A Day That Began With
Shellfire Ended With
A Once-Oppressed People
Walking Like Giants
By Robert Fisk
The Independent - UK

The Americans "liberated" Baghdad yesterday, destroyed the centre of
Saddam Hussein's quarter-century of brutal dictatorial power but
brought behind them an army of looters who unleashed upon the ancient
city a reign of pillage and anarchy. It was a day that began with
shellfire and air strikes and blood-bloated hospitals and ended with
the ritual destruction of the dictator's statues. The mobs shrieked
their delight. Men who, for 25 years, had grovellingly obeyed Saddam's
most humble secret policeman turned into giants, bellowing their hatred
of the Iraqi leader as his vast and monstrous statues thundered to the
"It is the beginning of our new freedom," an Iraqi shopkeeper shouted
at me. Then he paused, and asked: "What do the Americans want from us
now?' The great Lebanese poet Kalil Gibran once wrote that he pitied
the nation that welcomed its tyrants with trumpetings and dismissed
them with hootings of derision. And the people of Baghdad performed
this same deadly ritual yesterday, forgetting that they ñ or their
parents ñ had behaved in identical fashion when the Arab Socialist
Baath Party destroyed the previous dictatorship of Iraq's generals and
princes. Forgetting, too, that the "liberators" were a new and alien
and all-powerful occupying force with neither culture nor language nor
race nor religion to unite them with Iraq.
As tens of thousands of Shia Muslim poor from the vast slums of Saddam
City poured into the centre of Baghdad to smash their way into shops,
offices and government ministries ñ an epic version of the same orgy of
theft and mass destruction that the British did so little to prevent in
Basra ñ US Marines watched from only a few hundred yards away as
looters made off with cars, rugs, hoards of money, computers, desks,
sofas, even door-frames.
In Al-Fardus (Paradise) Square, US Marines helped a crowd of youths
pull down the gaunt and massive statue of Saddam by roping it to an
armoured personnel carrier. It toppled menacingly forward from its
plinth to hang lengthways above the ground, right arm still raised in
fraternal greetings to the Iraqi people.
It was a symbolic moment in more ways than one. I stood behind the
first man to seize a hatchet and smash at the imposing grey marble
plinth. But within seconds, the marble had fallen away to reveal a
foundation of cheap bricks and badly cracked cement. That's what the
Americans always guessed Saddam's regime was made of, although they did
their best ñ in the late Seventies and early Eighties ñ to arm him and
service his economy and offer him political support, to turn him into
the very dictator he became.
In one sense, therefore, America ñ occupying the capital of an Arab
nation for the first time in its history ñ was helping to destroy what
it had spent so much time and money creating. Saddam was "our" man and
yesterday, metaphorically at least, we annihilated him. Hence the
importance of all those statue- bashing mobs, of all that looting and
But of the real and somewhat less imposing Saddam, there was no trace.
Neither he nor his sons, Uday and Qusay, could be found. Had they fled
north to their homeland fortress of Tikrit? Or has he ñ the most
popular rumour this ñ taken refuge in the Russian embassy in Baghdad.
Were they hiding out in the cobweb of underground tunnels and bunkers
beneath the presidential palaces? True, their rule was effectively
over. The torture chambers and the prisons should now be turned into
memorials, the true story of Iraq's use of gas warfare revealed at
last. But history suggests otherwise. Prisons usually pass over to new
management, torture cells too, and who would want the world to know how
easy it is to make weapons of mass destruction.
There will be mass graves that will have to be opened ñ though in the
Middle East, these disinterments are usually performed in order to
allow more blood to be poured onto the graves.
Not that the nightmare is entirely over. For though the Americans will
mark yesterday as their first day of occupation ñ they, of course, will
call it liberation ñ vast areas of Baghdad remained outside the control
of the United States last night. And at dusk, just before darkness
curled over the land, I crossed through the American lines, back to the
little bit of Saddam's regime that remained intact within the vast,
flat city of Baghdad. Down grey, carless streets, I drove to the great
bridges over the Tigris which the Americans had still not crossed from
the west. And there, on the corner of Bab al-Moazzam Street, were a
small group of mujahedin fighters, firing Kalashnikov rifles at the
American tanks on the other side of the waterway. It was brave and
utterly pathetic and painfully instructive.
For the men turned out to be Arabs from Algeria, Morocco, Syria,
Jordan, Palestine. Not an Iraqi was among them. The Baathist
militiamen, the Republican Guard, the greasy Iraqi intelligence men,
the so-called Saddam Fedayeen had all left their posts and crept home.
Only the foreign Arabs, like the Frenchmen of the Nazi Charlemagne
Division in 1945 Berlin, fought on. At the end, many Iraqis had shunned
these men and a group of them had turned up to sit outside the lobby of
the Palestine Hotel, pleading to journalists for help in returning
"We left our wives and children and came here to die for these people
and then they told us to go," one of them said. But at the end of the
Bab al-Moazzam Bridge they fought on last night and when I left them I
could hear the American jets flying in from the west. Hurtling back
through those empty streets, I could hear, too, the American tank fire
as it smashed into their building.
But tanks come in two forms: the dangerous, deadly kind and the
"liberating" kind from which smart young soldiers with tanned faces
look down with smiles at Iraqis who are obliging enough to wave at
them, tanks with cute names stencilled on their gun barrels, names like
"Kitten Rescue" and "Nightmare Witness" (this with a human skull
painted underneath) and "Pearl". And there has to be a first soldier ñ
of the occupying or liberating kind ñ who stands at the very front of
the first column of every vast and powerful army.
So I walked up to Corporal David Breeze of the 3rd Battalion, 4th
Marine Regiment, from Michigan. He hadn't spoken to his parents for two
months so I called his mother on my satellite phone and from the other
side of the world, Mrs Breeze came on the line and I handed the phone
to her son.
And so this is what the very first soldier to enter the centre of
Baghdad told his family yesterday evening. "Hi you guys. I'm in
"I'm ringing to say 'Hi! I love you. I'm doing fine. I love you guys.
The war will be over in a few days. I'll see you all soon.''
Yes, they all say the war will be over soon. There will be a homecoming
no doubt for Corporal Breeze and I suppose I admired his innocence
despite the deadly realities that await America in this dangerous,
cruel land. For even as the marine tanks thrashed and ground down the
highway, there were men and women who saw them and stood, the women
scarved, the men observing the soldiers with the most acute attention,
who spoke of their fear for the future, who talked of how Iraq could
never be ruled by foreigners.
"You'll see the celebrations and we will be happy Saddam has gone," one
of them said to me. "But we will then want to rid ourselves of the
Americans and we will want to keep our oil and there will be resistance
and then they will call us "terrorists". Nor did the Americans look
happy "liberators". They pointed their rifles at the pavements and
screamed at motorists to stop ñ one who did not, an old man in an old
car, was shot in the head in front of two French journalists.
Of course, the Americans knew they would get a good press by
"liberating" the foreign journalists at the Palestine Hotel. They lay
in the long grass of the nearest square and pretended to aim their
rifles at the rooftops as cameras hissed at them, and they flew a huge
American flag from one of their tanks and grinned at the journalists,
not one of whom reminded them that just 24 hours earlier, their army
had killed two Western journalists with tank fire in that same hotel
and then lied about it.
But it was the looters who marked the day as something sinister rather
than joyful. In Saddam City, they had welcomed the Americans with "V"
signs and cries of "Up America" and the usual trumpetings, but then
they had set off downtown for a more important appointment. At the
Ministry of Economy, they stole the entire records of Iraq's exports
and imports on computer discs, with desk-top computers, with armchairs
and fridges and paintings. When I tried to enter the building, the
looters swore at me. A French reporter had his money and camera seized
by the mob.
At the Olympic sports offices, run by Uday Hussein, they did the same,
one old man staggering from the building with a massive portrait of
Saddam which he proceeded to attack with his fists, another tottering
out of the building bearing a vast ornamental Chinese pot.
True, these were regime targets. But many of the crowds went for shops,
smashing their way into furniture stores and professional offices. They
came with trucks and pick-ups and trailers pulled by scruffy, underfed
donkeys to carry their loot away. I saw a boy making off with an X-ray
machine, a woman with a dentist's chair.
At the Ministry of Oil, the minister's black Mercedes limousine was
discovered by the looters. Unable to find the keys, they tore the car
apart, ripping off its doors, tyres and seats, leaving just the carcass
and chassis in front of the huge front entrance.
At the Palestine Hotel, they smashed Saddam's portrait on the lobby
floor and set light to the hoarding of the same wretched man over the
front door. They cried "Allahuakbar" meaning God is Greater. And there
was a message there, too, for the watching Marines if they had
understood it.
And so last night, as the explosion of tank shells still crashed over
the city, Baghdad lay at the feet of a new master. They have come and
gone in the city's history, Abbasids and Ummayads and Mongols and Turks
and British and now the Americans. The United States embassy reopened
yesterday and soon, no doubt, when the Iraqis have learned to whom they
must now be obedient friends, President Bush will come here and there
will be new "friends" of America to open a new relationship with the
world, new economic fortunes for those who "liberated" them, and ñ
equally no doubt ñ relations with Israel and a real Israeli embassy in
But winning a war is one thing. Succeeding in the ideological and
economic project that lies behind this whole war is quite another. The
"real" story for America's mastery over the Arab world starts now.



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