hospital and Departments of Physiology and Medicine, University of Toronto. Copyright 1988. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Reprint requests: S.S. Krishnan, Toronto General Hospital, Medical Physical Department, Room ccrw-g-803, 200 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Alzheimer's Disease - Is it Aluminum? Harvard Health Letter. October 1990 Volume 15, Number 11.

G. M. Zemansky, Ph.D Aluminum in Drinking Water , an assessment document. Scientific/Technical Section, Illinois Pollution Control Board, Nov. 12, 1985.

S.G. Epstein, 1984, Aluminum in nature, in the body, and it's relationship to human health. In: Trace Substances in Environmental Health - XVIII. Proceeding of thew 18th Annual Conference on Enviromantal Health held at the University of Missouri, June 4-7, 1984, D.D. Hemphill, ed., University Of Missouri, Columbia, MO pp. 139 -148.

USEPA, 1985, Proposed Phase I and II recommended maximum contaminant levels under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Office of Drinking Water USEPA, Washington, D.C., pp. 119 - 121a.

D.R. Crapper and U. DeBoni. 1980, Aluminum. In: Experimental and Clinical Neurotoxicology. P. S. Spencer and H.H. Schaumburg, eds., Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD. pp. 326 - 335.

Yoshimasu, F., M. Yasui, H. Yoshida, S. Yoshida, Y. Lebayashi, Y. Yase, D.C. Gajdusek, K.I.M. Chen. Aluminum in Alzheimer's disease in Japan and Parkinsonism dementia in Guam. XII World Congress of Neurology - 1985. (Abstr 15.07.02).

Goodman, W. G., Bone disease and aluminum. Am Kidney Dis 5: 330-335. 1985.

Ihle, B. U., and G. J. Becker, Gastroinal absorption of aluminum. Am Kidney Dis 5: 302-305. 1985.

Kaiser, L. and K A. Schwartz. Aluminum induced anemia. Am J Kidney Dis 5: 348-352, 1985.

Mayor, D. H. The case for prathyroid hormone. Am J Kidney Dis 5: 306-308, 1985.

Morrissey, J., Rothstein, G.H. Mayor, and E. Slatopolsky. Suppression of parathyroid hormone secretion by aluminum. Kidney Int 23: 699-704. 1983.

Patrizio, Andy, Genome Effort Hits Home, Wired News, Feb. 17, 2001.

Belsie, Laurent, The Short Simple Human Gene Map, Christian Science Monitor, Feb.17, 2001.

If you want my 12 page list of everyday consumables that is putting Aluminum in your body, send a - $4.50 U.S.A. dollars - check or money order to:

John Enright
200 6th St.
Ft. Lupton, CO 80621

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