Israelis Murder Cinematographer
Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

THE HOFFMAN WIRE Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History
Israelis Murder Cinematographer Filming Documentary about Plight of Palestinians
Observing the Mechanisms of Judaic Supremacy in Action: "The Laws of Israel and the Laws of the Heathens"
Here's what it's all about in its most raw and naked form: the cold-blooded murder by Israelis of reporters and film-makers who dare to compile evidence of war crimes committed by the "Chosen" against the people of Palestine.
The mainstream American media form the other wing of this state terror, complicit by their relative indifference. If Time, Newsweek, CBS or the NY Times were to make the murder of Italian reporter Raffaele Ciriello (March 13, 2002 in Ramallah) and now British photographer James Miller (May 2 in Rafah), an emergency human rights issue, on par with the publicity they continue to devote to the killing of Zionist reporter Danny Pearl in Pakistan, the Israeli death squads would stand exposed to American opprobrium, and the truth about Zionist atrocities in Palestine might even reach the ears of Joe Sixpack in Peoria. But "Hashem" forbid!
For now, the Israelis can ban, harass and even shoot journalists and pay almost nothing in terms of lost prestige and moral influence. Reporters being assassinated is only news if Taliban agents in Pakistan do it. When Israelis kill reporters the journalists were --ho hum-- simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"The world must know!" is the solemn moral obligation of every reporter on the planet when it is Zionists who are being persecuted or victimized. But when it's the Zionists who are doing the murdering, then the world must not know. This is the sort of double-standard a feared, Master Race can command; a Master Race far more clever than Hitler's ham-handed Herrenvolk. The Israeli ubermenschen clothe their rule in the attire of Holocaust Newspeak and human rights platitudes, replete with heart-wrenching appeals to worldwide publicity and alarm-sounding in the name of "all that is most noble in mankind."
How do they get away with it? Well, take for example Holocaust Weekly News --oops-- I mean The New York Times, which, on May 3, reported the account of the cinematographer's death in a tiny squib that was buried at the end of another article. The skimpy story was accompanied by the "moral shades of gray" and pro forma ambiguity that is the hallmark of any report necessitating the slightest hint that Israelis just may have possibly committed some sort of violent outrage. In this case, the NY Times gave weight to the official Israeli account-- a regurgitation of the Talmudic liars' routine alibi in instances of Israeli child murder or Israeli assassination of a non-combatant -- "He was caught in a crossfire. His death was unintentional."
This Israeli/NY Times spin mirrors Judaism's strategy concerning deceiving the goyim, as formally prescribed in Talmud tractate Baba Kamma 113a: "Where a suit arises between an Israelite and a heathen, if you can justify the former according to the laws of Israel, justify him and say: 'This is our law'; so also if you can justify him by the laws of the heathens justify him and say [to the other party] 'This is your law'; but if this cannot be done, we use subterfuges to circumvent him."
In other words, they use "Holocaust" standards of hysterical publicity and universal outcry incumbent on all people (their law), when one of their own is killed or injured. But when a lesser human, a goy is murdered (especially one who was working against the interests of the rabbis), the Zionists then invoke the live-and-let-live, accidents-will-happen, business-as-usual code of sub-humanity's consumerist rat-race milieu, and by this "subterfuge" the goyim are "circumvented."
Michael A. Hoffman II
Hoffman is the author of a trail-blazing study of the religion of Judaism: "Judaism's Strange Gods"



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