India - Twin Girls Live
And Then Die Together At 114

By Sanjay Narad in Bhopal News

Twin sisters born in Nagda village of Madhya Pradesh 114 years ago died together on Thursday. They have now been cremated side by side.
In a miracle of sorts, the women not only came into the world together. They also married on the same day in the same village, turned widows simultaneously and breathed their last on the same night at almost the same time.
The women, Kali Bi Sheikh and Batul Bi Sheikh, were born to the couple Umdabai and Sultan at village Siya. They were married into two different families of Nagda on the same day.
After their husbands died, they have been living together as friends. They have about 125 grand and great grandchildren between them.
On Thursday night, Kali Bi fell ill and died while being taken to the hospital. It was nearly at the same time that Batul Bi, who was sleeping in her house, also breathed her last.
Their death was announced almost at the same time during the prayer of 'fazar' and they were buried side by side.
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