Polarization -
The Plow Of Fascism

By James Neff

To hear the pundits of the far right say it, one gets the distinct impression that anyone left-of-center is not only immoral, unpatriotic and un-American, but worse, guilty by association with terrorist groups and sympathizers of known terrorists. Whether its the oft painted picture of protesters being something just short of communist insurrectionists, or the perpetual drone of rightist views as if everyone on the left secretly knows they are wrong and are deliberately working for "evil," the ultra-conservative right has never more villainized and demonized free-thinkers outside the status quo than right now.
Media is working overtime to cram pack everyone under increasingly defamatory labels which will either sanctify them or pronounce them anathema against the almighty Bush/Rightist/NeoCon regime and its unfolding "plan", sold to the people as the last bastion of truth, justice and the American way; a glory somehow lost during the Clinton administration and now miraculously revived by mighty St. Bush. Anything that falls outside of it is, frankly, regarded as diabolically evil. Anyone who questions it MUST be working for anti-American, godless commie forces and Lord forbid you actually protest what they propose or enact.
The general view of many on the right is certain that those of the left, though not personally involving themselves in seditious or criminal activity, quietly, secretly look the other way and approve of it when other groups do. It's this kind of unprecedented paranoia that is fueling the polarization in this country. It's just as rank as when one hears someone suggest that those who are not personally involved in radical pro-life movements probably secretly enjoy the bombing of abortion clinics and if someone gets hurt, oh well, it's just "collateral damage" in the war for the unborn. We've all heard such things suggested, commented, noted. But do we realize this subtle brainwashing?
Suspect Thy Neighbor! It's the American Way.
The goal of the greater Conspiracy is to bring about nothing short of a psychic and intellectual civil war here. They want us so busy attacking one another and at each other's throats, suspicious of one another's "true" motives, that the great evils they commit throughout the world go almost unnoticed.
And every faction is working overtime to label and assail another group. The Jews are to blame for everything, according to one faction. The Christian-right, from another. The Republicans, or the Democrats, leftists, rightists, papists, escapists, drug culture, counter-culture, etc, etc. It's always someone and only that someone, some group or mindset or race or people who are the core problem and if only there was a way to rid ourselves of them everything would be peachy.
Bullshit. Plenty of cogs in the machine being blamed and no one looking at the machine itself.
The new breed of ultra-right conservatives act as if questioning the government is a great offense against America itself, an act so unpatriotic even Jesus (who is a devout Republican and Bush supporter, doncha know!) is wounded. I always thought it would take someone completely off the psychological map of human reason like a Pat Robertson as President before we'd see this kind of insanity take serious root, but the endless straw man tactics and polarization techniques so widely used by the soul-sold rightists evidence that it takes far less than a lunatic like Robertson to sway the masses. What began with the Reagan revolution ( the very author of contemporary 'symbolism over substance', ironically, to quote Limbaugh, the great Reagan booster) has resulted in just that under the direction of a somewhat dim, plodding oil-man from Texas who can't get enough of red, white and blue splattered glory, to the extent that a shockingly self-righteous nationalism has developed which truly looks like the birth pangs of a Nazi-like Reich. Many people automatically tune out when they hear such a comparison, but that is because media and educators have spent the last 50 years building Hitler and the Nazi regime into an inimitable demonic monster never to be repeated again, when in reality there are dozens of Hitler's all over the planet, from Mugabe to the recently deposed Saddam Hussein. The comparison of power and influence, not exact acts, is what is being overlooked and brushed aside, and these comparisons are quite legitimate.
Bush strikes me as the kind of automatized devotee who would let friends or loved ones suffer or die if the present peril meant sparing a flag or Bible from a fire (ie, see Gene Wilder as the misguided Rabbi in "The Cisco Kid"). Instead of understanding and actualizing what America means and is supposed to be/become, it suffices for the NeoCons and their rightist drones to be symbolically and externally patriotized, painted superficially with red, white and blue, and never mind the true need for justice much less Constitutional fidelity. While the Patriot Act threatens to carve away at our liberties in the name of 'homeland defense', people are being decoyed and distracted to pay attention to petty political squabbles of the right and left. And more horrifying are those who are fully aware of what is happening, and boldly declare that they don't mind giving up certain Constitutional and civil liberties in order to safeguard our nationalistic interests (defined usually with terms like "our freedom," which stands as a complete oxymoron). It's like saying one is willing to lose all ones teeth to cavities, a little here and a little there, in order to preserve the heritage of chewing.
Polarizing the people into slotted political demarcations of "left" or "right" and adding the spin that the left represents everything un-American and evil, while the right represents divine virtues and traditional American values, becomes meaningless (and irritating) when it is the present administration -- which happens to be of the extreme right -- stroke by stroke lays an axe to the root of our Constitution, and with a shocking, sickening approval rating by the people. Though the left is generally equally guilty of despising our founding principles and seeking to remold society according to what it would claim to be intrinsically 'humanistic' values (ie, the mania of gun control, for one example, or the ridiculous 'PC virtues' imposition, in grand Orwellian style, sweeping textbooks clean of any references to traditional definitions and terms for fear of offending any one of a hundred thousand newly acknowledged "victim" groups), it remains that it is the right wing extreme which presently holds power, in congress, in the executive branch and even on the Supreme Court. And it remains that it is this faction of power which is manipulating the minds of Americans, using terrorism and openly fascist activities, to generate a type of nationalism which could very easily tumble over into something atrociously evil, while laying claim to true virtue and uprightness. It is not the mere label of right or left which brings about the polarization, but the actual pulpit of power, on either side, which charges the political and social atmosphere with an "us vs them" dichotomy.
The present power in the political pulpit is seeking to make opposition to its views and decisions an illegal and traitorous act of sedition! When protesters are classified as terrorists or terrorist sympathizers, when fear of federal retribution or criminal proceedings unprotected by Constitutional rights and safeguards force books to cease printing, websites to shutdown, voices to be silenced... we have a fascist state. The intimidation alone of a government no longer bridled by Constitutional standards protecting the peoples rights is all it takes to lay the foundation stone of fascism. And this has already taken place. When a man can be imprisoned for making a biblical reference to the 'burning BUSH' in public as though he were a menace to society, when a person can find himself dragged from a library computer terminal by federal agents for having typed 'Bush is out of control' in a private chat channel, when a man can be shoved behind bars for the mere suspicion of a crime classified/labeled as "terrorist" and have no address of grievance, no access to due process and no Constitutional protection/rights whatsoever... fascism is firmly here. It's not coming. It's not around the corner. It's already a tree in full bloom with fruit to bear. And self-satisfied, self-righteous nationalists are feeding on that fruit, feeling comfortable and protected from an utterly invented evil.

(At the 2003 BookExpo in Los Angeles today aired by CSPAN, Fox's Bill O'Reilly (The Factor) appeared on a panel with writers Molly Ivins and Al Franken, moderated by former Congresswoman Pat Schroeder. O'Reilly continually refered to Ms. Ivins on his right as "a liberal" and "you liberals" until she finally put a freeze on his polarization tactic saying, "Mr. O'Reilly, I'm not a liberal, I'm a person, I have a name. My name is Molly Ivins!" The audience cheered. O'Reilly rolled his eyes in the typically sanctimonious manner he always does when pelted with truth and then made Al Franken the target of any further assaults for the rest of the short panel discussion. Ivins de-polarization tactic worked! Bill was utterly disarmed. The illusion he was attempting to create was shattered, powerless. O'Reilly was quite disturbed to see his photo depicted on a tv monitor in the background behind Franken on the new dust jacket of Al's latest book, "Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them.")
note: the above article has been amended as a quotation from MSNBC's Scarborough Country was inaccurate and was removed.
From Sheryl Jackson
Dear James, that was just about the most powerful condemnation of tyranny and fascism that I have ever read. And in the past 40 years, I have read alot that has been written on the subject.
Bravo, bravo, bravo.
I have nothing to add but Write on, dude, write on.
Sheryl Jackson

     I was wondering if it was just me, or if the intensity of the right's attack on "liberals" and other "evil doers" really had been ramped up to a troubling new level.  It's been a while, I'll admit, but I used to laugh along with Rush at the antics of the Clintonistas, what's left of the Kennedys, and the radical PC crowd.  
     Lately, however, every time that I have turned on a radio show featuring a "conservative" commentator, I've noticed that the old-style method of poking gentle fun at the foibles of misguided liberals and their fellow travelers at NPR has been replaced by a vicious, no holds barred attack on anyone who dares to differ with the revealed gospel of George W. Bush & Co.  Maybe it's me, but lately there seems to be such a concerted level of vitriol coming from this direction that I can't bear to listen to it.  Liberals (and their odd penchant for creating bizarre government programs for every known and imagined human problem) aren't funny anymore, apparently, but -- as you say -- have become the very embodiment of sedition, sabotage, and evil.  [Caring about any legitimate concerns of human beings, it appears, is now decidedly unpatriotic...]   
     Further, this demonization of the left has become an incessant drone, from which there seems no respite or escape however many times you change the channel or talk show host.  Only Michael Savage, out of the entire dreary, partisan lot, seems to have retained some vestige of humanity and perspective.
     I, for one, thought that Bill Clinton's attempts (with the expert help of Dick Morris, et al.) to get reelected through the deliberate creation and cultivation of deliberately polarizing "wedge issues" were -- from a long term perspective -- exceedingly ill conceived, if not reckless.  To deliberately attempt to drive as many Americans as possible into mutually antagonistic, deeply distrustful factions merely for temporary political advantage is to play with social dynamite.  
     The current level of demonization coming from the right, however, appears to be even more polarizing (and increasingly more vicious) than anything that the Clintonistas might have wished for -- or would have dared to use.  The real message from both sides, I'd venture to say, is "the long term welfare of the United States of America be damned.  We will happily DESTROY America if that is what it takes for us to gain political power."  If there is indeed "treason" in the land, it involves this (apparently) well-orchestrated campaign to force ordinary Americans into unrealistic, unrepresentative ideological pigeonholes from which they can be blasted at will by the committed totalitarians amongst us.
     Divide -- and conquer.  That's about it.

Hi Milt,
It has indeed ramped up, and with the backdrop of incredible military might and clearly a willingness to use and abuse it, which makes it all the more frightening. As a moderate-to-conservative thinker, I used to feel the occasional sting of leftist jabs and high-minded snorts against things traditional or conservative as being ignorant and took it with a grain of salt. But that's about all there was to it, there was still room for debate and plenty of room for a meeting of minds, even if to agree to disagree. This is no more. The established right is attempting to banish anything and anyone even moderately left of center, without any consideration whatsoever, and a quick demonization of those involved as unamerican swine. They have fully embraced fascism as the natural outgrowth of the de-Clintonization of DC and seem to want to carry that in every other direction. I thought Al Franken made an interesting point the other day at the 2003 BookExpo. He said it is well understood that every president inherits the economy and military of his predecessor. In this case, Bush has Bill Clinton to thank for the supposedly "run down" and "ill prepared" armed forces that performed such stunning feats in Iraq! Anyone who knows me knows a word of praise has never left my lips for Bill Clinton, having suffered him as both governor for twelve long years AND President... but facts are facts. Whatever damage Clinton did to the military, as touted by the Bush regime, sure doesn't show. I think we're all just sick and tied of being conned. Tired of the liars, tired of the lies. -- Neff
From: Joseph Fasciani
Defining "conservative" as per your essay "Polarization"
Dear  James Neff:
   While I've been aware of your name for some time, it as the artist who created those great lead-in graphics at  I also read another essay of yours a few months ago, but can't recall if I wrote then.
   A true conservative is defined by the extent to which s/he partakes of the tradition of such thinking and writing.  I find very little of this taking place, but instead an extraordinary amount of reactionary writing, speaking (when not shouting!), and political manipulations.
   The single best modern introduction to conservatism (IMO) is the brilliantly incisive, lucid, and profound Ideas Have Consequences, by Dr Richard Weaver, Professor of Rhetoric, Univ. of Chicago, 1948, which has never gone out of print since, in spite of his tragically early death.
   But much the same can be said for the use of the word "liberal," as it is equally poorly defined or understood.  In short, the populace mostly sees two ignorants vying with one another in viciousness, errancy, and vituperation.  Hardly a useful basis for  polity, national or local, is it?
   Henry Mencken, a well-known conservative of eighty years ago, said that "No one ever lost money underestimating the stupidity of the American boobocracy," but I think what he meant was the profound depth of general ignorance among the citizenry.  And I feel the situation has worsened since his day, for our contemporaries confuse data with learning, and a treadmill life for meaningful activity. 
   I'm 60, the first born son of Italian immigrants.  My father, a pacifist anarchist, fled only two hours ahead of the local band of Black Shirts, who were going house to house in his village, pulling out any males known to be left of center, and shooting them for thought crimes.  We're nearly there now in the USSA, for that's what it's become.
   The generation before me often spoke of what their life was in the early days of Fascism;  we're there now, Italian style.  I suppose the German style will set in after the Resident's next seizure of the White House.
   As for myself, I rarely try to elucidate the subtleties of the philosophy of conservatism to the confused about me, as I only have so much time, and I'd rather address your intelligence than their stubborn refusal to learn.  If I'm to do that, I'll do it when I teach or write on the subject.  I've come to appreciate Goethe's isolating himself from his adoring public, to have time for research and writing.
   With every best wish, Joseph E Fasciani, a conservative christian anarchist (That government is best which governs least.)


I find it necessary to make use of terms like "conservative" and "liberal" by their most media-ravaged, dumbed-down versions simply in order to communicate, these days. That is not to say I think the visitor is ignorant, but if we defined liberals and conservatives by Mencken, we might so scramble the issue as it is understood by most to the point of complete hopelessness. - Neff


Carol McNatt

Dear Mr. Neff,
Surely you know that the selling of America began along time ago???  It is not just Bush, but the most and worst of its kind was monopolized by the Clinton Administration.  What is your big beef with Bush when he is no different than the last 9 years.  In fact he is at least doing what he knows needs to be done.  But again, I reiterate, it will soon be proven just how big of a crook, liar, and thief the Clinton Administration was and still is.
Stop your pounding about Bush being like Hitler.  The AGENDA is like Hitler, and it has been manifesting for some time!!!
Carol Mc Natt


Though you are correct in saying the selling of America has been on going for a long time, you clearly are not looking at the facts when it comes to comparing Clinton's administration with that of G.W. Bush! Yes, Clinton was a liar, a phony, a slime, a complete immoral sleazebag and yes his administration was corrupt and just as much involved in turning our nation over to the NWO as the Bush administration. But there's one big difference. Clinton did NOT unravel our Constitutional rights with a pen stroke, and G.W. Bush DID! There was no bogus "homeland security" excuse for evaporating Constitutional liberties and protections like there is now. This site has taken great pains to document the travesty of the Clinton administration, and I doubt there is another site that has the level of material we do about it. But we're also doing the same regarding Bush, who clearly is using 911 and terrorism to his advantage to ease us into a police state. The Clinton administration "is no more" Carol... so your statement that it was corrupt and "still is" doesn't make much sense.
As a moderate-to-conservative person, I would much rather be under Clinton/Reno with all the lies and shady dealings and corruption and personal moral failings than under Bush/Ashcroft which is trampling our Constitution into the dirt deliberately, methodically and with an obvious desire to radically eliminate our liberties for control. Liberal Mr. Clinton didn't try to dissolve my Constitutional rights, Carol. It took, to my surprise, a right wing conservative to do that! Suffice it to say, I am horribly disappointed. I was happy to see Clinton go, but I was not very hopeful about who was replacing him. Even Bush's election itself is questionable. Evil is evil, bad is bad, corruption is corruption, but by golly when they try to burn the Constitution, Carol, you're looking at a kind of fascism that usually takes deep root and doesn't let go until there is a lot of bloodshed. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. - Neff
From Kristina
Regarding your article, The Polarization..., I read it and its great and I'm glad that comments from other readers were included at the bottom. After reading your article and the comments, and after reading Beyond Fiction (because I was there, at ground zero, that day), I feel like I have been sucked into believing what the media is telling me.
And I have fallen victim to the point that when someone who disagrees with the war or current policy, I get angry at them.  In fact, I don't even want to give them a chance to speak and I want them punished for what they think and believe.  For example, the actors like Susan Surandon, I was actually going to boycott her films just like wine with the French because of how they feel...
The protesters in Union Square, I believed them to be ignorant and got to the point where I wanted their right to protest taken away because I simply did not want to hear it, I actually thought them to be un-American and to support the "terrorists".
This really scares me.  Never in my life have I been so intolerant, it is truly not my personality.  I feel like I have been brainwashed and now that things have been pieced together more... I am very concerned.  I don't want the gvmnt to have the right to spy on its own people and do whatever else they wish.
That wasn't why I wrote you.  I wrote you to comment about the people of the opposition, liberals and the like... I have found that rather than make excellent points like you and other writers featured on do, instead they just argue.  Many of the ones I'm thinking of come across as very negative and people don't want to hear that, especially if there is nothing backing up what they are saying.  They disagree with policy but offer no solution... rather they continually disagree over and over.
For example, a democratic senator was talking about the war and the presidents' tax package and just kept criticizing, rather than offering solutions.  Don't keep telling me what the problem absent some solution!
Maybe I would have woken up and smelled the coffee a little sooner if "the opposition" was not made to look absurd and radical by the media, and if they didn't make themselves out to be so negative.


Thank you for you courageous comments, it takes a big person to say what you've said. And I agree, I'm not all that thrilled or inspired by the "oppositions" lack of answers and solutions either. It's one of the irritating factors of politics, that character assassination and the politics of personal destruction are the easy way out of a tough situation, and both sides abuse this principle to astronomical proportions, leaving the PEOPLE in the middle... polarized.. angry... abandoned... feeling hopeless and used. I love my country and everything its founders desired and intended it to be, and that includes our day to day stumbling along trying to forge that vision for everyone (at least those who do!). I have found the comments of Alan Colmes (Fox/Hannity & Colmes) throughout the war to be the most level-headed from the left, and he even offered solutions. Unfortunately, the system is designed to keep the brightest minds in the darkest of places, unseen, unheard, ineffective, so the "game" can go on and on.
It's like the idea that a cure for the common cold would never be released, even if discovered, because the impact on the economy, putting millions of people out of work and bankrupting the pharmaceutical industry, would be too devastating. We've gotten ourselves into a real pickle, and Eisenhower warned us about the perils of the military industrial complex. We're a nation addicted to so many external necessities, rooting into our economy, that to make a sudden move one way or the other could spell disaster. It's very likely we invaded Iraq not only for oil, and a foothold in the mideast, but because we are seriously threatened by the Euro in that region. It could so devalue the American dollar, presently the world standard, that we could literally collapse. These harsh realities are likely driving the NeoCons as much as other factors. Some believe that because this is the status quo, we merely need to sit back and accept it. I think there is an alternate route, and that is strong moral dissent. If nothing else we can say we saw what was happening and we spoke out against it, powerless though we may be. - Neff



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